At breakfast on the fifth day, a slender figure was busy in the kitchen. It was the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family, who was wearing loose home clothes and a light-colored apron on her chest, but her curves were still hard to hide.

She used kitchen utensils skillfully. Considering her youthful and beautiful age, she could be said to be a woman who could handle both housework and the kitchen. Looking at her figure, Xia Tian was in a trance. Since traveling through time

, this was the first girl who cooked for him. He was still very touched. Xia Tian was also surprised that Ayako came here so early in the morning. He didn’t expect the first wife to be so quick. She arranged everything in the welfare home in just one day and asked him to come here early in the morning. Feeling the gazes behind her, Ayako smiled gently.

“Xia Jun, the eel porridge is ready. I wonder if it suits your taste. Of course, my cooking skills are definitely not as good as yours.”

“It smells good. I know it must be delicious when I smell it.”


Xiao Qian and Xiao You in the room looked at each other. How could they feel full even though they hadn’t had breakfast yet?

Ayako naturally wouldn’t ignore the others. She put the porridge into bowls and greeted them with a gentle smile on her face:”Everyone, let’s eat. Little Binchotan, do you want me to feed you?”…”

“Thank you, sister. I can eat by myself.”No matter when, the little guy always has a healing smile on his face.

The living room is filled with the faint aroma of rice porridge, and the side dishes include spicy cabbage, saury, tofu, etc. Xia Tian smiled and said,”Everyone, eat,”

“Yes, you’re welcome.”Ayako first poured a bowl of porridge for Xia Tian and said,

“Then I won’t be polite.”

Ayako’s cooking skills are still good. After all, everything she wants to learn is taught by professional masters. Compared with Xia Tian’s cooking, it may lack the last bit of emotion.

Anyway, Xiao Binchotan and Xiao You ate very deliciously, and the sight of them wolfing down made people’s appetites grow. Seeing such a well-fed child, Ayako was happy from the bottom of her heart.

“Xia Jun, is the plan going to be completed today? I have already made preparations to respond at any time.”

“Thank you for your hard work”

“I just issued some orders, yes….”Ayako turned to look at Xiao Binchotan and suggested,”Xiao Binchotan, the welfare home will officially start school on Monday, do you want to go to class together?”

“Eh???”The little guy was a little confused,”Sister Ayako, I’m my brother’s helper, I still have to work?”

Little Binchotan is a little yearning for going to school. He used to ride the Skybus and envied Litan who took a carriage to school.

But they have their own way of life, and I have my own way of life. By teaching herself by looking at signs, she also recognizes a lot of words and can find a lot of jobs.

Xia Tian put down his chopsticks, touched the little guy’s head, and whispered:”Tantan, how about this, you go to class with Sister Onokusa Shiromaria and the others during the day, and come back to help your brother after school, okay”

“But, but…..”The little girl is still tangled, she doesn’t want to leave her brother

“Xiaotan, your sister Xiaoyou and I will also go to the welfare home. We will be security guards. We will go out together in the morning and come back together after school.”

Xiaoqian also persuaded, she knew the importance of knowledge.

The two of them had talked to Xia Tian last night. Xiaoyou liked to be with that group of children very much. She could play with them carefreely. Compared with setting up a stall to sell steamed buns, being a security guard in the school was more suitable for them.

Xia Tian looked at the little guy and suggested again:”Tantan, why don’t you go for a few days first, and come back when you are really not used to it, okay?”

“oh…All right.”Little Binchotan nodded, and made up his mind that he would go to accompany Xiaoyeca for a few days, and he would come back to accompany his brother.

After a meal, the group drove out of the city with a clear goal. Ben also met Rentaro and Enju on the way, and of course Tendo Musara was there.

The two also knew Xia Tian’s plan from Enju’s explanation. They wanted to see if Ben had this ability or if Boss Xia was crazy.

In the afternoon, the sun went down, but it was still a bit stuffy over the sewer camp, and the breeze made people drowsy.

Xia Tian flew quickly in the air. The outermost ruined city was empty except for the sewer camp. Jianwen searched around and returned to the camp.

2893 little lolis have been assembled. Apart from a few tables and chairs, most of them have no luggage.

Kisara watched him land in amazement. She even doubted the reality of the world.

This is definitely not a cursed child.

How is it possible to transform into lightning?

The city outside has developed to this point. Even super powers have appeared?

Only now did she realize that her previous guesses were wrong. Xiao You is not a child, and his ability is not the protovirus.

Rentaro and Enju stood aside. Regarding Xia Tian’s plan to pack up all the children who were stranded outside and take them to live in an orphanage outside.

He agreed with Xia Tian wholeheartedly, but he doubted Boss Xia’s ability to transport these children away.

They can fly, but these children cannot stand the contact of lightning.

“”Ayako, thank you for your help.”

Ayako nodded, stepped forward heroically, and looked at the little girls lined up in groups. She stretched out her hands. The pink transparent palms swelled up to ten meters in the blink of an eye. Ayako controlled the huge palms to cover the child.


With the release of the skill, the children who were slapped rushed into the sky at an extremely fast speed, like a supersonic fighter.

For half an hour, including Elder Songqi, they were floating in the sky, like meteors, crossing the night sky.

The ability of the meat ball fruit can bounce creatures at the speed of light and transfer the target space.

After Ayako made her move, Rentaro, Kisara and the other two remained stunned.

Especially Kisara, her beautiful face like a fairy was gradually shrouded in bitterness.

At this moment, she realized what she had missed!

Eyes… Has the world been blinded by hatred? Why can’t I see the true and false of Boss Xia? This group of people all have superpowers, and they all focus on Boss Xia.

Why did I only see Yuri?

Sima Weizhi must be laughing at me at this moment. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I am the one who is really short-sighted.

My name is Chishou Natsuyo, a child who has been cursed.

I have the dolphin gene, I am not good at fighting but I am very smart, and my IQ is 210.

I was abandoned by my parents and lived outside the city until one day Mr. Ikuma Masakazu adopted me.

0Please give me flowers

Mr. Shojian is a policeman, and I became his starter.

He is a muscle monster, even his brain is made of muscle, a single cell.


I know that he just can’t express it, saying that starters like me are props, but he values me very much.

Our life is not easy, and we have to complete tasks and kill monsters every day.

But I am already very satisfied with having food to eat and a place to live every day.

I have seen those cursed children in the periphery. Their talents are not valued by the company, and they don’t even have the opportunity to become starters.

I thought that this is how I would live my life, killing monsters with Mr. Shojian, and then asking him to kill me when I become a monster.

But that day, everything changed.

In order to take the task reward for himself, Mr. Shojian asked me to kill his police colleague.

It was all one shot, but the feeling of killing is completely different from killing monsters.

I was very scared and confused.

I even fired the wrong grenade when I was at a loss, triggering the monster’s attack.

In this way, Mr.

Shojian and I got separated.

I met Rentaro, and he said that killing people should not be accustomed to it, and should not be numb.

I know Rentaro is a good person At that time, I envied Yanzhu very much.

She had a very good promoter.

Rentaro was right.

Killing people should be punished.

Let the countless monsters punish me.

There were more and more monsters, fewer and fewer bullets, and the infection rate was getting higher and higher with frequent use of abilities.

According to my calculations, I should die in half an hour.

But, in the last moments, my brother appeared.

He appeared in a tricycle.

My brother was a gentler person than Rentaro.

In order to prevent me from seeing the bloody scene, he actually covered my eyes.

My brother and his friends destroyed all the monsters in an instant, and I was saved.

After that, I ate the most delicious egg fried rice I had ever eaten in my life.

My brother saved me with his sunshine egg fried rice that he integrated into my feelings.

From that moment on, I really walked out of the hesitation of killing.

Not long after, I heard about the death of Mr.


I was very sad, but I didn’t want to die anymore.

Because I still have my brother.

My brother wants her to go to school, teach friends, play, and live in the sun like ordinary people.

On the sixth day after meeting my brother, all this was realized, not only for me, but also for 2,893 companions.

Everyone lived in a spacious and clean room and drank clean mountain spring water without impurities.

Every day when we wake up, we go to class together and play together after class.

What we like most is playing around the iconic bottle cap mountain.

That is where my brother asked sister Ayako to move it.

He said it is very important and meaningful to him.

If it weren’t for the scars left by the battles, I would doubt that the suffering in the past was a dream.

But I am more afraid that everything now is a dream.

“Xiao Qianshou is having his meal. Please count the children in your class who have not been treated yet and line up to come over later.”

“Okay, brother.”

Pinching herself, Chishou Natsuyo smiled. With her brother by her side, it didn’t matter if it was a dream or not, as long as she had her brother.

It was great to have her brother around!

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