"Demon King, I want to ask you something."

Godzilla's pure white giant pupils looked down, emitting an extremely strong coldness.

"It's about Potimas."

"Tell me everything about the goblins and him!"

After seeing Godzilla's momentum, the demon king nodded slightly and began to talk about Potimas.

"Potimas Parfenas - that's his name."

"At the same time, that guy is also the leader of the goblin tribe. In other words, he is the oldest person in the goblin tribe."

"Fairies are a kind of sub-human in this world. However, demons and fairies are essentially the same as humans, so the term"sub-human" is not quite appropriate. Don't look at me like this, I am not a member of the demon clan, to be precise, I am a [monster], so I can become a [demon king], and the prerequisite for the demon king is to be a monster."

As if to show her strength, Ariel raised her white lotus-like arms to show her muscles, but found that they were as slender as a girl, so she gave up immediately.

"Then, the characteristic of fairies is that they have an extremely long lifespan. Compared to the average lifespan of demons, which is about 300 years, fairies have a lifespan of at least 1,000 years. And their growth rate is relatively slow. Once they reach their prime, their bodies stop growing and then slowly age."After a pause, Ariel continued:

"However, the way this aging occurs varies from person to person, but most people begin to age rapidly when they are about to die. Also, do you know what race has a longer lifespan than fairies?"


Godzilla saw Ariel looking in the direction of the Naga Army's station, about 50 kilometers away.

"That's right. The life span of Naga is about 1,500 years, but those who live longer than Naga are the Deep Diver Fishmen. Although they are called monsters, they are actually another kind of human beings with almost eternal life."The Demon

King Ariel is discussing the issue of species life span.

But why do ugly, low-IQ fishmen have such a long life span? Godzilla doesn't know these things.

Because he didn't deliberately study the cells of fishmen, because there is no need.

"The fishmen are actually mutants of humans who have contracted an infectious disease, similar to cancer. Their cells will continue to divide and replace dead and aging cells. However, because of this, although the fishmen will not die due to their lifespan, they have a major flaw."

"That is, fishmen are more likely to get hungry than ordinary sub-humans. Perhaps you have seen that if they keep exercising for a long time, a fishman will eat much more food every day than other species."

"That's why you attacked human cities for food and threatened my little spider to extort food."

The devil said this with a blind eye, looked at the spider

"Anyway, I will satisfy you on this matter. Back to the topic, because the elves grow slower than humans, they need to learn magic frequently to make up for this weakness. This means that humans' physical strength grows much faster than elves'. If the elves want to become a powerful group, they must improve their magic coefficient."

"Therefore, fairies are often misunderstood as inferior to humans and demons in physical combat, but in fact fairies are not as bad at physical combat as they think, it's just that most of them are teenagers."

"In addition, most fairies live in the Fairy Village in the Kalam Forest. Remember these two places. If you want to cause trouble for Potimas, this is the only way you can go."

"However, the Kalam Forest is a magical place where powerful monsters roam everywhere, and it is impossible for ordinary people to reach the Fairy Village. Even if they succeed in reaching it, the Fairy Village has a strong barrier and they cannot step into it."

"In summary, the fairy tribe has a long lifespan, is good at magic, basically hides in the forest, and excludes other races."What the devil said is right, and Godzilla also has a certain understanding of the image of the fairy tribe.

"Finally, let's talk about Potimas. Xiaobai and Sophia should know about this mechanical bird-shaped drone reconnaissance device, but this is probably your first time to see Godzilla. The so-called machine is the result of high technology......."

The devil thought Godzilla didn't understand science and civilization, but in fact Godzilla not only understood it, but also understood it very well.

"A machine is a material device that does not rely on magic power.

Godzilla interrupted the devil and said that he understood what a machine was.

"Since you already know, I will get straight to the point. Fairies are the only race in the world that have machines. Not only physical objects and knowledge, but also the technology to manufacture them."

These words did not surprise Godzilla at all.

Even though the first generation of Queen Naga was an extremely outstanding scientist, her offspring did not know these things. And Godzilla had seen Potimas's mechanical body, and being able to create such a sophisticated mechanical clone showed how high its technological capabilities were. It was even more advanced than Earth civilization.


The words of the Demon King made Vampire and Spider open their eyes wide.

Spider was fine, she had seen it before.

In this fantasy world, there is mechanical technology that is more advanced than that on Earth.

"Potimas used those mechanical technologies to do mischief in the dark corners of this world. In the ancient times, many places retained advanced civilizations. But later, humans died one after another, leaving only long-lived races like goblins. They relied on their sparse population and their own advantages to retain part of their civilization."

"In other words, it is not that the fairies have advanced technology, but that all races except the fairies have declined. This is the truth of this world."

When it comes to this point, everyone understands it.

A long time ago, this world had developed technology that was more advanced than that of Earth. But it made a mistake and embarked on the road to destruction. They lost their technology at that time, and all races except the fairies declined.

"That - everyone, I don't mean to interrupt you."

Spider-Girl suddenly interrupted the conversation between the Demon King and Godzilla.

"Something is happening!"

"There is a hole under the ground, which seems to have been exposed by an earthquake!"

Spider-chan's perception ability discovered something unusual.

Shortly after Godzilla arrived nearby, its feet had crushed the ground, causing cracks to appear nearby. There seemed to be a hole under the ground, and the ground became fragile and collapsed under the weight.

""Underground hole?"

Godzilla looked over immediately.

His sight was fixed on the collapsed cave, and he saw many black things crawling out of it. They were densely packed and numerous.

They were ants!

They were giant ants as tall as humans.

But in Godzilla's eyes, they were"real" ants, just like humans see ants.

"It seems that this hole is the nest of ant-type monsters."

At this time, ants rushed towards Godzilla, who was causing the nest to collapse.

Having said that, these ants are not very strong.

The average value is less than 100.

In contrast, Godzilla's defense breaking standard is more than 10,000 damage points.

So even if they bite Godzilla's toes, it will not cause any damage. On the contrary, because Godzilla's defense is too high, the hard skin is equivalent to anti-armor and kills them.

Large groups of ants died inexplicably under Godzilla's feet.

(Those who don't know would think that he was killed by Godzilla's foot.)


This is definitely fraud, right?

Godzilla raised his paw and stomped towards the side of the cave, while stepping on the ants to death.


The bone-crushing sound that made your scalp numb was heard, followed by an earthquake-like"bang", and Godzilla's giant foot landed. He landed his paw on the pile of ant corpses, and when he lifted it up again, the ants turned into black powder and merged with the soil.

This scene is really ridiculous.

Witnessing the scene of ants attacking elephants, the demon king Ariel felt speechless.

But they are ants after all.

Ordinary ants are not intelligent, and they are insects that do not know how to be respectful.

As long as the queen ant gives the order to attack, the ants will rush up and attack you no matter who you are!

"Please wait a moment!"

When Godzilla raised his foot again, ready to crush the entire ant nest,

Spider-Girl used her detection to collect underground information.

She found that this ant nest was larger than she had imagined.

The scale was similar to a small underground city.

"There are a lot of these giant ant monsters, and there seems to be a special area under their nest. The detection skills can't go deeper, as if it is blocked by something."

Spider-Girl said strangely, it seems that she has encountered some problems.

"It looks like this is the place."

Godzilla's purpose of coming out this time is to find underground ruins. Apparently, these ants feel threatened by his arrival, and they are probably guarding something.

Since this is an ant nest, it can also lead to other places.

The easiest way is to demolish it!

"I'll dig it!"

Spider-Girl planned to use earth magic to create a cave leading to the bottom.

""Go away."

Godzilla told Spider-Girl not to get in the way.

The Demon King also looked at her helplessly.

"Xiaobai, if this is the place leading to the underground ruins, can you use earth magic to create a cave passage that Godzilla can get into? So you better get out of the way."

"That's right."

Spider-Girl nodded in bewilderment. No wonder Godzilla said that..........

By doing this, she is ignoring Godzilla.........

"Come, let's stay away from it."

The Demon King was still very far-sighted. Since she heard what Godzilla said, it meant that Godzilla had a way to destroy the ant nest that was in the way in an instant.

Start the exploration!

A terrifying giant ant nest was simulated in Godzilla's mind.

Through the scan of perception, there was a huge underground city with a structure like an insect nest for more than ten kilometers under his feet.

In the huge nest, the nest pages are generally like honeycombs, with many spaces distributed, like irregular small rooms.

Similar to a beehive.

It is not the first time that Godzilla has been an enemy of this kind of insect creature. The last time he encountered it, it was the"Queen Bee Ant". Someone should still remember her. The queen ant of the giant ant monster lives in this kind of giant nest.

At this time, Godzilla focused his attention and spread his perception to the depths of the nest.

But Godzilla was not looking for these. He didn't care where the queen ant was. What he was looking for were those densely packed air holes, which were the doors and windows used by the ant nest to regulate the temperature in the nest and change the air flow.

They are usually arranged in piles, giving people a creepy and tingling feeling.

"Found it."

Countless doors and windows of the ant nest appeared in Godzilla's mind.

He began to locate this place at this time, raised his head slightly and looked at the surface several kilometers away, and said:

"Demon King, take your people to block those places!"

Godzilla asked them to use earth magic to block all the vents of these ant nests.

"What I am going to do next will seriously affect the ecological balance here. You should stay as far away as possible. If you die accidentally, I will not be responsible!"As soon as this sentence came out, everyone became nervous.

Spider-Girl immediately began to transfer space, taking the Demon King, the Vampire and others to hide more than ten miles away and watching this scene from afar.

【Stay away! 】

Godzilla kindly reminded them

"It's 15 kilometers now......."

【not enough】

"35 kilometers!"

【Just barely. Watch out, the big scene is coming! 】

Can't laugh.

Lest you appear too crazy.

Godzilla showed a terrifying smile that was not like a normal creature.

Although it was unfair to the ants, it was dangerous for them to live here.

On the other side, Spider-Girl and the others didn't know what Godzilla was going to do.

But they only felt a strong sense of crisis.

But before they were ready, Godzilla had already started to act.

I saw -

Godzilla opened his huge python-like mouth like the real Godzilla at the only entrance to the ant nest, and gradually split to both sides.

Because Godzilla's body has not yet fully developed!

So the nuclear reactor failed and could not output high power, but the ant nest is not a mobile target. Godzilla is preparing for some kind of large-scale explosion.

Hearing 0.1 here, maybe you already know what 0.1 is.

Godzilla aimed at the entrance of the ant nest, and as if vomiting, he continuously spit out the dense high-temperature radioactive radiation smoke in his body towards the ground!

""Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!"

This sound sounded like black dust with terrifying high-temperature radioactive substances, which was madly spreading in all directions inside the insect nest!

In an instant, the entire underground was covered, and a large number of giant ant monsters screamed at this time.

"Hiss hiss hiss!""Squeak hiss!""Squeak!"

The thick, high-temperature radioactive smoke and dust buried the entire underground. At this time, many blocked air holes were attacked frantically by ants trying to escape.

Even so, as Godzilla frantically increased the infusion of concentrated nuclear materials in his body, the entire earth shook, black smoke rose, and ultra-high-intensity radioactive smoke and dust began to appear in all directions!

The ants tried desperately to drill out, but the radioactive black dust with a temperature of hundreds of degrees scalded large groups of ants to death, and a large number of Zerg in the sub-nest were scalded to death and burned to ashes.

At the same time, the larvae and eggs were screaming in a scorching manner!

Of course.

If only high-temperature radioactive smoke and dust were spit out, it would not be enough to destroy the surface and make the underground ruins appear.

When the pressure reached the critical point, the earth expanded like a pressure cooker that was about to explode!

That's it!

Godzilla's weight at this time has been reduced by nearly a thousand tons, although it is nothing for him who weighs more than 100,000 tons.

But that is a thousand tons of nuclear reaction materials pouring into an area of more than ten kilometers underground!

What will happen next?......

(PS: Nuclear energy ahead!

Queen Ant:"I may not be a human, but Godzilla you are a real dog! Do you still think you are a human if you blow up ants like this?").

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