What will happen next?

The answer is to detonate it!

It will cause a chain reaction and a large-scale explosion.

"Boom! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The God of Destruction Godzilla showed a ferocious smile, which looked quite vicious. Its big mouth, which looked like a real Godzilla python, opened and continued to spit out thick high-temperature radiation smoke.

When the pressure reached the critical point, the earth expanded like a pressure cooker that was about to explode!

【Super-hot radioactive particles with smoke......Nuclear fusion!!!

Nuclear energy ahead!

At the moment when it was about to be filled, Godzilla's dorsal fin glowed with a terrifying red light!

From the throat, a terrifying flame burst out, and the dual-nuclear reactor started to work frantically, instantly detonating the large amount of radioactive"nuclear reaction materials" in the underground of the ant nest that was packed full!

At this moment, the teleportation array under Godzilla's feet was activated, and he used the transfer magic to disappear from the original place and appear in the distance when he came.

The next moment, the end of the world!

The originally dark sky was instantly covered by strong light, and the surrounding thousands of kilometers were like daylight. The light instantly dispersed all the clouds! The terrifying mushroom cloud of flames that rose into the sky destroyed the air!


The world is screaming!

The strong white light swallowed it up in an instant, and there was no other color between heaven and earth, all in the strong incandescent light!


When the fuel in the core of the sealed ant nest produced a chain reaction.

The first stage detonated the terrifying nuclear fission, and then sublimated into nuclear fusion in the high temperature!

What is the fusion effect produced by a thousand tons of nuclear reaction material like?

In addition to high temperature, it is destruction!

After such a huge energy produced a chain explosion to induce fusion, an even more violent force was fed back, and the destruction that transcended the origin was officially displayed at this time!

"Boom boom......"

No sound could be heard, only the strong white light and the shaking of the earth.

In an instant, the exploding ant nest was reduced to ashes, and the desert covered in the light began to crystallize from the ground. The cacti, the barren grass, the earth and the air were all destroyed one after another!

In just a moment, the spreading heat radiation and high-temperature embers directly burned the surrounding earth to ashes. The mushroom cloud that gushed out produced the effect of ionizing the air, which looked like a blue lightning state with purple light!

The ocean of light that soared into the sky, with a huge shock wave and heat wave spreading outward, blew everything away.

Around the 15th second.


The sound began to come.

Then the deafening sound spread almost throughout the entire continent. Destruction, terror, and the end of the world, the earth-shaking roar, uprooted the ground for dozens of kilometers, and the entire sky instantly turned blood red!

At the same time, the charred land spread hundreds of kilometers away, presenting a desolate and dead silence! The spreading heat radiation and shock waves uprooted the ground within dozens of kilometers, and caused hundreds of kilometers of trees to start burning. The human kingdom thousands of kilometers away also felt the vibration, as well as the strong typhoon and scorching flames.

"what happened!"

"Look over there, the sun is rising!"

"Are you kidding? It’s dark night now!"

"Ah, catch me!"

"Is it the end of the world?"

When the incandescent light of doomsday came, accompanied by the shock wave that rolled up the dust waves, people, livestock, and houses were blown away in an instant, somersaulted in the air, and were blown hundreds of meters away by the strong wind in just a few seconds.

Fortunately, this is still a marginal area, and the casualties of innocent lives are not serious.

The main reason is that the center of the nuclear explosion is the Great Wilderness. Since the name is the Great Wilderness, it means that there are few people, and it is mainly inhabited by creatures such as flying dragons.

But this flying dragon species is really unlucky.

At the moment when the aftermath of the nuclear explosion blew, those who were close to it were burned all over and turned into ashes. Some were directly blown away, and their bodies were pierced by sand and stones as powerful as countless bullets, and they died miserably.


At the moment of the doomsday-like nuclear explosion, the ant nest was blown up, and the remaining The wave affected all directions, and the entire underground presented a picture of a nuclear flattened area, suffering from ultra-high temperatures and dense nuclear radiation.

Originally, the Great Wilderness was a flat ground on all sides.

Now it has turned into a deep pit!

But the aftermath of the nuclear explosion has not yet stopped. The shock wave generated by the explosion made Spider-Man, Demon King and others who deployed magic shields dozens of kilometers away feel bad. They had to perform space magic transfer again to escape from the dangerous area.

There is no need to worry about the Naga army.

Godzilla stood there like a huge black mountain, facing the shock wave head-on, but at the moment of the nuclear explosion, its pure white eyes instantly showed a mercury-colored nictitating membrane like that of crocodile creatures, in order to prevent the eyes from being dizzy and burned by the strong light.

Even Godzilla is afraid of his own moves, which shows how miserable other creatures are.

"I said, this move will seriously affect the ecological balance. Anyway, I will find a way to make up for it afterwards."

But now, Godzilla can't care so much.

The forests nearly a hundred kilometers away were completely burned, and the rocks and the earth were melting like destruction.

He took on the power of the nuclear explosion and offset the shock wave!

Countless Naga warriors behind him lay on the ground in fear. Those who were not protected by Godzilla were covered by flames and turned to ashes in an instant. The roar of death and debris blowing over their heads like a doomsday storm, even large creatures a thousand kilometers away felt the vibration and fled in fear.

One minute has passed.

But the nuclear explosion It's not over yet. To be precise, the initial nuclear explosion is over, but the secondary damage has begun!

The area within a hundred kilometers of the center is as red as hell, like burned steel!

The high temperatures released by the chain reaction of many nuclear materials and the electromagnetic pulses caused by nuclear fusion have burned all of Potimas' bird-shaped mechanical drones on the entire continent and they have fallen from the sky one after another. Many mechanical bodies, including Potimas's artificial half-mechanical clone, have also begun to show the limit of destruction of electronic components.

"Damn it—it’s EMP!"

Potimas of the fairy clan hid in the dark and was suddenly hit hard by this heavy blow from a very far distance.

In addition, there was nuclear radiation.

Those creatures close to the edge of destruction were also invaded by radiation, festering all over, quickly becoming cancerous, turning into thick water, and finally perishing.

Secondly, the speed of sound is second only to that of light. After a few minutes, that magnificent and solemn voice, with its unparalleled divine power, shook the whole world.

【System prompt: Kill more than 200,000 lives in one go!】

【Achievement achieved: Ruthless God of Destruction!】......

【New mission: Big Shuffle!】

【Description: As"Heaven's Law", you have caused a destruction that endangers the ecological balance! Please repair the ecosystem here after completing other tasks.】......

【System prompt: Huge amount of radiation energy detected, absorbing, currently 12.3% of surface cells damaged, repairing......The current repair speed is 1000 tons/minute!】

【System: Souls are being collected, 90,000 points of"MA Energy Particles" are obtained.」!】

【System: Souls are being collected, 90,000 points of"MA Energy Particles" are obtained.」!】

【System: Souls are being collected, 90,000 points of"MA Energy Particles" are obtained.」!】

【System: Congratulations to the host, the current world repair progress has been completed 9.54%!】......

《Experience points reached a certain level. Individual ── True Diablo Godzilla upgraded from LV130 to LV139》

《Basic ability values increased》

《Gain skill proficiency level bonus》

《Skills 〈Super-high heat radioactive particles with smoke LV9〉 upgraded to 〈Super-high heat radioactive particles with smoke LV10〉〉》

《Gain skill points》

《There is still 1 level left to evolve into the next form [End]!》......

At this moment, Godzilla's heart was beating wildly, feeling the burning and destruction of a large area of his skin. God knows how many tons of nuclear fuel he just vomited, causing him to be so scared now!

Fortunately, he just reacted quickly and moved away at the moment of detonation.

It can be said that if he was a step slower, he would have blown himself away!

Now, looking far away - the heat wave is rising into the sky, and the earth presents a picture of burning flames.

The atmosphere above was blown away, and a huge mushroom cloud formed a scorching high-temperature vortex.

Then the dorsal fin slowly heated up, and began to frantically absorb the radioactive substances in the surrounding air and on the ground.

Watching this scene.

Godzilla muttered to himself, and suddenly the scene he dreamed of in the past emerged in his mind.

"I became the god of death, destroying everything in the world......"

Could it be that the dream was made up of countless fragments of the future?......

Just as Godzilla was about to think about it, several figures suddenly teleported in from nearby.

"Oh my god!"

"You blew up the entire wilderness?!!"

"Do you want to destroy the entire continent?"

The demon king made a shocked and angry voice.

That was because she was frightened.

Others showed expressions that were more like fear and relief after surviving the catastrophe than shock.

As we all know, spider girls and vampire girls are neon from another world, Earth.

So they are born with a deep fear of nuclear weapons.

It is better to say that they are extremely panicked by Godzilla's weird behavior.

But Godzilla ignored their reactions, stepped on the molten ground, and continued to move forward.


Suddenly, the demon king who was chasing after me looked stern.

It seemed that the demon king had also discovered

"Godzilla, this is not the......"

The Demon King whispered nervously.

Her attitude had changed 180 degrees from before, and her serious expression made everyone else feel the seriousness of the situation.

At the same time, Godzilla continued to walk silently and reached the edge of the pit.

After that, the Demon King did not speak again and followed him silently.

The vampire, Mera and the puppet spiders stayed behind safely, and only the spider girl followed.

Then, the three of them looked down at the pit and saw the target.


The moment she saw that thing, Spider-Girl couldn't help but scream.

Godzilla understood her feelings.

Because that was something that could not be seen in this world.

Under the ground of the nuclear explosion, there were a lot of liquid fluids after the metal melted in the deep pit. In the short period of millions of temperatures, it was common for the metal to evaporate and vaporize.

However, something that could not exist appeared before their eyes.

It was something that could not be made with current technology.

That thing was the product of the civilization that had long been extinct as mentioned by the Demon King, the remains left by the super ancient civilization.

Godzilla stared at the giant metal creation.

It was a palace, located three hundred meters underground. Because the nuclear explosion just now created a pit more than 100 meters below and melted more than 200 meters of the ground, the impact on the 300 meters below was not that strong.

Its effectiveness is probably due to the fact that they have multiple metal doors for defense.

In fact, this relic can also eliminate Godzilla's detection ability.

It is because of the material used in this relic that no one has a way of knowing what is going on inside.

It was because Godzilla could not see through the inside that he discovered this place.

It is speculated that this relic has three layers: upper, middle and lower. The upper layer was directly blown away, the middle layer began to melt on a large scale, and the lower layer, because of the metal conductor, the longer the time, the higher the temperature.

【Beep! Beep!──!】

The ruins, which had been mostly destroyed by the bombing, had also sounded an alarm!

The piercing sound of the alarm echoed loudly in the ruins. Even Godzilla and his companions, who were standing above a deep pit that was more than ten kilometers long and wide, could hear it clearly.

"Everyone, be prepared for emergencies.���

"Demon, this is......"

"That's right, this is the relic of ancient civilization. I didn't expect it to be preserved, and at the critical moment it deployed a protective shield to offset a huge part of the impact force. It seems that there should be a very huge energy source inside. I don't know what kind of enemy will appear, everyone be alert!"

The devil stood in the front and took the lead.

Godzilla was beside her, staring at the ruins that were burned red by the high temperature.

On the steel ground, due to the increase in temperature, more and more tracks, gears and mechanical chariots rolled.

The next moment, a loud bang rang out!

There was a sudden violent explosion on Godzilla's body, and the bombardment of the missile made it slightly stunned.


This was the first time that Godzilla was attacked by modern weapons.

Although he could resist nuclear bombs, he never expected to experience the missile massage of his hometown Earth in another world.

On the other side, the devil jumped up and punched the subsequent artillery shells.

As the shock wave of the explosion blew away in the air, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.


"Something is coming out!"

"There are a lot of them!"

Spider-girl hurriedly reported the situation. She saw countless cold eyes emerging from the iron ruins!

Countless guns were pointed at them. The ones holding the guns were robots.

They were not humanoid cyborgs like Potimas, but humanoid weapons with rough appearances, and there were countless of them.

【Step! Step!—���!】

The mechanical army appeared.

Their appearance could only be described as abnormal.

They had only one mechanical arm, and the caliber of their guns was like a 155mm howitzer. Their upper body was the body that supported the mechanical arm, and their lower body was the tracks.

"Mobile turret──"

This is the only name to describe them!

The robots, all burning like weapons, lined up neatly in a wide space, pointing their guns at this side.

【Intruder! Danger! Danger! Clear immediately!——!】

The next moment, countless gun muzzles pointed at this side glowed at the same time!.

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