"Hey, white guy."

Bomb Disposal Team.

Just as Spider-Girl and the others entered the UFO alert area, Potimas spoke in an unusually calm tone.

"Take that thing out."

"That thing?"

Spider-Girl looked at the huge rocket launcher in his hand.

""By the way, do you know where this place used to be?"

Potimas asked with a half-smile.

"Shut up."

The devil glanced at him and said with disgust.

"All the dragons in this wilderness were killed by Godzilla. Qiu Lie will definitely not let it go."

"Hey, bastard, stop talking, are you trying to sow discord?"

Suddenly starting to talk about these things, does Potimas want to die?

"The mission of the wilderness dragons is to purify this area. In the era when UFOs were created, this generation was blown away by a powerful bomb that spread poison. So the dragons began a mission that lasted for many years, using wind magic to slowly send the poison into the universe."

Podimas seemed to be saying something deliberately.

A bomb that spreads poison?

Spider-Girl's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be a nuclear bomb?

In other words, that poison is radiation, right?

No wonder this place has become a wilderness, and no wonder the wind dragons stay here.

"However, the group of flying dragons that were guarding this wilderness where no grass grows due to the deadly poison were killed by Godzilla. What do you think Qiu Lie would think?"

"What on earth do you want to say besides this?"

"Ariel, don't interrupt me. That white guy seems to have guessed the truth."

Spider-girl seemed to be seen through by Potimas.

She was really shocked.

It was as if she had discovered some truth that she shouldn't know.

The poisonous bomb was deliberately dropped here to conceal the underground ruins where the UFO was hidden.

Or vice versa, the bomb was dropped to destroy the underground ruins.

Although the truth has disappeared in the torrent of history, no matter why the bomb was used, it was definitely not for any legitimate reason.

"What do you mean?"

Naga Queen Lucia frowned with some worry.

She seemed to have forgotten that there was such a bomb.

"There might be some extra stock of that kind of bomb in the UFO. After all, the country that made it is a nuclear power.

Potimas smiled with a bad face.

"Why are you saying it now!"

"I just remembered that if that kind of weapon exploded outside, the people on the ground would be in danger."

"You bastard!"

Just as the demon king was about to grab Potimas by the collar, the fighter planes around him exploded one after another.

The original astonishing number of fighter planes was gradually decreasing.

The fighter planes flying in the sky sometimes exploded and sometimes fell to the ground.

A violent shock wave came from the distance.

"It's Godzilla!"

"Something is wrong, why is it flying?"

"Godzilla can fly?!"

The Demon King, Spider-Girl and others were shocked.

A figure in the rainstorm was accompanied by a flash of lightning and a magnificent face was seen. The End Godzilla seemed to have destroyed the surrounding fighters with heat shock after becoming a god, and supported Spider-Girl and others remotely.

Then, it disappeared and descended to the earth.

With a tornado, water column and lightning, it fell into the battlefield, and drew a straight line with its breath, causing the earth to explode and burning a large group of mechanical soldiers.

"So strong!"

"It seems that we can’t fall behind!"

"I'll deal with them!"

The voice fell.

A petite black shadow jumped between the fighters.

It was not flying, but jumping.

On the battlefield called the sky, the Demon King jumped on the fighter and destroyed it with a punch, then stepped on the fighter and jumped to another fighter.

Because of her super fast speed, the fighters were shot down one after another in the blink of an eye.

Spider-girl once again thoroughly experienced the exaggerated strength of the Demon King.



Potimas looked as if he envied Ariel. A long time ago, he treated Ariel as a failed experiment, but he never expected that she would grow to this point through time.

Although it sounds hard to accept, Potimas is indeed the scientist who created Ariel, the artificial human.

But he is not qualified to call himself the creator and father of Ariel.

After all, he disposed of the failed product like garbage and did not retain the humanity at all.

Potimas, who originally intended to interfere with their emotions, stopped talking after seeing this scene.

The scene was filled with an indescribable atmosphere.

"Great! We have cleared a path for ourselves! Let’s keep going!"......

In this dark night,

Godzilla is like a god.

It is hard to say how strong Godzilla is after becoming a god, because after becoming a god, he can no longer be described by the numerical value in the system.

The mere existence of the God of the End is like a 350-dimensional strike to the people in the system.

Take Spider-Girl as an example.

After Spider-Girl became a god, her ordinary spider silk can kill the Demon King in seconds.

Without using skills, the Demon King with an ability value of 90,000 can't tear her spider silk even if he tries his best, just like a dimensional strike.

【Everyone, I can't attack that UFO directly. 】

The existence that caused the earthquake - the God of the End, which is so huge that it is incredible and cannot be described in words!

At this time, terrifying plasma rolled over his body, bathing in pure white light.

Its amplified voice reached the ears of the soldiers.

【Next, I will use my breath to split the battlefield, creating a gap that can only lead to the battlefield alone. That's when you will show your skills. 】

The human warriors listened attentively, afraid of missing a word of Godzilla.

Godzilla, who became the God of the End, transformed into"the planet itself, the existence chosen by the planet."

His whole body glowed with overflowing plasma energy!

The thorny arms and sharp dorsal fins were covered with plasma condensed by lightning, and looked like a monster with strong glow.

But that was not ordinary lightning.

Soon everyone knew.

Knowing the power of that force!

Godzilla did not have the delicate hands of Spider-Man to weave a spider web.

Because Godzilla is not that kind of monster in essence.

At this moment, the way Godzilla controlled energy was still the same as in the past. He used the energy of lightning to attach to his own surface, like a thunder and lightning armor. In the rainstorm, the rest of the sky was also submerged in the ocean of light.

With Godzilla's feet as the landing point, the surrounding land turned into an ocean of light.

Pure and blazing light, pure and magnificent torrent of light, burst out from the earth and submerged everything above.

That was all the energy gathered by Godzilla. The energy of Godzilla's breath is now [infinite], depending on its [charge] time.

At this time, Godzilla stood on the planet, shoulder to shoulder with the mountains, raised his head with deep emotion, and the giant tail full of plasma stood upright behind him, and his strong and powerful body was particularly eye-catching!

【Flame of the World Tree: Lotus of Light!】

From high in the sky, the earth was resonating strongly, like a lotus of light, rapidly spreading across the surface of the planet in front of Godzilla, slowly blooming, spreading like grass and flowers.




Countless blooming lotuses of light caused devastating damage on a large scale, and then transformed into energy bodies and gathered towards the dorsal fin of Godzilla the End!

【Prepare to break through!】

As far as the eye can see, Godzilla the End suddenly raises his head!

The light of his dorsal fin!

His body is overflowing with plasma!

He is concentrating all the light on the edge of his mouth. The plasma light formed from his dorsal fin quickly disappears and moves to his mouth!

The light of the world is condensed into one point!

【God·Super Spiral Hotline!】

The End Godzilla stopped, and his mountain-like body turned into the sun in the dark night!

Light, you are so shining.

Silent and quiet, so pure.

Lightning, you are so dazzling.

Illuminate the rain curtain, the black clouds, and the starry night, shuttle through the storm, and illuminate the last touch of the end!


Spread, unfold, and swallow everything in front of you.

【hold head high————!】

In a roar that surpassed everything, the super spiral heat beam emitted by the End Godzilla instantly penetrated all the mechanical soldiers in a straight line on the surface of the earth, spread to millions of kilometers away, and exceeded the planet's atmosphere in a few seconds!

The beam that penetrated the universe.

After extending to the distance between the earth and the moon in outer space, it gradually disappeared.

"What's going on on the planet!"

The Dragon God Qiulie Qiulie suddenly saw a beam of light burst out from the planet and disappeared in front of him. He was immediately shocked. The majesty and penetrating destructive power of the beam of light were extremely strong.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Beyond the breath of the planet, it brought unexpected results.

It did not just disappear.

Instead, as the neck of Godzilla End turned, it swept across and divided the battlefield, turning it into a molten earth that only allowed one passage.

Unprecedented energy was erupting!

The extremely huge and incredible energy engulfed everything except the passage.

Because of the huge amount of energy, it cannot be fired directly at the planet.

Even so, Godzilla End's mission has been completed.

The rest depends on the performance of the warriors.

"The enemy is the elite of the evil forces that tried to expel the God of the Word of God from heaven in the past. Now those evil ruins guards have awakened again, trying to destroy the world. Everyone must remember that this battle will determine the survival of the world!"

The Pope's speech made the Knights roar.

He defined UFOs as enemies of the Word of God.

And the knights are all devout believers of the Word of God.

That's why they rushed to the battlefield regardless of everything and defeated the enemy at all costs.

This is the"power" of faith!

Godzilla the End knows that the Pope is using them.

This guy's sense of guilt had been paralyzed a long time ago.

The Pope would not hesitate at all to send them to die.

""All forces charge!"

After hearing the order, the Knights began to charge in a straight line towards the battlefield separated by the End Godzilla.

【Ancient dragons, follow up! 】

At the command of Godzilla the End, a loud noise resounded around in the next moment, drowning out their roars.

When its huge red fan blade tears through the sky, it will evoke meteors falling to the earth.

The monster has a pair of huge front legs, supporting its huge body like a sword.

It is covered with super-hard scales, covered with scales as sharp as blades, and has a huge body with countless sword scales and fan blades.

Anything it touches while moving will be crushed mercilessly, even the earth veins and mountains will be cut by it.

At first, the Knights mistook it for a continuous mountain of swords.

When the Snake Emperor Dragon appeared with a thousand swords, the earth was destroyed.


The strong wind made people close their eyes.

In the moment before closing their eyes, the Knights saw the formation of the mechanical soldiers being defeated.

In front of the huge body of the Snake Emperor Dragon, they could only be destroyed and destroyed along with the earth.

The attackers took advantage of this time and pursued them mercilessly.

"call out——"

At this time, a giant purple beam of breath tore the earth apart.

When the Snake Emperor Dragon broke through the enemy formation and began to wantonly cut everything in the 100,000 mechanical army.

The breath of the Queen Spider Monster drowned the mechanical soldiers.

It was a performance of mythical monsters that humans could not deal with, like a living natural disaster.

Most of these monsters were born to manage this world and were managed by the black dragon Qiu Lie Qiu Lie.

The only exceptions were the Queen Spider Monsters of the Demon King Ariel and the ancient dragons of the End Godzilla.

Unlike other mythical monsters that are born strong, they are the pinnacle of monsters that evolve from the bottom to the top.

Before the Snake Emperor Dragon had this body a long time ago, it was just an ordinary sea snake.

Such a powerful force is what it is today because it was appreciated by the End Godzilla.

There is nothing greater than this.

At this time, the Snake Emperor Dragon used its thousand-bladed body to shuttle back and forth in the earth. The steel mechanical soldiers and chariots were overturned and caught in the sword scales, just like bread in a meat grinder. The sound of crunching came, and the collision between the sword scales instantly scrapped the chariot into iron filings. It was simply terrifying!

Is this the power of the battlefield harvester?

Compared to it.

The Queen Spider Monster also took turns to spit out breath on those mechanical soldiers, sweeping across the ground.

Those breaths caused damage beyond human intelligence, and the knights who rushed towards the enemy could not help but stop.

They had to stop.

If they didn't stop, they would be caught in the vortex of destruction caused by the Queen Spider Monster.

Besides, the rumbling caused by the Snake Emperor Dragon was already difficult for people to move. Faced with such huge destruction, they, as human beings, could do nothing.

Even so, if they could just rely on their power to overwhelm the enemy, it would not matter.

However, things would not be so simple.

Although the sword scales of the Snake Emperor Dragon ignore everything, no matter how high its defense is, it will be injured by the high-frequency light bullets and light cannons due to its huge body.

The sword scales will always break!

After all, it is a living creature, not a machine that is not afraid of the pain of death.

The Queen Spider Monster is the same. Light bullets begin to shoot at the Queen Spider Monster.

Even under the attack of the Queen Spider Monster's breath, the strengthened tank-type mechanical soldiers still rush over to fight back as if nothing happened.

That's why the End Godzilla divided the battlefield and created the current situation in the form of a round-robin battle.

If someone asks, why doesn't the End Godzilla wipe out all the mechanical soldiers and then shoot down the UFO?

Then please review the previous article. Before the GMA bomb is dismantled, even God cannot act rashly.

That's why.

This is the purpose of war.

Unfortunately, even if this level is achieved, the battle is still one-sided.

The group of mechanical soldiers are not afraid of the Queen Spider Monster at all, because the mechanical soldiers can use a barrier that can hinder magic.

The breath of the Queen Spider Monster is also a kind of magic, so of course it will be blocked by this barrier.

Although they could not prevent the damage caused by the aftermath of the breath, and seemed to be blown away along with the ground destroyed by the breath, the breath itself could not hurt them.

The most troublesome thing is that although the sword scales of the snake emperor dragon are invincible, too much metal is scrapped and embedded in the gaps of its scales.

Just like a stone appeared in a rolling gear, the snake emperor dragon cannot keep this state.

It must clean up the metal debris in the sword scales before it can be involved in the battlefield again.

In addition, it is almost impossible for the human race to destroy this tank-type mechanical soldier.

With the strength of the Knights, even small mechanical soldiers are difficult to deal with.

Even if several people go together, there is no guarantee that they can destroy one.

Even if they are elite soldiers who have received rigorous training, their personal strength is still limited. The human body is too fragile.

So what can they do now?

The answer is to be a human wall.

A human flesh wall to block the advancement of the mechanical soldiers.

The end of Godzilla does not expect them to defeat the mechanical soldiers. They are just on the battlefield to buy time.

Just for this purpose, they died one after another.

The casualties of monsters and human knights far exceeded the sum of the mechanical soldiers.

The destruction just caused by Godzilla the End, the countless tanks and mechanical soldiers destroyed, now only a fraction of the human race.

So this battle is very difficult.

The difficulty is that you can only watch these guys die and wait for Spider-Girl and Lucia to complete the bomb disposal.

As soon as the battle began.

The knights standing in the front row were shot through the body by light bullets and continued to suffer fatal injuries.

Until the moment they lost their lives, they did not stop moving forward.

This made Godzilla think of a famous saying

【The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage! 】

Everyone fell forward, preferring death to retreating.

The knights behind them kept stepping over the corpses of their predecessors.

Although the ground was covered with corpses, they continued to move forward.

If the opponent was an ordinary creature, they might be frightened by this sudden attack and shrink back from fighting.

However, the opponent was a cold and emotionless machine.

While fighting the mythical monsters, they calmly shot light bullets through the human race.

【Human wave tactics, will it work?】

Godzilla watched this scene.

He saw the two sides collide.

The human knights rushed forward with swords and shields as if they were going to pounce on the mechanical soldiers.

This attack seemed to successfully destroy some mechanical soldiers, but in turn, more knights were killed.

Because no matter how hard they fought, they could not make up for the difference in combat power.

They were shot through, crushed to death, and knocked away.......

But even so, they still managed to delay time.

The snake emperor dragon's sword scales cleared the obstacles and rushed towards the tank-type mechanical soldiers that were crushing the knights.

The way the tank-type mechanical soldiers treated the knights, the snake emperor dragon treated them in a more terrifying manner.

Huge metal fragments flew in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

【He is really brave and cruel.】

Godzilla End felt vaguely that humans might have atonement for a long time.

It’s just that they can’t keep up with the speed of destruction by the instigators.

If the culprit doesn’t die one day, the world will never be saved.

In this regard, Godzilla End looked in the direction of the mechanical soldiers brought by Potimas.

They have not taken any active action yet.

It’s as if they are deliberately hanging up and playing teammates with a negative attitude.

They will not take the initiative to attack, but will continue to use shooting to contain the enemy, as if they are maintaining the front line.

The mechanical soldiers brought by the goblin man cannot have only this level of ability.

Since Potimas would take them out in this situation, it means that these mechanical soldiers are at least very good weapons.

It is impossible to be weaker than the enemy’s mechanical soldiers.

Because the times are different, the enemy’s mechanical soldiers are the product of the heyday of scientific civilization, but Potimas has mastered the core technology for so many years and has long been updated.

However, although the mechanical soldiers brought by Potimas are different from the past, they are more intelligent, as if waiting for something.


There was an explosion in the distant sky.

Godzilla looked up, and his vision beyond the telescope allowed him to clearly see that the spider girl with a human upper body named"White" had suddenly lost control of the rocket launcher she used to destroy the G battleship.

【Hum, I see.】

It wasn't an accident, but Spider-Girl was tricked.

She almost died because of it.

Because it was a trap, Potimas's goal was to trap and kill Ariel, Shiro, and Lucia.

He wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of one of them, so he gave them that kind of cannon.

It was really undisguised. It was simply an open attack plan.

It's just that the first victim was Spider-Girl.

But it was fortunate that it was Spider-Girl.

Because Spider-Girl had evolved into the Undead Spider Queen before, her body that was blown up instantly regenerated. If it weren't for this recovery magic, she might have died long ago.

But if it was Ariel who was blown up, it might be the worst thing.

Because the Demon King is not invincible, he will die if he is killed.

Potimas knew this, so he set up such a trap.

But he didn't expect Ariel to give the cannon to Spider-Girl, so Spider-Girl was completely tricked.

Don't mention how furious she was at this time.

With Spider-Girl's level of vengeance, Potimas must have hated her to death this time.

Because they were too far away, Godzilla couldn't hear the conversation above, and he couldn't fly over to find out what was going on. He could only confirm the situation through Lucia, his spy.

【what happened?】

『Potimas rebelled and attacked Miss White』

【How's that little spider?】

『It's okay. She seemed to be immortal and recovered quickly after taking such a blow.』

【So, is the situation out of control?】

『Not yet. Potimas was blasted into the metal ground by the demon king, and the angry Miss White crushed his lower body and humiliated him. Potimas seemed very angry, but because he has the bomb disposal skills, we did not kill him for the time being.』

【Damn, this young spider......Good job!】

After hearing that Spider-Girl crushed the male body of Potimas, Godzilla felt nervous.

"That scumbag."

The Pope seemed to have seen the scene as well, and he cursed in a low voice beside Zhongyan.

"......This kind of hopeless scum is the real Potimas." The

Pope couldn't help but blurt out a lot of Zaun words.

The priests beside him were shocked.

���The Pope always keeps a friendly smile, and is often misunderstood as a good man who never gets angry.

But now there is no smiling mask on his face.

Instead, he shows an angry expression.

This is the real Pope

"This damn scumbag still likes to play with life."

Although he knew that the other party couldn't hear him, the Pope still cursed in front of his subordinates.

【Kind of interesting.】

Godzilla End has seen too many things today.

After seeing through these so-called big figures from another world, you will find that none of them are good things.

People with white hair start wars and let people with black hair line up to die.

How sad.

He ignored the movement of the Pope.

Godzilla End stared at the destroyed Potimas mechanical soldier.

Some kind of human brain-like object was exposed from the wreckage.


That is the human brain.

These mechanical soldiers are weapons that Potimas transformed using the human brain to replace AI.

Because of this, the mechanical soldiers can think and do incredible things that machines cannot do.

There is no doubt that this is a taboo product that violates the laws of nature.

Potimas is such a person.

A monster who is inhumane and conducts cruel experiments without changing his face.

As long as he can achieve his own goals, he can easily abandon even the qualifications of being a human being.


From this point of view.

The Pope who sent the Knights to die is actually no different from Potimas.......

"Potimas, just clean your neck and wait!"

"I want you to pay an absolute price for trying to kill me!"

Just as Spider-Girl cursed inwardly.

In the space of the planet. In the empty space of the universe, the moment the black dragon Qiu Lie left the planet, he felt that the"system magic" began to weaken the signal like a mobile hotspot that had been disconnected.

Next, he could only rely on the power of the True Dragon Clan to face everything in the universe.

However, the system was dispensable to him, because Qiu Lie, a member of the True Dragon Clan, was not afraid of human weapons at all.

The ancestor who created their True Dragon Clan was a three-headed dragon god with a golden body. He came from an alien time and space and was a high-level god comparable to D.

Therefore, each of the True Dragon Clan is a god, and things like G meteorites cannot kill dragons at all.

To put it in an analogy, it is impossible for you to smash bulletproof glass with an egg. Why can't humans understand this gap?

Why can't they understand the gap between the True Dragon Clan and humans, and still want to fight against dragons even though they know this.

Even the so-called nuclear weapons are just tickling.

The real dragons are invincible beings that can hunt between galaxies and roam the universe.


This is the gap between dragons as gods and humans.

Although they knew the gap between the two sides, humans in the past still did not really understand it.

It is precisely because they did not understand that they created such weapons.

With a sigh in his heart, the black dragon Qiu Lie smashed the so-called G meteorite asteroid with one punch. He didn't even need to show his true body.

But this also reminded him of some bad things.

Among the dragons that abandoned this planet in the past, he was the only one who stayed here.

Apart from here, he had nowhere to go.

Because the person he loved was trapped in the system magic of this planet.

This made him feel a little sad.

In order to get rid of the sadness in his heart, the black dragon Qiu Lie turned his body in the scattered wreckage of the G meteorite.

Now, he still had time to rush back to help Ariel and the others.

The GMA bomb has not been dropped yet.

Although the appearance of this dragon in front of him is likely to cause the G battleship to drop the GMA bomb, even so, he still has a way to resolve the crisis.

Compared with the newly-deified Godzilla, the Black Dragon Chule can use the energy in his body more accurately and instantly transfer to outer space before the bomb explodes.

It doesn't matter what Potimas intends.

No matter what conspiracy that guy has, as the god of this world, he will defeat it all.

【You've worked hard.

Just when Heilong Qiulie made up his mind, a voice immediately poured cold water on him.

It was a woman's voice.

Even in the universe, the voice was still clearly transmitted to his ears.

The voice came from the thin machine floating next to Heilong Qiulie's ear.


The other party was able to transmit this intercom without him noticing.

It seems that there is only one guy who can contact him at this time.

"D, is that you?"

The Black Dragon Qiu Lie responded in the universe.

His voice was extremely heavy.

D is an evil god, the god of death, and the last god of the underworld.

She has many domineering and loud titles, but her temperament is that of one of the highest-ranking gods.

She has the ability to travel through various planes and switch back and forth in the multiverse.

It stands to reason that such an existence, a low-level god like himself, is not qualified to talk to her.

But the other party still talked to her.

If it was a believer of the evil god, he might be very happy, but the Black Dragon Qiu Lie only felt uneasy at this time.

【Your mission ends here. Also, I want you to do something.】

Black Dragon Qiu Lie has a bad feeling.

Doesn't the GMA bomb need to be dismantled?

"What's up?"

【You go kill Godzilla】

"What’s the reason?"

【Because it's fun to do it. After the GMA bomb was dismantled, I want to know who is stronger between you. 】


No matter who is sacrificed, no matter what is destroyed, as long as she thinks it's fun, it doesn't matter.

As long as she thinks it's fun, she can do anything.

This is the essence of D, who is called the evil god.

But this is not fun at all for the black dragon Qiu Lie


【If you win, I will rescue the angel Sariel.

Although the black dragon Qiu Lie wanted to refute, the evil god D gave him a reason that he could not refuse.

"What if I refuse?"

【Do you dare?

Although the tone was polite, the words of the evil god D revealed a firm will that he could not refuse.

An extremely arrogant will.

They really looked alike.

This reminded Black Dragon Qiu Lie of the white spider girl.

As long as they were carrying out their own way of survival, they would trample on others as if nothing had happened.

To some extent, the spider girl was the next evil god D, but she also hated the evil god D.

"I understand."

Black Dragon Qiu Lie could only answer like this.

Because if he upset D, he might not be the only one buried with him.

If the performance on this stage could not satisfy her, then who knows what the evil god D would do. She has such strength.

Black Dragon Qiu Lie had no choice but to agree to her so powerlessly.

【That's good.】

In the invisible darkness, it seemed as if one could feel the devilish smile of the evil god D's mouth split to the sides.

After hearing the reply from Black Dragon Qiu Lie.

The communicator disappeared.

In the eyes of Black Dragon Qiu Lie, the evil god D did not have a grudge against Godzilla.

Because D possesses overwhelming power, as long as she wants to, it is no problem to wipe out Godzilla.

But that would be meaningless.

Because anything can be done.

That's why she will not intervene, but will just stand by and watch.

No matter what the final result will be.

It will become a performance to please her.

In the dim universe, Black Dragon Qiu Lie clenched his fists for his incompetence.

I'm sorry, Godzilla.......

(Godzilla: I have never seen anyone so arrogant in my life. Brother Chao, Brother Hell, she is the one who bullies me!).

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