Inside the huge UFO, Spider-Man and his crew are making an emergency breakthrough!


The moment the group of combat robots appeared, they were blown up by a punch.

"Well done!"

When Demon King Ariel showed the strongest power in her system, no matter how many robots and tanks came, they were no match for her.

The battle was over in an instant!

So they had no obstacles all the way, killed their way to the control room on the deck, and rushed to the direction where the GMA bombs were stored.

It was really, too fierce!

This was probably the most powerful existence that Spider-Girl had ever seen, except for Godzilla.

The Demon King would kill the enemy at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

To be honest, the current situation was probably similar to the style of Genos in One Punch Man when he saw Saitama killing monsters in one second.

Spider-Girl was probably Genos's expression.

However, the Demon King seemed to deliberately show her"muscle" strength, which made Potimas completely unable to find an opportunity.

After all, before he found an opportunity, the enemy had been defeated.

Because of the plug-in effect of the"Gluttony" ruler, the Demon King's physical strength is also unlimited, and his combat power can be said to be the ceiling of the ceiling.

It's simply a full-level big account dragging three people to brush the UFO large world copy.

To be honest, Spider-Girl could only laugh in her heart when the cheat was used to this extent.

However, as long as she could move forward smoothly, it would be fine.

She didn't think too much about it. The Demon King's strength was actually good news for her.

Perhaps most of the robots went to fight the foreign enemies, so there were not many robot guards inside.

This allowed Spider-Girl and his party to approach their destination very smoothly.

Their ultimate goal was the block where the bomb was located next to the control room projected by the metal ball in Lucia's hand.

The control room located in the center.

In addition, this UFO was huge, with a diameter of 4,000 meters.

And it was a room-by-room passage, so there was no way to run and it took a long way to walk.

So they kept encountering obstacles. The original forecast for bomb disposal was within 3 hours, but now the actual situation may be extended to about 5 hours.

The longer the time drags on, the more painful it will be for the companions fighting outside.

Spider-Girl is more worried about the puppet spiders. Shar, Lil and others may die if they are not careful.

Spider-Girl still likes these two puppet lolita.

She raises them like daughters.

"By the way, the human army brought by the Pope will not be wiped out, right?"

Rather than being worried, Spider-Girl doubts how many of them can survive this war.

After all, they seem to be in a different style.

It's a bit far-fetched to say that the knights of the Middle Ages are fighting against the mechanical chariots of the future world.

It's simply suicide!

The Pope also understands this, but he still lets them join the war. He is either stupid or bad, or he is prepared.

It's really pitiful.

I don't know what the situation is like outside. If Godzilla is here, it should be much better.

I just don't know if it's an illusion.

Spider-Girl seemed to see Godzilla flying......It's outrageous!

But now, even if she wants to confirm the situation outside, she can't know the situation outside because the metal outer wall of the UFO is covered with a mysterious barrier (energy field).

This makes her feel anxious.

Because she lost the concept of time inside, the movement outside is completely isolated, as if she is in another world.

Having said that, in fact, the enemies were solved by the Demon King, and she did nothing.

The person leading the way is Lucia. The girl from the sea tribe seems to be a queen. It is said that she is the Demon King's niece or something like that.

She looked at the map very seriously. The metal doors in many places were opened with her genetic factors. It can be said that she is as important as a key.

Potimas led the way with peace of mind, and there was nothing extra to say along the way.

But Spider-Girl knew what vicious plan he was planning in his heart, and he would definitely not give up so easily.

Therefore, the four-person group can be said to have clear positioning.

Potimas is the guide and bomb disposal expert, Lucia is the key and commander, Demon King Ariel is the highest combat power, and Spider-Girl is a slacker who has almost no contribution.

No, it's not because she's incompetent.

It's because she gave the opportunity to the elders. These three are thousands of years old.

It's definitely not because she's a useless waste.

Spider-Girl convinced herself secretly.

But then again.

Why does she have so many inner dramas?

Spider-Girl began to complain about herself.......

"Do you think they will be able to defuse the bomb successfully?"

The Pope looked up at the huge UFO and said to the God of the End beside him.

【This UFO is not only huge, but also can be considered a military base, so the internal roads are extremely complicated. We can only wait for their news. 】

To be honest, Godzilla End is not clear about the internal structure of the UFO. He just looked at the design drawings and roughly guessed the complex situation inside.

In the past, he had the help of the system, just like turning on automatic pathfinding and navigation in the game.

Moreover, things that were easily completed in the past are suddenly impossible to do now. This feeling of being restricted makes Godzilla End uncomfortable.

I have become a god, why do I feel worse than before?

(System: What's wrong, do you miss me?)

On the other hand, I usually look at the navigation to find the way.

If Godzilla really finds the way by himself, he will not remember the way.

It seems that I can only find a way to get the assistance of the whole system, or a whole book of cheat codes.

I miss the first hour of the system......

The second hour of missing the system......


Godzilla had an idea. He thought that when he became a god, the MA system of this world was cancelled, but the Gaia system seemed to be restarted.

So why is there no response from the Gaia system until now?

【Activate the Gaia system! 】

Godzilla said to himself, and began to connect with his consciousness.

『Gaia system has been activated!』

『System: No content at the moment. 』


After the system was reinstalled, all the skill software and magic dictionaries that were previously installed were cleared, leaving only the empty system framework.

"You mean, you want me to build a system myself?"

Godzilla End came to his senses.

His old system was gone.

Or rather, it was upgraded to a brand new version, but all the previous things disappeared.

Now he needs to perfect the system himself.

From today on, everything he sees and hears, any knowledge, ability, skill, and experience he has learned will be recorded in the system.

Because he is the creator of the new system, everything starts from scratch.

In addition, Godzilla End can also distribute the"virtual subsystem" of the"main system" to other people, allowing them to collect various skills, accumulate magical experience and knowledge, and upload them to the server of the main system at the same time.

·· ·······Request flowers 0

·· ·······Request flowers 0

Godzilla is like a god, holding the highest authority in the system.

Because he is the creator of the system.

"Okay, let's build a system!"

Godzilla seemed to have made up his mind and began to create a system for himself to facilitate future actions.

『The new system has no name!』

『New system image selection......』

『New system functional area......』

『Main system partition, subsystem secondary partition......』

Everything needs to be built from scratch.

The name of the new system is called [Gaia System], abbreviated as"G System".

The image is mainly based on the blue earth.

Originally, Godzilla planned to use his own image, but his own image will change according to different evolutions, but the earth will not change, anyway, it can be changed in the future.

The system is currently under development and has few functions. The only thing that the End Godzilla can provide is the translation of hundreds of languages in the other world, the evolutionary branches of the ancient dragon species, various information about the other world, and other memories engraved in the genes.



"It seems that the system can only play a real role when it is used by other people."

Thinking of this.

Godzilla End glanced at the Pope beside him.

He wanted to find an experimental subject, but he couldn't say to the Pope, 'Old man, I'll give you a system, would you like it?'

After all, the Pope already has the MA system of this world, and it is impossible for him to obtain a new system. That would be equivalent to deleting his account and starting over.

Does he have to find a few unlucky people from another world to travel through like the evil god D?

There is no need.

Forget it.

Don't think about the system for now. There will definitely be a chance to find a suitable host in the future, and it seems that there is no limit. As long as you are strong enough, the capacity you can carry will increase.

If you have enough believers, the energy and knowledge collected by the system will be endless.

At that time, Godzilla End will be an omniscient and omnipotent existence.

As for the users of the system, for the sake of simplicity, let's call them members of the [Monster Alliance].

Just when Godzilla End withdrew from the consciousness space and came to his senses.

An accident came.

"Godzilla, please come with me......."

【Who are you?】

The eyes of the God of the End calmly stared ahead

"Sorry, for the sake of this planet, I have no choice but to kill you."

The space split open, and a man emerged from it.

He was a man covered in black armor.

He was like a cold demon, emitting a strong aura and a suffocating pressure.

Like a fierce light in the dark night, his scarlet eyes stared straight at this side.

He was so black that it could only be described in this way.

It seemed that the close-fitting armor was integrated with the body.

The only part of his face that was exposed was also light black. His hair was also black. Only his eyes were abnormally red.

"So, can you please go to space with me? I don't want this planet to be destroyed because of our fight......."

【Excuse me......】

Because the shape and momentum of the black dragon Qiu Lie had changed a little, Godzilla didn't recognize him for a while.

【Who are you sending this to? Do I know you? If you want to fight, then fight.

Why are you so polite? 101.

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