Fang Hao looked at the pushing and pushing in front of him. For some reason, he didn't feel any impatience, but rather wanted to laugh. He is not some ancient Long Aotian-style male protagonist. He will think that you dare to stop me. You are really seeking death.

He did not have such thoughts, because these police officers did not have any malicious intentions, they were simply performing their official duties. For them, although the two teenagers in front of them subdued the suspected sick criminal, they were unwilling to hand it over to the police. Of course, they would take some coercive measures.

But Fang Hao and the others couldn't possibly hand over the man who turned into a ghost to others. They didn't know the seriousness of the problem. If it hadn't been in public, they would have killed the evil ghost long ago.

"Can someone come and save me?"Although Fang Hao is still watching the fun, he is still quite helpless in his heart. Although the guy lying on the ground only has beast instincts and is unlikely to control his body to connect the joints, Fang Hao cannot leave him alone, what if?……

"Is the Demon Slayer Squad so inefficient? There should be a lot of people in Tokyo. Can you personally handle such a big commotion?"

It is naturally impossible for Fang Hao and Tanjiro to hand over the ghosts, so the conflict will only get worse in the future."We must deal with them before the situation becomes serious."

Now that things have happened, Fang Hao can't watch the show anymore. No, it must be dealt with. When there are more onlookers and law enforcers later, things will become even more difficult to handle. He plans to knock down the policemen and then forcibly arrest them. The man who turned into a ghost was taken away.

Fang Hao's hand grabbed the handle of the knife, and at this time,"Xiu Xiu."Tanjiro's nose seemed to smell something, and he straightened it up subconsciously. The crowd around him suddenly stopped pushing and shoving, their eyes were dull, and they stayed still in place, falling into chaos, as if they were sleeping and talking in their sleep. Same

"Um? What's blocking me?"

"flower? Where did all these flowers come from?"

"Don't rush, don't panic……"

"You, where are you, I can't see you."

Tanjiro was very surprised to see their behavior at the moment, and then, countless flowers appeared in front of his eyes, layer upon layer, flowers in clusters, flowers connected to each other to form a sea of flowers, like clouds, and like rosy clouds, attracting all his attention.

Soon, he realized something was wrong. He couldn't see everything around him before, and all he could smell was the endless fragrance of flowers,"Is that why they were so panicked before?"

Fang Hao immediately covered his nose with his clothes after the fragrance of flowers appeared, and then moved to Tanjiro's side,"Tanjiro, this fragrance of flowers will make people hallucinate, be careful!"

Fang Hao knew that the person who came was most likely Tamayo, but he couldn't be careless just because he knew the original plot. Maybe it was an evil ghost sent by Muzan with a blood demon technique similar to Tamayo's? He still had to be cautious, after all, he only had one life.

Tanjiro woke up, his expression immediately became serious, he clenched the knife in his hand, and was alert to the enemy hiding in the dark.

The next moment, a gentle and kind voice came into their ears.

"Yes, this is indeed an illusion. It is an illusion constructed with my blood, but I am not your enemy."While they were talking, a figure appeared in front of them.

This was a woman with a beautiful face. Her long black hair was parted in the middle and combed into a large and low bun. The bun was fixed by a flower hairpin.

Her eyes are gentle, like lavender mist, and her lips are red, in sharp contrast to her pale face. She is wearing a dark purple kimono decorated with wavy lavender branches and red flowers, and a wide beige sash around her waist.

Well, there was a boy dressed as a student behind her.

"Who are you……"Tanjiro had never seen such a beautiful woman before. He didn't know what he was thinking for a moment and was stunned.

Fang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed Zhu Shi, as long as the plot did not change, but he didn't show any signs of it on his face and asked:"Who are you?"

"My name is Jushi, I am a harmless ghost and a passing doctor."

The woman calls herself Tamashi, a ghost who has escaped Mukai's control, and is currently living in seclusion as a doctor in Asakusa. The boy next to her is named Yushiro, and he is her assistant.

After hearing the woman's words, Tanjiro quickly relaxed his guard. Choosing to believe her(them).

Fang Hao expressed doubts about this, not because he didn’t believe in Zhu Shi, but because he didn’t believe that Tanjiro believed in Zhu Shi so quickly. Fang Hao couldn’t remember the details of the original work. After all, who can watch Demon Slayer. I watched it because of the plot. I saw that the money was burning and people were burning. Anyway,

Tanjiro had established trust in Zhu Shi so quickly. Fang Hao didn't expect it. Then he watched. When Tanjiro looked at Tamashi at this moment, he said,"? I thought people of my age only like big sisters, but I didn’t expect that Tanjiro, you would like big sisters at your age. What about people of our age?"Thinking of this, Fang Hao became even more heartbroken.

"Are we older people allowed to like lolita? Hey, it seems good. Well, three years of bloody gains, the death penalty is not a loss."

It's better not to be dirty. Fang Hao quietly asked Tanjiro this question. Tanjiro's answer was - it didn't taste like lying.

"Well, you might as well say you like big sister."Fang Hao complained. Although he knew that Tanjiro's nose could identify emotions, he still liked the big sister. This guess made Fang Hao more satisfied. In this way, they can become the same kind, SP

"what."The young Tanjiro had never heard of such teasing before, and his face turned red.

Yushiro on the side glared angrily,"Why are you glaring at your love rival? Why are you glaring at me? baffling."Of course, Fang Hao didn't say this. They just met, so let's leave a good impression first, and complain about it later.

Then, Fang Hao and the others took the injured woman and the ghostly man, and followed Zhu Shi and Yushiro. He left the street and turned into a quiet and dark alley. Then he walked around for a long time and came to a dead end.

""Huh?" Tanjiro's eyes suddenly widened. He saw Tamayo and Yushiro enter the wall without any hindrance. The seemingly solid wall turned into an illusion as they walked forward, and then returned to its original state.

Fang Hao raised his eyebrows,"Awesome."This kind of situation, which is like a barrier in a fantasy world, is indeed surprising.

Fang Hao also knew that this should be caused by blood demon magic. Tamayo's previous blood demon magic was a hallucinogenic fragrance, so the one in front of him should be the work of Yushiro.

Fang Hao took a step forward and entered it, and Tanjiro and the others followed closely.

Inside the wall, or rather, hidden here is a private clinic. In addition to Tamayo, there is only Yushiro here, and now there are Fang Hao and the others.

Looking at this clinic, Fang Hao couldn't help but sigh that there is no light under the lamp. The demon who escaped from Muzan's control and lived with Muzan in Asakusa is indeed a very dramatic plot.

They put the injured woman down, Tamayo and Yushiro properly placed the woman, and then treated the external injuries, and soon completed the treatment of the injuries.

Then, he treated the man who turned into an evil spirit, and Tamayo performed a series of operations that Fang Hao did not understand.

"After all, I have experienced the influence of modern medicine (I have been to the hospital), so why can’t I understand it?"Fang Hao thought for a while, but still felt that Zhu Shi's medical skills were unscientific and even used her own blood. Oh, she was treating ghosts, so that's okay.

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