My name is Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan, and I am an ordinary ghost king who has lived for more than a thousand years. The reason why I say ordinary is because I, like the ordinary evil ghosts who turned into ghosts by my hands, are afraid of sunlight, and exposure to sunlight will kill us. The dream is to become a perfect creature.

More than a thousand years ago, I was born into an ordinary noble family, but there is something extraordinary about me. I have been carrying a strange disease since I was born.

Although I have been diagnosed and treated by many doctors since I became sensible, but they were unable to do anything, I did not panic at all, because one day a famous doctor came to my house.

Famous doctors used special methods to treat my illness, but my illness still didn't heal, and I started to panic a little. I chose to kill that famous doctor. My illness was not cured, so why should he live?

After killing the famous doctor, I regretted it because I found that my illness was cured. But what I regret is not killing the famous doctor, but why I didn't kill him later. Although my illness was cured, it was not completely cured.

Without the final treatment, although I am no longer troubled by the disease, I still have immortality in a sense.���, but I have been afraid of the sun since then. I feel that as long as I am exposed to the sun, I will die. Beyond that, human flesh made my mouth water, and I started eating people. Although I found that I could survive eating animal meat, I didn’t have this idea. Why should I torture myself when I have delicious food?

Being afraid of the sun is indeed a disgusting thing, and I am fed up with having to go out only at night. But that's okay, at least I'm still alive.

One day, I got a piece of news that the blue Hibiscus flower can make me not afraid of the sun. I began to have an idea: to become a perfect creature.

I started looking for the blue Higan flower all over the world, but of course my power as an ordinary ghost king is limited. So, I started to create evil spirits and asked them to help me find the blue Higan flower. But that's okay. Even after living for so many years, I still don't fully understand the outside world. It's good to let these tools take risks.

Many years later, I still couldn't find the blue Hibiscus flower. This group of trash is really useless, they wasted my blood in vain. However, after so many years, I have also discovered something. Ghosts can indeed become stronger by eating people. The more they eat, the stronger they become. Also, I am the strongest.

However, this is no surprise. After all, I am the ancestor of ghosts and the ghost that eats the most people. I've lost count of how many people I've eaten from, but it doesn't matter. Like those rubbish say, do you remember how much bread you have eaten?

After all these years, nothing interests me anymore. Only the blue Higan flower is my obsession, but other than that, pretending to be a human is also good. When I get tired of it, I eat them again. The expressions of disbelief on their faces are really intoxicating to me.

One day, I met a human being with good qualifications. His name was Tsukuni Iwakatsu. His obsession was to surpass his younger brother. How boring! For a ghost king like me, power is nothing, because I am already on top of the world.

I gave him my blood, and he turned into a ghost. He is indeed very powerful, probably second only to me. I asked him to follow his heart, and he went to find his younger brother. Haha, I guess his younger brother would be eaten by him.

I paid attention to his memory, looking forward to him eating his own brother. In fact, I have seen a lot of scenes where evil spirits eat relatives, but those things are all mindless. Today's one has complete sanity and should bring me a lot of fun.

Oh, he actually lost to his younger brother. However, it also made me a little interested in his brother. Maybe I haven't made a move for a long time, let me see how much strength he can make me use. If he does well, I don't mind giving him some blood as well.

Soon, I met his younger brother, Jiguo Enichi. The first thing he said when we met was to ask me:"What do you think of life?"

It's ridiculous. Of course, my own life is the most precious thing. What do the lives of other people or ghosts have to do with me? What a stupid human being, I decided to teach him a lesson.

Several of my attacks were dodged. Yes, he aroused my interest. Then, he drew the knife, and I felt the fear of death for the first time in a long time.

However, I didn't panic at all, I had already thought of a way to kill this man. When he got close to me, I exploded my body and scattered. He cut me many times, but it was of no use. He just destroyed most of my body.

I was seriously injured, but I didn't panic at all. I have been hiding for many years. I heard that Peng Zu, who grew flowers, lived for eight hundred years. That man probably couldn't live that long. I don't know when he died. Anyway, he had been dead for many years when I came out.

So, what’s the use of being so awesome? Can you outlive me? After that man died, I became number one in the world, but I didn't have the idea of dominating the world because of that. I just want to live well, find the blue Higan flower, and become a perfect creature.

I sent people to destroy all the inheritance of that man. I confirmed it several times and had others confirm it several times. I finally felt at ease.

It wasn't until three years ago that I got the news that there were actually direct descendants. Ridiculous, I'm going to do it myself this time.

Then, I saw that face. I almost split it into more than 1,800 pieces, but luckily I stopped in time. The face is indeed the same, but it's not the same man.

I breathed a sigh of relief, then became angry. How dare you look like this to scare me! I moved my hands, and the moment the man opened his eyes, I almost exploded myself, seeing the world, just like that man! Fortunately, this man was sick and I got rid of him and his family.

I thought the person related to that man and���Everything disappeared, until today, I saw that person's earrings on a kid's ears.

I didn't do anything, although this kid didn't seem to have much power, but what if? Besides, what if he was a decoy? Although the Demon Slayer Squad is useless, what if they get that man's inheritance and ambush me here!

I turned a passerby into a ghost and asked him to drag the little ghost away. When I got home, I sent two of my men to explore the way. It didn't matter if I died, I could easily make this kind of stuff anyway.

But if I die, I will change my identity first. After all, I'm tired of this identity!

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