"This, he ran so fast..." Fang Hao shook his head helplessly. If he used all his strength, he would definitely be able to catch up, but even after incorporating water breathing, the breathing method consumes less physical strength. Just less, not nothing.

The next thing he has to face is the Twelve Ghost Moons. Even if his mental state is better or his fighting spirit is stronger after killing the spider ghost mother, if he consumes too much physical strength, standing in this posture will When he was tired, he couldn't do such a stupid thing.

He continued to chase in that direction, and soon after, bursts of beast roars reached his ears."Found it." This voice should have been made by the evil spirit during the battle, and the person fighting the evil spirit was probably Inosuke.

Suddenly, Fang Hao jumped back quickly, and a lot of spider silk was sprayed on the place where he was standing.

He looked intently in the direction from which the spider silk came, and narrowed his eyes slightly. Fang Hao looked at the figure that appeared in front of her in surprise. It was a girl ghost dressed in white. She was almost carved out of the same mold as the previous spider ghost mother. No, to be precise, it should be both He Lei and Lei Lei. Carved from the same mold

"Hey, look what I found? A wild evil ghost, well, it might also be a domesticated one. In short, the accumulated content is as high as 90%."

The Spider Mountain family all used their own blood to turn them into ghosts, which is why they are so similar to Lei. But the family members he found, such as Spider Guigui's mother, turned out to look like him. This is not grammatical. The problem is the fact that it is indeed a bit of a filial piety.

However, of course I don't care about this. I may even think it is better. Is there anything wrong with the family looking alike?

"I promised your mother that I would send you down to accompany her. Fang Hao said seriously.

"It turns out you killed 'Mom'."When the girl heard Fang Hao's words, she realized that the man in front of her had killed her mother. Her voice was very calm, and there was no sadness on her face, as if she was saying"Oh"

"Even if you can kill mom, you are definitely no match for dad, and you can't even kill Tire.’"

"Human, you are dead! So please go die now!"She struck again, with spider silk flying on her hands, and the attack method was exactly the same as the previous Spider Ghost mother.

In the animation, the Spider Mountain family originally had a Spider Ghost eldest sister, and the Spider Ghost sister was close to the Spider Ghost eldest sister, and the two They made an appointment to escape from Natian Spider Mountain together and get rid of Lei's playing house game, but in the end, Spider Ghost sister was reported by her, and then she was hanged outside the house by Lei and died of the sun, and Spider Ghost sister naturally replaced Spider.

The position of the ghost eldest sister has reached a higher status.

Fang Hao has nothing to say to this kind of evil ghost, just let her die.

""Thunder Breathing·First Form·Thunderbolt Flash·Five Consecutive."

On the other side,"Roar." A huge figure was beating the enemy in front of him.

Bang! The young man barely dodged in embarrassment, but the big tree behind him broke under this attack and fell straight to the ground.

"Tsk, this guy is so strong."The boy, or Inosuke, discovered during the confrontation with the evil ghost that this evil ghost was the strongest evil ghost he had ever seen.

He tried to cut open the evil ghost's body, but even with all his strength, he was able to kill the giant evil ghost. The skin is broken, and even the muscles inside cannot be touched, let alone cutting off the muscles.

"Huh, huh."Inosuke gasped. He had never encountered such an opponent. The evil ghosts in the past had no way to resist when facing his jagged sword blade that he smashed with stones. In addition, he was as wild as a beast. It can be said that with Ye Xunji's swordsmanship, there has never been a single enemy.

However, the evil ghost in front of him didn't even need to defend himself when facing his cutting and sawing skills. He, who had always been invincible, now met his nemesis.……

""Roar!" Another iron fist, Inosuke raised his two swords to barely block it, the strong wind pressure made him unable to open his eyes. He could only take advantage of the situation to roll over to relieve the force, and then stand up to fight with the evil ghost

"hateful!"Inosuke looked at the giant evil ghost in front of him with confusion. It was an alien ghost with a body length of more than two meters. It had the head of a spider on its human body and its mouth was ferocious. This face alone was... enough to scare people

"It can't hit the vital point!"Inosuke was in a dilemma. Even if he took the risk of jumping up and slashing the evil spirit's neck, he still couldn't cut it off. And with its recovery power, as long as it wasn't a fatal injury, it would be difficult to have any impact on it.

However, at this time, he He had no time to think about so much. He was exhausted from the attack of evil spirits. The heavy consumption of physical strength and injuries on his body made him more and more tired. The whine of muscles in various parts of his body let him know that he had reached his limit...

Angry , dissatisfied, but mostly powerless. Inosuke, who believed in the law of the jungle, pursued a stronger opponent and stronger power. Now that he saw it, he found that even if he tried his best, he could only cut off a part of the evil ghost. A hand, even that hand is recovering quickly

"Damn it, is that the end? I also want to meet a stronger opponent!"The consciousness gradually blurred, and Inosuke's ability to resist attacks became weaker and weaker.……

"Click!"Another heavy punch, and his blurred consciousness suddenly became clearer. His sword was broken...

He knew that he could not continue to use it like this. He dropped the broken Nichirin sword and held the other sword tightly with both hands. ,"This is the final blow! The pig advances suddenly!"He jumped diagonally behind the evil ghost through the trees behind him, unleashed all his last strength, and slashed towards the evil ghost's neck.……

"Click!"The Nichirin Sword that he held tightly in both hands penetrated deeply into the evil spirit's neck, but it only hit half of the neck and could not make any progress. At this time, the blade was finally overwhelmed and broke completely.

The iron fist was aimed at his neck. The body was close, but he had no chance of dodge.

"As expected, it doesn’t work. That’s it.……"His heart was full of unwillingness and despair,"This evil ghost with no rationality and no power died in his hands."……"

Suddenly, he felt a lightness in his body, and he was being hugged by someone."Be careful!" He subconsciously wanted to say it, but was shocked to see the huge body fall to the ground, and his head flew high, and then landed on the ground. On the ground, disappeared

"Shake high!"Inosuke looked at this familiar face and shouted

"You called me right for once!"This sentence directly broke Fang Hao's defense. I can only say that he is a pig-headed boy. In the original work, except for Shanahu and Butterfly Ninja, he could not call anyone else's name correctly.

The person who came was Fang Hao. He had been with Spider Ghost Sister before In the battle, Fang Hao used the Thunderbolt Flash and the Fifth Company. Fang Hao, who was familiar with the original work, created the Thunderbolt Flash and the Sixth Company very early. With his talent as a swordsman wizard, he slightly modified the sword skills for him. It's not difficult.

The reason why he used Thunderbolt Flash and Five Chains was because the limbs and neck were just five swords. For this ghost with a bad personality, Fang Hao deliberately added four more swords to make her death more painful. Cut off her limbs, and finally chose the owl's head.

After doing all this, Fang Hao rushed here and happened to save Inosuke.

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