Fang Hao, who just arrived, was also very helpless. It was not that he had any opinion on Inosuke. The key point was that he seemed to rescue people every time. It was the same when he rescued the girl from the swamp ghost before, and it was the same now.

"I haven't practiced this before. Is it the protagonist's treatment?" Fang Hao thought this way.

He was really scared when he stepped on the spot. If he arrived a second later, all he would see was half Inosuke and half Inosuke!

Fortunately, he arrived in time and not only saved Inosuke, but also half Inosuke.

He also killed Spider Ghost's father.

The sword he used to kill Spider Ghost's father was naturally broken.

This time, he didn't strike hard at the head, but at the neck.

It seems that this secret sword is indeed good and powerful, and he looked at the sword just now, and there is indeed no damage.

If he had not been so reckless that day, he would not have injured a thousand enemies and lost eight hundred swords.

"Uh, can you come down first?"He was holding Inosuke in his arms at the moment, and Inosuke was also looking at him. As long as Fang Hao moved his head, he could see a pig's head. He felt���This posture is not good

"Who will always be like this! I know it without you telling me!"Inosuke's face turned red, and he simply held the pig's head on his head so that no one could see it.

He was really stunned just now. Such a powerful evil ghost fell down in just an instant. The strength displayed by Fang Hao really surprised him. You know

, he and Fang Hao had a fight, just outside Spider Mountain. After all, he has a temperament that will get entangled with strong people. How could he resist it even if he saw Fang Hao

? He was indeed defeated, but the fight was back-and-forth. How could you kill a ghost that I couldn't defeat in one blow? Are you so good at acting?

You thought before you set off, you were so confident that you wanted to find someone in the mountains. The evil ghost tried the sword, but now he was beaten badly by the evil ghost, and the two swords were broken. He was also saved by Huang Tao, but the evil ghost didn't even catch a good move...

I thought At this, Inosuke's face turned even redder. However, after all, he had a temper that grew stronger with every setback, and he quickly regained his composure,"Guang Tao, I will not admit defeat, I want to... become stronger!"

Looking at Inosuke, who suddenly became excited, Fang Hao just showed his dead eyes,"I don't object to you being very motivated, but can you call me by my name right once? Haven't you ever called me right before?"

"well! Mulberry, didn't I call it right?"Inosuke asked doubtfully

"Not only is it wrong, but you also didn’t repeat the wrong name."Fang Hao replied


"No, the smell of ghosts is getting stronger and stronger. There are at least three, no, four evil ghosts. I have to go find them."Shortly after Fang Hao left, Tanjiro said to Zenitsu seriously.

"I can detect the location of ghosts. I have to help Fang Jun and Inosuke, otherwise they may be besieged by ghosts, which would be terrible."

"Tanjiro, no, you want to leave me alone? Zenitsu grabbed Tanjiro's clothes tightly,"Big brother is so strong, if he goes to find Inosuke, there will be no problem!""Zenitsu tried to make Tanjiro change his mind.

"No, let me go, Zenitsu, I must go."He pushed Shan Yi's hand away and chased in the direction where Fang Hao left.

"Take care of yourself, Zenitsu"

"what to do? I'm the only one left!"Zhen Yi held the knife tightly and looked around in panic. Although there was a member of the Demon Slayer Team beside him, he was unconscious and had no way to protect him.

Zen Yi was restless at this moment and did not dare to relax for a moment."It's okay, it will be okay. I'm so far away, the evil spirits won't come.

He struggled to comfort himself:"I'm not married yet, and I've even had my first kiss. How could I die so young?" It is my dream to find a cute girl to get married!"

"Big brother, Tanjiro, Inosuke, whoever it is, can you please come?"At the end, there was a cry in his voice.

There was a rustling sound in the grass not far away, but the panicked Zenitsu didn't notice it.

After leaving, Tanjiro pushed him forward He is really good at finding people,"Fang Jun and Inosuke are getting closer and closer." There was more joy in his heart, but the sense of urgency was still the same. He wanted to rush over as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the red-haired boy's face suddenly became solemn, and he put his hand on the hilt of the sword,"Who is it? Come out quickly!"

On a branch illuminated by the moonlight, a boy in white clothes and white hair responded to Tanjiro,"Huh? Can you actually find me? Sure enough, he is not an ordinary human being."

The young man was condescending. His pale skin and hair like spider's claws made him look particularly terrifying.

"Who are you?" Tanjiro looked at the boy in front of him warily.

"This is my home."The young man replied calmly."They in the mountains are my family."

"family? Do ghosts also have families?"Tanjiro didn't understand this.

"Yeah, but they are a bunch of trash."The young man said calmly something that would sound horrifying to ordinary people,"They all seem to have been killed now."

"you! Tanjiro was very angry. Although he probably guessed that the people the boy in front of him called his family were evil spirits, and they were punished, the attitude of the boy in front of him towards his family was unacceptable to Tanjiro, who always valued his family.

"My family is not what you call trash! Since they are family, how can you say that to them!"

"They are indeed a bunch of trash. Fathers should protect their children, mothers should take care of their families, and older brothers and sisters should protect their younger brothers. They can only be considered trash!"The young man talked lightly about his longing for his family, and also told the reason why he didn't care about his previous family members.

"You can find me, it's great, are you going to be my brother?"

The anger in Tanjiro's heart reached its peak. He felt that the ghost in front of him was really too bad. His casual and contemptuous attitude towards his family was something Tanjiro could never forgive.

"Water Breathing·First Form·Water Surface Slash." Tanjiro drew out his Nichirin Sword and rushed towards the boy. Water gathered and flowed on his sword, ready to go.

"Don't want to? If you don't want to, then go die!"Spider threads stretched out from the young man's fingertips and struck at Tanjiro with lightning speed.

Tanjiro tried to dodge the blow, but was still knocked away. Fortunately, he reacted in time and blocked the Nichirin Sword.

Tanjiro got up from the ground and looked at the boy who looked less than ten years old in front of him in disbelief.

"I said, do you think you can defeat me? The young man fiddled with the spider silk in his hand and said casually:"Maybe you have killed a lot of ghosts so far, but I am fundamentally different from those guys."

The young man's voice was full of disdain and indifference,"As the Twelve Ghost Moon, I have extraordinary qualifications among ghosts. I have a different style from those guys."" He showed his left eye, which was covered by his hair, and there were two words clearly printed inside:"The next soldier."

"Twelve ghost months!"

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