In the Infinite Castle, Muzan Kibutsuji's face was extremely ugly. He stood on a high place and looked down at the upper strings below.

Originally, there should be six upper strings here, but now there are only four. In fact, the upper string six, Mingnu, was just promoted by Muzan. Otherwise, there would only be three upper strings left.

Muzan's voice was full of coldness:"A mere human swordsman actually killed the upper string six, the upper string three, and the upper string two a few days ago?"

Muzan was in a very bad mood recently. Some time ago, the upper string six, Jifutaro, was suddenly killed by a human swordsman. He specially convened an upper string meeting for this. Muzan saw the red sword in Jifutaro's memory and decided to let Akaza, who was nearby, test this swordsman. Unexpectedly, Akaza died in his hands within a few hours.

But these are not the worst. The worst thing is that from Akaza's memory before his death, that man awakened the transparent world! Muzan couldn't help but curse the useless man in his heart. In a trance, he seemed to see the man with red hair and red sword again...

Muzan's face turned pale instantly. After he met that man four hundred years ago, he barely escaped by self-destructing his body. But now this kid can compete with Akaza and master the Breathing of the Sun, opening up a transparent world.……

"We can no longer give him time to grow, and we have to send someone to get rid of him."But then I thought about it, that swordsman was not weaker than Yiwozuo before he opened the transparent world. After opening the transparent world, wouldn't he be able to fight the Black Death Mou?

"To kill him, Kokushibo and Douma must go together. No, all the upper rank must go.……"Soon, he gave up this idea,"The ghost of winding string is hard to come by. Finding the blue Higan flower for me is the purpose of winding string. There is no need to waste it on such things."

Thinking like this, he also had the idea of retreat in his heart. He snorted coldly. For an ultimate creature like him with endless life, it would only be a matter of waiting for a few more decades. It would be too stupid to fight against humanity for a momentary victory. In the worst case, let him go. Anyway, humans can live for tens to hundreds of years at most, so why not wait? Just find a place to wait peacefully. By then, no matter how powerful a person is

, he will be nothing more than a handful of loess... However, what he didn't expect was that not long after, Tong Mo also died in the hands of the swordsman. This made While he was extremely angry, he also felt a little more fearful. He saw the shadow of Enichi Tsukuni in this swordsman.

"Master Wuhan, I heard about the blue Hibiscus flower.……"Upper Rank Five, Yuhu, sensed Muzan's anger and dissatisfaction, and quickly informed him of the news he had obtained.

"Blue Bianhua?"Wuzan's expression changed several times, and finally the enthusiasm and joy completely suppressed the anger in his heart. He covered his face, but from the gaps between his fingers, one could still see that the muscles on his face were constantly trembling, and his smile became more and more crazy.……

"A thousand years, a thousand years!"After a while, he managed to be a little calmer,"Bantian Dog, Yuhu, you continue to collect information about the cyan Bianhua flower. I need you to give me detailed information as soon as possible!"

After a long time, the dog and the jade pot agreed, Wu Kuan looked at the swordsman whose expression had not changed at all from the beginning to the end - the first string, Black Death Mou.

There was a little more patience in Wu Kuan's tone. ,"If I encounter that human swordsman when I capture the blue Higan flower, I will have to leave it to you to deal with, Black Death Mou."

Hei Shimo slowly pulled out the sun blade.

Over the past hundreds of years, he has never had a chance to take action.

Even when faced with Yiwozuo who had challenged him, he did not think that the battle with Yiwozuo could be counted.

By taking action, he was only trying to teach Yi Wo Zuo some lessons, and judging from Lord Wuhan's cautious attitude, Hei Shimo probably understood the strength of that human swordsman, which was powerful beyond humans.

This kind of power also reminded him of the person he was most familiar with, his younger brother, Jiguo Enichi!

Hundreds of years have passed, has another monster like his younger brother been born in this world? , I will prove that I am the strongest one.

Unlike the pure martial arts idiots like Yi Wo Zuo, although Hei Shimo also appreciates other talented warriors, he appreciates those who are very talented. He is talented and strong enough, but his talent and strength are not as good as his warriors. He will never allow monsters like his brother to be born in this world!

"Let me see with my own eyes the strength of that human swordsman."He looked at the sun blade in his hand quietly and said.

Hearing Black Death Mo's words, Wu Ke suddenly felt certain in his heart. Black Death Mo has the breathing method, markings, and the ability to see through the world. From Wu Ke's point of view, even if He is no match for a human swordsman, but if you want to hold him off for a few minutes so that you can capture the blue Higanbana, there is absolutely no problem.

"Could he still defeat Black Death Mou in just a few minutes?"Wuxian couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. Even as cautious as he was, he felt that this was an unrealistic guess.


At the same time, the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

Iguro Kobanai knelt down on one knee and said respectfully:"Lord, the news has spread."

Uyashiki Yoshiya supported his body, his face became a little more happy, and his tone was still gentle,"That's good, Follow the plan."The scars on his face are much more than before Fang Hao and the others set off, and his body is much weaker than before. Fang Hao knows that Naiya Shiki Yaoya is probably……

"Well, everyone, please do it this time. If possible, I would like to witness Wuhan's death with my own eyes, ahem."A violent cough came from his mouth. He struggled to speak, but couldn't speak no matter what.

Just a few days ago, Fang Hao, who had returned from killing Tong Mo, met Uyashiki Yoshiya, He detailed his plan at the Zhuhe meeting. If he wanted to kill Wu Mei, he had to lure him out first, and the most important part was to let Wu Mei know the news about the Blue Higanbana.

"My lord, you'd better go and have a good rest first. Only in this way can you see with your own eyes���"The death of Masaru Muzan." Fang Hao said,"Next, let me briefly introduce the abilities of the evil ghosts we are going to face next."

Fang Hao introduced the abilities of the Twelve Demon Moons to the pillars present. As for how this information came from, Fang Hao had no way to explain, and he also added that he could not guarantee that the information was accurate, but it was very likely.

After all, even if the ghosts he had seen had the same abilities as those in the anime, he still had to be cautious. If one of the ghosts had different abilities from those in the anime, and caused the death of the pillars who believed in his words, that would not be good. The information was only for reference.

In addition, training was required before the decisive battle...

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