In the Demon Slayer Headquarters, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kurihana Kanago, and Immortal Kawagenya walked into the courtyard. As soon as they entered, they were startled by this powerful and neat lineup.

There are rows of seats neatly arranged in the courtyard, and the nine pillars are in place, ranking in the first row.

"this……"Tanjiro's sense of smell, Zenitsu's hearing, Inosuke's sense of touch, and Kanao's vision are all extraordinary talents. In just a moment, they felt the amazing momentum coming from the Nine Pillars. Of course, Fuzugawa Genya's sense of taste is also amazing, and he can even turn into a demon after eating a demon, but he is obviously not as good as the previous four in terms of perception, unless... there is no unless, he does not eat humans.

"What exactly is this formation asking us to do? Shall we go together to kill Wuhan?"Inosuke felt that if the lineup in front of him was not fighting against the Ghost King, no matter what he did, it would be unreasonable. But he, who usually shouted loudly, unconsciously lowered his voice at this moment.

Tanjiro and others were also confused. At this time, aside Murata whispered:"It is said that there is a training camp"

"Training camp?"Inosuke immediately became interested. In this way, he could fight against strong people, right? And he would become stronger after training!

"Do you need so many pillars for training? Nine pillars are here, only the eldest brother is not here."Zenyi shrank his head and asked the same question in a low voice.

Although Tanjiro and the others did not say anything, they obviously had the same idea as Zenitsu. This is not a matter of overqualification and underutilization. Pillars who are rarely seen at ordinary times actually gathered at the headquarters. The key is It seems that he is still here for training, which is simply incredible.

In fact, Murata, who got the gossip, had the same idea as them. If he hadn't had a better relationship with the person who told him the news, he would have wanted to ask directly,"Are you kidding me?" ?".

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the room. His calm eyes scanned the audience,"It seems that everyone is here, so I will simply start talking."

"I have told you about the blood ghost technique of the Twelve Ghost Moons before. Now I will repeat it again, but it is only for reference. Don’t rely too much on it."

"The First Swordsman, Black Death Mou, was one of the first generation swordsmen, but later became a ghost. He can be said to be the strongest among the evil ghosts. His breathing method is called the breathing method of the moon, which is second only to the breathing method of the sun."

At this point, he paused,"Of course, the most powerful breathing method now is my thunder breathing method. The thunder breathing method was created by me after merging all the current breathing methods of the Demon Slayer Squad. This includes the breathing method of the sun, so it is definitely the most powerful breathing method.……"

He originally wanted to introduce the various concepts of his Thunder Breathing Technique, but when he noticed more than one unkind look from below, he decided to stop the topic temporarily.

He changed the subject:"Hei Shimo's blood ghost technique is to turn his sun sword into a demon sword that can continuously regenerate. As he releases his strength, he can even make the demon sword evolve into a longer alien sword with staggered blades. blade"

"Shang Xian 2·Tong Mo, I killed him"

"I killed Upper String Three Akaza."

The people in the audience clenched their fists, and they felt their fists harden. Although they didn't know the word"pretend", they understood the deep meaning of Fang Hao's current behavior - showing off in front of others!

Fang Hao's style of painting became more serious."Upper String Four Hantengu, has the ability to clone himself. If you don't kill his original body directly, his clones will regenerate infinitely. At the same time, each of his clones has special abilities, namely wind, thunder, wood, etc."

"Wu Jade Pot of Shangxian, he can use the pot on his body to summon various water monsters. However, this pot is also weak. If the pot is destroyed, the spell will be automatically released."

"The Land of the Wind, Taro the Prostitute, I killed this one too."

But this time he was smart. Before others could react, he switched directly to the next ghost, leaving them no time to react. Finally, he also focused on introducing Naru's space-based vampire technique to avoid The members of the Demon Slayer Corps were unable to react when they were suddenly transferred during the decisive battle.

"Next is the strength of the upper string. Everyone here has probably come into contact with the ghost of the lower string or the evil ghost close to the lower string, but……"

Looking at Tanjiro and others around them, they all nodded when they heard this. Murata: Huh? You've all seen it, but I haven't seen it? Although the pillars in front did not nod, there is no doubt that they must have encountered or even killed the ghost of the lower string. Why do you feel a little out of place?

"But the strength of the upper-rank demons is far beyond your imagination. Any upper-rank demon has the power to kill the lower-rank demons instantly. But this is not the point. The upper-rank demons all have strong recovery ability. As long as they are not killed instantly, injuries including broken limbs can be recovered in the blink of an eye."

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the Upper Rank Three, Akaza. If he hadn't used the Sun Breathing at that time, even such an explosion would not have prevented Akaza from recovering, right?

Tanjiro's heart was shocked. When Fang Hao and the others were fighting against Douma, he was still outside knocking out those believers. Although he could feel the cold from time to time, he didn't have a direct feeling of Douma's strength at that time. Now, after hearing Fang Hao's words, the pressure in his heart increased.

And Inosuke, who had seen Douma's strength, naturally knew that what Fang Hao said was true, but such a powerful Douma was far from Fang Hao's opponent. He couldn't help but doubt: with Kuang Lao as the target, can he really catch up with him? When the others heard what Fang Hao said, they all frowned. It was already difficult for them to hear the blood demon arts of the Upper Ranks before, not to mention that Fang Hao also emphasized their strength and recovery.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Rengoku Kyojuro said:"Mr. Fang, if that's the case, then how can we kill Muzan Kibutsuji who is protected by them?"

Fang Hao also cooperated and said,"This is the purpose of this training camp, to allow everyone to have the means to suppress the recovery power of the Upper Ranks, and obtain strength far beyond their current level, and even be able to kill the Upper Ranks."

As soon as Fang Hao finished speaking, everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on him, even the Kasumi Pillar, Tokito Muichiro, who had seemed absent-minded before.

Feeling the expectant eyes of everyone present and the disappearance of the depression in the courtyard, Fang Hao chuckled. It turned out that using words to change other people's minds was so pleasant. I have to find opportunities to practice more in the future. The dream is to become a CPU master!

He didn't keep it a secret,"Our special training requires everyone to master the following abilities……"

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