“He actually sent me a friend request.”

A smile appeared on Lu Chen’s lips, and he clicked on the friend request list.

You wouldn’t know until you saw it. After clicking it, a series of application messages popped up! It turned out that after he was at the top of the list, other people in the same channel immediately rushed over, wanting to take advantage of the big boss.

Among these application messages, almost half were asking for supplies, a small part were expressing shock, and there were very few applications for support…

Among the vast number of application messages, Lu Chen finally found Sakurajima Mai’s application.

After passing it, he directly blocked all strangers’ messages – he realized how troublesome it was to be a”celebrity”.

No wonder Sakurajima Mai turned on the blocking mode from the beginning.

After adding friends, players can chat privately. Sakurajima Mai seemed to be next to the computer and sent a message soon. Sakurajima

Mai:”Mr. No. 1 survivor, please give your acceptance speech (laugh)”

Lu Chen:”I am ashamed. Thanks to the help of the big star, I can rank first. You have half the credit for this top spot.”

Mai Sakurajima:”I should say that it’s thanks to you protecting me. I was quite nervous when we evacuated at the end.”

Lu Chen:”Fortunately, there are the magic beans you drew from the slot machine… What are the other two props?”

Sakurajima Mai:”Wait a minute, I’ll send them to you.”

Send… How to send?

Just when Lu Chen was confused, two underlined hyperlinks suddenly appeared in the chat window.

Clicking on it, the pictures and descriptions of the two props popped up automatically.

【Fast-acting painkillers: E+ grade, 8 pills in total. After taking, it can temporarily relieve the effects of injuries and diseases. Excessive use in a short period of time may cause symptoms such as headaches and fainting.】

【Metal gloves: E++ grade, heavy gloves made of metal, providing protection and excellent lethality】

Both items are pretty good, at least above the passing line.

Although the effect of the painkillers is average, they are in large quantities and can be disassembled and used, or sold to other players.

The metal fist is a serious weapon item, and its level is not low.

E++The rating of the level is equal to that of Lu Chen’s Glock pistol.

However, close combat and long-range firearms have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Compared with these two items, Lu Chen cares more about another thing.

Lu Chen:”How did you send the item information?”

Soon, Mai Sakurajima answered his doubts.

Mai Sakurajima:”Just use the ‘information scanning’ function of the watch, and you can even use it as a camera.”

Lu Chen:”Really? Let me try it.……”

At the same time, in another safe house.

Seeing Lu Chen’s reply, the girl in front of the computer screen felt something in her heart.

Sakurajima Mai raised her fair wrist, turned the watch to the side of her palm, raised her hand and took a selfie. In the chat bar on the screen, a freshly baked selfie suddenly appeared, and Sakurajima Mai directly clicked to send it.

Sakurajima Mai:”(Send picture)”

Lu Chen, who was fiddling with the watch, saw the screen scrolling and subconsciously looked up.

The figure of the girl in pajamas with a faint smile on her pretty face suddenly entered his field of vision.

Because of the shooting angle, it is easy to see a large area of white skin that is as delicate as a baby’s.

In the slightly open neckline, you can even catch a glimpse of the delicate ups and downs like snow.

Below the photo, a new message appeared immediately.

Sakurajima Mai:”I tried it for you, how do you feel?”

“This guy……”

Lu Chen silently saved Mai Sakurajima’s selfie to the desktop and replied.

Lu Chen:”It’s nice, I like it, please give me more.”

Mai Sakurajima:”You wish, there’s only one left.”

Lu Chen:”What a pity… What are the functions of your watch?”

Mai Sakurajima:”Even if it’s to change the subject, you’re being too blunt.……”

Complaints aside, the two quickly exchanged their respective information.

The watch that Mai Sakurajima obtained was of D++ grade, which was only one grade lower than Lu Chen’s C grade.

But the effect was very different, and the difference was not a little bit!

D++The first-level watch only has two basic functions, namely status self-check and information scanning.

The most practical”space storage” is completely missing.

There are only two function slots, one less than the watch Lu Chen has.

As for special functions such as”survivor broadcast”, there is no need to even think about it.

Even so, Mai Sakurajima is already very satisfied.

After all, half of the survivor players don’t even have a watch.

Lu Chen:”With these props, even without me, you should be able to hold on until the evacuation point appears.”

Mai Sakurajima:”……Probably, but I’m still not very confident.”

It would be great if I could be with you tomorrow.”

After typing this sentence in the chat bar, the girl hesitated for a moment.

In the end, she deleted the whole sentence word by word.

She didn’t want to put pressure on Lu Chen because of this kind of thing.

From a rational point of view, it was a great opportunity for them to be teleported to the same location for the first time.

The probability of such a once-in-a-lifetime event happening a second time is almost zero.

But Lu Chen doesn’t think so.

After midnight, he can refresh the entry for Sakurajima Mai again.

Although it is unlikely that an entry like”love at first sight” that will only take effect at first sight will appear again.

But if you can come across an entry related to teleportation, there may still be a chance.

What’s more… even if you don’t teleport together, Lu Chen has other ways.

Lu Chen:”Go to bed early today, and remember to read the message I sent you before teleporting to the dangerous area tomorrow.”

Although a little confused, Sakurajima Mai still responded seriously.


After the private chat, Lu Chen stretched his body to relieve the fatigue.

He opened a bottle of pure water and a can of chickpeas in tomato sauce, and ate with the constant comments of players in the chat room. You can stay in the danger zone for a maximum of 6 hours a day, and spend the remaining 18 hours in the safe house.

Apart from resting, the rest of the time can almost be said to be doing nothing. During this boring time, players will naturally look for ways to relieve their worries and boredom – chat room!

In the survivor game, which is always facing the crisis of life and death, it is difficult to survive alone.

Negative emotions such as loneliness, fear, panic, and confusion are inevitable.

If there is no channel to vent, it will accumulate and become a disease over time.

The chat room where you can see other people’s dynamic comments has become the spiritual sustenance of many players.

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