In the chat room, various comments constantly refresh the screen

“I’m so hungry. I should have stayed a little longer to find something to eat.”

“Is there any kind brother who can give me some food?”

“There is a tap in the safe house, but will drinking raw water give me diarrhea?……”

“Didn’t you find any food either? I thought I was the only one with bad luck.”

“There are people selling food in the trading market. Damn these profiteers, the prices are so high!”

“Killing a zombie only gives you one or two copper coins, but a piece of bread costs 10 copper coins!”

“I was teleported to the rooftop of a building, but the battery was still low.……”

“Damn, forget it. You are all in the city center. I am in a scenic spot on the outskirts of the doomsday wasteland. It is a godforsaken place.”


“Are you all so miserable? Am I the only one who was next to a supermarket right after I teleported and found a lot of food and drinks after walking a few steps?”

“??? The person above, listen to yourself, are you speaking human language?”

“Fuck! That’s not fair!!”

“Buddy, do you want to sell me food? I will trade it with you.”


“Same upstairs”

“Handsome guy, do you want a fresh set of pictures, high-definition infantry… Just one serving of food is enough”

“……Oh my god?! Is this even possible?!!”


Looking at the chat room where the topics gradually became weird, Lu Chen smiled and shook his head.

It is only the first day of the survivor game, and everyone is still in the exploration stage.

When more and more people can stay in the danger zone longer.

The discussion atmosphere in the chat room should become more”professional”.

After all, people have very strong adaptability.

After closing the chat room, Lu Chen clicked on another lively interface-the trading house!

The page of the trading house is just like Taobao, full of all kinds of goods.

A large part of them are randomly priced.

For example, a screw dares to sell for 50 gear copper coins.

It is obviously a scam.

At present, players are not clear about the value of game coins, and they are afraid that the price of their things will be too low.

Therefore, the prices of goods are generally high and there is no reference.

Lu Chen glanced at it casually and searched for some high-rarity props.

For example,”Seed of Superpower”、”Then he was surprised to find that no one had the former, but there were more than a dozen of the latter!

“In other words, at this stage, the”seed of superpowers” is an oversized item, and there is no way to obtain it for the time being?”

Lu Chen was not surprised that someone could get items like”expansion blueprints”.

After all, there may be slot machines in other places in the Doomsday Wasteland.

Among hundreds of millions of players, there will always be people with incredible luck who will randomly get high-level rewards.

But the”seed of superpowers” is an item that only drops after Lu Chen brushes out B-level entries for zombies.

At present, it should be the only one.

After spending some time in the trading house.

Lu Chen glanced at the time, immediately shuddered, and began to organize the items on hand.

The reason for this reaction is… midnight is approaching!

After midnight, the number of item entry refreshes will be reset!

Once Those props with less than ideal entries have the possibility of”regaining new life”!

The two power seeds are naturally the first ones that Lu Chen puts on the list and must refresh.

Lu Chen also refreshed the power seeds obtained from the guard zombie later, but it was a pity that it was only a D-level entry and could not be reused.

If there are at least B-level entries in the entries refreshed the next day, Lu Chen decided to use the power seeds!

However, after seeing the power of A-level entries, Lu Chen had some expectations in his heart.

If he could refresh the power seeds of A-level entries… that would be the perfect answer!

In addition to the two power seeds, there are many props waiting to reset the entries.

“Cleaning” -“Safe House Expansion Blueprint”, E-level entry

“”Elite Survivor Watch” – C-level entry

“”Silenced””Glock Pistol”, D-level entry

“”Expansion” of”Travel Bag”, C-level entries. These are the items that Lu Chen is planning to refresh the entries for.

The silencer effect of the pistol is better than nothing, and it also reduces the power of the bullet, so it is better to replace it.

The entry of the travel bag is actually okay, but the constant weight is 5 kg, and it also increases the weight when it is idle, which is a negative effect.

As for the entry of the skill, because”tracking” and”automatic recovery” can form a synergy, Lu Chen does not plan to change it.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the time to midnight was getting closer and closer.

Lu Chen felt thirsty and opened another bottle of water. He took a few sips and felt a little expectant and excited.

Brushing the entry of the props is like opening a treasure chest with your own hands.

You never know what kind of surprise the next entry will bring!


The moment the time reached midnight.

Lu Chen seemed to hear a familiar prompt sound in his ears!

No, it’s not”seemingly”, but a genuine system prompt sound!

【A new day has arrived, and the entry refresh counts for all items have been reset!】

【Since you rank first in the first-day survival ranking in the current dangerous zone, the system has unlocked more permissions!】

【Advanced items/skills can be affected by multiple entries. The higher the level, the more entries can be accommodated!】

【As a reward for the system upgrade, you get a chance to”definitely refresh an A-level entry!”

Several system prompts flashed in front of Lu Chen’s eyes, leaving him stunned.

What’s going on? The system he has… can actually be upgraded?!

However, the most critical thing is the last line of words.

He got a chance to”definitely refresh an A-level entry!”

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Lu Chen’s mind.

However, it was obvious that there was no dispute about where this opportunity should be used.——

“I choose to give the”Seed of Superpower” the chance to obtain an A-level entry!”

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