The sound of the rain came from his ears, awakening Lu Chen’s consciousness.

Before his clothes got soaked, he took out an umbrella from the storage space of his watch and covered himself with it. The bright red umbrella became the only bright color in this abandoned city, like a blooming flower under the lead-gray clouds.

“Today’s rules… have not changed.”

Lu Chen thought silently after glancing at the rules prompt that appeared after the transmission.

“Anyway, let’s meet up with Mai and the others first.”

After awakening her superpowers, Mai has gained some preliminary self-protection abilities.

According to the information sent back by”Telepathy”, she should not be in danger.

Judging from the location, it is just a few streets away, which is not far.

With Hua having the”Lucky Blessing” entry, there is no need to worry too much.

Before the teleportation, Lu Chen gave her the fire axe as a self-defense weapon.

Although it is relatively heavy, it has an entry effect that can make the axe as light as a feather.

As for Lu Chen’s weapons, in addition to the pistol with unlimited bullets, there are also recyclable throwing knives and metal gloves obtained from Mai!

【Metal gloves: E++ grade, heavy gloves made of metal, providing protection and excellent lethality】

【Entry – Shock: C-level, slightly increases attack strength, has a chance to cause”paralysis” when attacking”】

This is the bonus item that Mai got from the slot machine on her first day.

Although it is a weapon, it also has a certain protective effect.

However, it is not suitable for everyone – using the”boxing gloves” means that the wearer needs to fight the zombies in close combat.

Moreover, Mai is a weak girl, and it is estimated that she can’t kill the zombies with her fists.

Things like Lin Daiyu pulling out the weeping willow can only live in the meme.

“It fits well and the weight is okay.”

After equipping the boxing gloves on his arms, Lu Chen waved his fists, eager to try.

It was less than 10 minutes before the time came and no zombies had refreshed. He decided to take the initiative and look for”wild monsters” wandering in the city.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but there are more wild zombies wandering in the city than yesterday.

And their appearance seems to be newer than before, not so ragged.

Looking at the groups of wandering zombies not far away, Lu Chen had some doubts in his heart.

But he was soon overwhelmed by surprise.

Behind these zombies is a supermarket. After killing them, you can go in and search for the remaining supplies.

Although most of the goods must have been damaged over time.

It takes a lot of energy and time to find useful items in the corrupt garbage dump…

But Lu Chen’s watch has a scanning function, so he is not afraid of it.

There is a 1-minute marking effect after scanning, so Lu Chen did not scan immediately.

Otherwise, after beating these zombies, it is estimated that the marking time will have passed.

“Do you want to give these zombies some entries?……”

Looking at the zombies gradually wandering over, Lu Chen had a bold idea in his mind.

But soon, he gave up this suicidal idea.

“Forget it, I’m alone now, there’s no need to increase the risk.”

It won’t be too late to die after I meet up with Mai and Hua.

At least there will be someone to help me.

The rain poured down.

A sharp knife first pierced through the rain curtain, and the huge force directly cut the throat of a zombie and separated its head from its body.

The next moment, Lu Chen punched out with one hand and held an umbrella with the other to protect himself from the rain. The hard metal fist collided fiercely with the zombie’s ugly face covered with rotten flesh, and blood and flesh splattered!

With the muffled sound of broken bones, the zombie that was hit flew out trembling all over!

Although it was not fatal, it was paralyzed. He fell to the ground, obviously temporarily losing his fighting power.

The last zombie finally seized the opportunity and pounced on Lu Chen’s back. The bright red umbrella was slightly raised, revealing Lu Chen’s cold eyes as he turned his head and glanced at him. The gravity several times greater came crashing down, forcing the sneak attacking zombie to kneel directly on the ground, with his legs breaking with a”crack”.

Then, the dagger that had just been recovered was thrown out again, accurately hitting the zombie’s head and splitting his already rotten head in half.

In less than half a minute, a battle was over.

“No, there is still one that can move.”

Lu Chen looked at the unlucky zombie that he had punched away before, and found that it was still alive, so he stabbed it again.

Lu Chen was quite satisfied with the process and result of the battle.

He didn’t use much mental and physical strength, and he didn’t use a pistol, but he was able to clear these zombies in such a short time.

This shows that he has grown in the past two days.


After activating the”survivor radar” function of the watch, many objects were immediately marked with outlines of various colors in Lu Chen’s field of vision.

Time was limited, so he kicked open the glass door of the supermarket and broke in.


The sound of glass falling to the ground mixed with the noise of raindrops hitting the street.

Lu Chen casually threw the boxing gloves into the storage space and took out a flashlight to illuminate the surroundings.

“There are no enemies.”

Judging from the messy shelves, this place has also been looted by the city’s indigenous survivors.

The cabinets where food is placed are basically clean, with nothing but dust, while other containers still have some useful things left.

“Soap… shampoo… shower gel… take them all back, I have enough space anyway”

“It’s a pity that these batteries are swollen, otherwise I can replace them for the flashlight.”

“Garbage bags, toilet paper and other daily necessities were also taken, as there had to be more.”

After the expansion of the safe house, Lu Chen’s requirements for the quality of life gradually increased.

The only pity was that although a large number of daily necessities were replenished here, the most important food was not found in large quantities…

Not to mention canned food, there was not even a bottle of water left for him.

“Can you give me a way out, fellow survivors?”

After complaining in his heart, Lu Chen did not stay in the supermarket any longer.

He had basically plundered all the supplies marked by the radar.

The first ten minutes had passed, and three zombies had spawned on one side of the street.

This made Lu Chen conclude that as time went on, the dangers faced by the players were getting greater!

On the first day, each player only had to face two zombies at this time.

“”Hurry up and deal with it, and go meet up with Mai.”

No matter how many zombies there are, it makes no difference to Lu Chen.

As long as he doesn’t encounter a situation where a circle of zombies suddenly spawn and surround him, he can deal with it easily.

After dealing with the refreshed enemies, Lu Chen quickly shuttled through the rainy streets according to the guidance of”Telepathy”.

The distance between him and Mai was also constantly shortening.

Judging from the position, Mai stayed where she was very obedient and didn’t move around.

This also made it easy for Lu Chen to quickly rush to her side

“Hmm? Mai’s emotions… why did they suddenly fluctuate?”

The emotions coming from deep inside made Lu Chen raise his eyebrows.

Mai seemed a little flustered, surprised, and worried.

It looked like she had encountered some kind of emergency.

But she didn’t show any fear or other emotions.

It shouldn’t be a situation where an enemy suddenly appeared.

“What is going on?……”

Fortunately, he was almost there.

In a moment, in the hazy rain, a familiar figure appeared in Lu Chen’s sight.

In the pavilion of the park, the black-haired girl looked around vigilantly, as if she was on guard against zombies.

On the bench next to her, there seemed to be another person lying.

“Lu Chen!”

After discovering Lu Chen’s figure, Sakurajima Mai’s eyes lit up and she waved her arms and shouted at him

“I’m here!”

After arriving at the pavilion, Lu Chen put away his umbrella, glanced at the person lying on the bench, and his eyelids jumped

“……What’s wrong with this person?”

“Just now she suddenly ran over here, soaked in the rain, and being chased by zombies.”

Sakurajima Mai looked at the pink-haired woman who was shivering on the recliner with her eyes closed, her face pale.

“I recognized her as a teacher at school, so I asked her to come over to take shelter from the rain… I didn’t expect that after I used my supernatural powers to kill the zombies, I found that she was already unconscious.”

“Judging from the symptoms, it should be caused by high fever and malnutrition.”

“School teacher……”

Lu Chen looked at the unconscious woman in silence. He didn’t expect that Mai had such a relationship with her.

“What’s your name, teacher?”

“Hmm? Why are you asking?”

“When she wakes up, it will be convenient to call her.”


Mai did not doubt him and answered directly

“The teacher’s name is Kirisu Mafuyu, we usually call her Kirisu teacher”

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