After waiting for about half an hour, the unconscious Kirisu teacher’s condition still did not improve.

“Her forehead is very hot… Her current condition is too bad.

Mai reached out and touched Teacher Kirisu’s forehead, looking at Lu Chen with concern.

“This is not a solution.”

“Her clothes were soaked by the rain and needed to be changed. It would be best if she could have a dry place to rest.”

“Although I have painkillers here, they can only temporarily relieve the teacher’s condition.”

“Besides…Hehua is waiting for us to pick her up.”

“Lu Chen, what should we do?”

What should we do?

This is the most difficult question that lingers in Mai’s mind.

It is naturally a good thing to be able to meet acquaintances in this game.

But the current situation is not optimistic, and the longer it takes, the greater the danger that Hehua faces.

In this case, the only person Mai can rely on and trust is Lu Chen.

“I’ll go find Hehua and see if there’s a suitable place to accommodate Kirisu-sensei nearby.”

Lu Chen didn’t expect that Kirisu Mando would fall into a coma right after he appeared on the stage. Only then did he realize that human life is actually very fragile.

A high fever that won’t go away, a stomach upset caused by dysentery, can completely destroy health.

“You stay here, protect yourself, and wait for me to come back.”

The heavy rain hindered the action, but it was Mai’s home ground.

In the heavy rain, her superpowers could easily deal with the zombies that attacked.

As long as the number was not too large, they should be able to kill them.

However, using superpowers consumes mental energy.

Lu Chen needs to take Hehua and reunite with Mai before her mental energy is exhausted.

His actions can be said to determine the safety of the three people, and the burden on his shoulders suddenly became heavy.


Just as Lu Chen was about to open his umbrella and walk into the rain, he heard a girl’s soft cry from behind him.

As soon as he turned around, a beautiful figure came up to him with determination and took the initiative to hug him.

Lu Chen would probably engrave this moment in his heart. The cool rain and the body temperature of each other together formed the taste of the girl’s first kiss.

After parting their lips, Lu Chen looked down at the crimson-stained hemp clothes on her cheeks and said in a relaxed tone:

“It’s like this at the beginning. Isn’t the level a bit too high?”

“……You think too much.

Mai glared at Lu Chen who was taking advantage of the situation.

“When I spend time with you, I am not very comfortable.……”

“You must come back safely.”

Looking at the girl with a blushing face, but still caring about him, Lu Chen nodded.


Fengbin and Hua were looking at the rain outside the window, feeling a little anxious.

Besides being trapped in this apartment building for nearly half an hour, she was also frightened by the sound of zombies hitting the apartment door with their bodies and limbs.

It was terrible.

This world was simply terrible.

Although she was holding the fire axe that the man gave her, the blonde girl’s face was still very pale.

When the zombies first spawned, she still mustered up the courage to cheer herself up by killing zombies. She thought that as long as she kept killing zombies, she would get used to and adapt to this way of survival.

But when the fire axe chopped into the rotten flesh, got stuck in the bones of the human body, and the zombie’s body was cut open, she realized that she was killing a person – at least something that used to be a”person”.

After suppressing her inner discomfort and barely killing the first wave of zombies that spawned,

Fengbin and Hua found the apartment while vomiting, and randomly entered an unlocked room and locked herself in.

It was terrible.

Why was that man able to kill the zombies without hesitation?

Could such a weak person like me really survive in such a harsh and dangerous environment?

Even if I barely survived today, what about tomorrow?

There were no conditions for passing the survivor game. Was I going to be trapped in this nightmare life forever?

Fear, accompanied by confusion and panic, gradually boiled in the girl’s mind.

Until her watch suddenly emitted a rapid”beep beep” reminder sound.

【Survivor Broadcast: I’m looking for a bad tempered blond brat, please reply if you get it】

【Tip: You have received a broadcast message from another survivor. You can reply to the sender with a message.]

Fengbin Hehua:”……”

Who is that blond brat?!

Lu Chen is using the regional broadcast!

What if there are other players nearby? Wouldn’t his reputation be ruined by him?!

Although she was so angry that her teeth were itching, Hehua’s heart suddenly calmed down.

Although she didn’t want to admit it… but even just seeing the message he sent could bring her a full sense of security.

“Sister… do you feel the same way?”

Hehua seemed to understand why Sister Mai let her trust Lu Chen.

After replying the location of her apartment and the room number, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, leaned her back against the wall, and looked at the street view outside the window.

The sound of zombies banging on the door outside didn’t seem so harsh.

After all, it won’t be long before this group of annoying zombies will be dealt with by the knights who come, and then they will open the door to welcome the trapped princess.

Not long after this scene appeared in her mind, Hehua suddenly reacted and shook her head quickly.

“How could that guy be my knight?”

“Even if he is a knight, he is Mai-sister’s knight.……”

“It took him so long to come to see me. He should have gone to see his sister first.”

“Sure enough, no matter what aspect, my sister is always better than me……”


Suddenly, the battered door finally couldn’t stand the continuous impact and was violently knocked open by the zombies outside.

���Due to inertia, it fell to the ground with the broken door.

But more zombies stepped on its body and tried to squeeze into this small apartment!

Fengbin Hehua felt a tingling pain all over her skin and her scalp was numb.

She gritted her teeth and stood there with a fire axe in her hand. In her mind, she imagined herself being knocked to the ground and eaten by zombies.

“Who… who can save me?……”

“Lu Chen, come here quickly, Lu Chen!!!”

The crisp sound of glass breaking suddenly came from behind.

A familiar figure actually broke the window directly and entered the room from outside the apartment building!

“Miss, please don’t do something stupid next time that would trap yourself in a dead end.”

Lu Chen stood up and patted the broken glass on his body, looking at the group of corpses stuck in the door frame, and decisively took out his pistol.

“As for this time… I’m lucky I arrived in time.”

(I found that I haven’t updated much recently, so I’m reflecting on myself)

(I’ll try to update more from today!)

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