“It’s a pity that these guns can’t be used directly.”

After collecting the guns in the hands of the soldier zombies, Lu Chen looked at them with a headache.

These guns are all standard rifles, and the magazines are empty.

In addition, they have not been maintained for a long time, and forced use will definitely cause jamming or even explosion.

In the battle just now, many guns have had similar failures.

Zombies are naturally not afraid of this problem, but Lu Chen doesn’t want his weapon to explode suddenly when he fires.

After brushing the entries of these guns, Lu Chen took a look and didn’t find any particularly outstanding effects.

So he threw these old guns into the storage space casually, maybe they can be used in the future.

Even if they can’t be used as weapons, the worst thing is to throw them into the trash can and decompose them, and some materials can be recycled.

Although the guns can’t be used, these zombie soldiers have more than one good thing!

After searching, Lu Chen suddenly had several forearm-length sabers in his hand, as well as several round… grenades!

【Tactical Army Knife: E+, a standard army knife designed and manufactured based on ergonomics and actual combat effects, with excellent quality and foldable】

【Fragmentation grenade: E++, after the explosion, it can produce a large number of high-speed fragments, causing explosion damage and puncture damage, with an effective killing range of 15 meters】

The quality of the tactical saber is naturally much better than the small broken dagger given at the beginning of the game.

Lu Chen picked up one of them, waved it in his hand for a few times, and immediately fell in love with it. There are a total of 5 tactical sabers, just enough for each member of the team to be equipped with one.

“Hey, a B-level entry has appeared.”

After brushing the entries for all the sabers, Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.

The other sabers were similar to”sharp”、”Low-level items such as”Solid” and”Solid”.

Although the effect is useful, it is not much.

However, one saber was very lucky to get a B-level item!

【Ding! The weapon”Tactical Sabre” gains a B-level entry:”Headhunter”!】

(Headhunter: Hitting the head with this weapon will ignore defense. If it kills the enemy, you can get extra loot)

“This B-level entry is good, and there are extra loot to be obtained!”

Seeing the effect of”Headhunter”, Lu Chen was a little overjoyed.

Not only does it enhance the lethality, but it also increases the benefits!

“Sure enough, quantitative change can lead to qualitative change”

“If I had 100 tactical sabers, I would brush them every day.……”

“It will probably take only a few days to get an A-level item!”

Although the probability of getting an excellent item is relatively low

, the increase in quantity makes up for it.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen still doesn’t have enough 427 items of the same type.

The only way he can get a large number of similar items is to make them through Futaba’s handcrafting skills.

Speaking of Futaba, Lu Chen handed a tactical saber to the girl next to him.

“Here, take it for self-defense”

“When necessary, you should also learn to fight with cold weapons.

Although Lu Chen did not expect her to be the main force in the battle, she must at least have the ability to protect herself.

“I will try my best.”

Seeing the saber in his hand, Futaba thought for a moment and added

“But I will try my best not to get into direct confrontation with the enemy.”

It’s not that she has no ambition, but she is very self-aware.

With her thin arms and legs, her close combat ability is really limited.

It’s better to avoid this situation from the beginning.

“I hope so. This is just an insurance policy.”

Seeing that the girl had her own plan, Lu Chen did not force her and turned to walk towards the corpse of the officer zombie.

The injury caused by this guy was still aching, and it was itchy when he walked.

If he didn’t have any good stuff on him, Lu Chen would not forgive him.

“A tactical saber, a Glock… The pistol is still usable, which is good news.”

Lu Chen picked up the Glock pistol that injured him and looked at it carefully.

He found that although the surface of the gun was a little dirty, it was in very good condition.

There were even a few bullets left in the magazine.

“I wonder if I can find ammunition here.”

While thinking, Lu Chen brushed an entry for the pistol.

【Ding! The weapon”Glock Pistol” gains a C-level entry:”Penetration”!】

(Penetration: The bullets of this weapon will penetrate a layer of obstacles no thicker than 10 cm. This effect will not cause damage to the obstacles.)

“It’s OK, but not as good as unlimited bullets.”

Lu Chen regretfully put the pistol into the storage space for later use.

He didn’t have many pistol bullets now, so it was useless to hold them.

In addition, Lu Chen found two fragmentation grenades on the officer zombie.

These explosives added up to almost more than 10 pieces.

Such a discovery made Lu Chen a little scared.

If the remaining combat instincts of these soldier zombies were richer.

In addition to using guns, they could also use grenades…

The danger level of the battle just now would be raised to another level!

At least he would never just suffer some flesh wounds.

“How is the situation over there?”

Lu Chen looked at Shuangye who had walked around the warehouse and returned to his side.

“No useful findings”

(bgbj) The girl pushed up her glasses and kicked the pile of crates next to her helplessly.

“There are building materials used for fortifications, such as sandbags, fences, barbed wire, etc.”

“I thought this was an ammunition depot, but it turned out to be a place for building materials.”

Obviously, Shuangye’s expectations were badly dashed, which made her a little shocked.

When Lu Chen heard the contents of the crate, he pondered for a moment.

“This kind of tactical thing might be useful.”

“Just take some, I have enough space anyway.”

After tidying up the storage space for the watches and clearing out an empty space,

Lu Chen began to open the crates and throw in all the building materials he liked.


After filling up the storage space, Lu Chen wiped his sweat and prepared to take Shuangye away from this area.

“I checked both doors, they are not locked.”

The girl, who had done her investigation in advance, pointed to the front and back doors of the warehouse.

“However, there are no clear signs here, and it is impossible to figure out where the door leads to.��”

“There must be some zombie soldiers left in this military base. If you walk around randomly, you are very likely to run into danger.”

“That’s right… I’ll take a look at the map first.”

Lu Chen nodded, approving of Futaba’s analysis.

Then he opened the city map interface, compared the camp coordinates that Mai had sent him before, and thought carefully.

“Judging from the direction, the front door should lead to the exit of the military base”

“The back door leads to a deeper place.”

“Shuangye, do you think we should go meet up with Mai and the others first, or go to the laboratory where Teacher Kirisu is first?”

Hearing Lu Chen’s question, Shuangye crossed her arms and thought for a moment before answering.

“Although Kirisu-sensei is trapped, he should be safe.”

“Or…she should be the safest one among us now.”

“Let’s go find Sakurajima-senpai and Toyohama-san first. Their abilities should be very helpful here.”

“Especially Fengbin-san.”

As she spoke, Futaba glanced at the chandelier above her head that emitted a cold white light.

“There should be an emergency backup power supply here, which has supported us until now.”

“If we can control the power system, it will be much easier to explore this place.”

Lu Chen nodded. In fact, he also thought so.

Asking Shuangye, just want to hear if there is anything missing.

“In that case, let’s leave the base from the front door first… Be alert.”

Lu Chen did not forget the information provided by Mai. There were several soldier zombies patrolling in the camp at the entrance of the military base.

Although they broke through from the inside, they would also run into the soldier zombies in the camp head-on, and there would definitely be a tough battle to fight.

“I’ll fight you, I’m not afraid of you!”

At this moment, Lu Chen was not afraid at all, but was eager to try, full of fighting spirit.

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The first batch of airdrops has been distributed.

Behind a huge rock fifty meters away from the secret camp, two girls received a regional announcement at the same time and looked at each other.

“I wonder if Lu Chen has found Futaba and Kirisu.

Mai glanced at her watch. She hadn’t seen any survivors since the last broadcast half an hour ago.[]

She never received any news from Lu Chen again, and she felt a little anxious.

“Sister Mai, don’t worry, he will be fine.”

Hehua was a little worried at first, but when she saw her sister’s look, she took the initiative to comfort her.

“That guy is so powerful, nothing can stump him.”

If it were normal, Mai might have smiled and touched Hua’s head and relaxed.

But she clearly realized at this moment that these soldier zombies were definitely not easy to deal with.

Because they had guns in their hands!

Even though she had killed countless zombies.

But the girl still maintained a full understanding of the killing weapons created by modern civilization.

In front of bullets, the zombies’ attacks were no different from children’s play.

“I hope Lu Chen is safe.……”

Recalling the”promise” of yesterday, Mai couldn’t help but sigh.

She thought that with Lu Chen’s strength, this team could handle most threats.

Unexpectedly, after just one day, even the word”safe and sound” became a luxury.

The survivor game… is too true to its name.

Even she herself might suddenly get into trouble one day and disappear from the team.

“Sister Mai…are you okay?”

Although Hehua didn’t know what Mai was thinking at the moment, it was not difficult to feel from her subtle expression that she was showing pessimism at the moment.

“……It’s okay, I just think too much.”

Mai came back to her senses and saw Hehua looking at her with concern. A faint smile finally appeared on her pretty face.

At this moment, a series of firecracker-like sounds suddenly came from not far away!

“Was that a gunshot?!”

“There was a noise coming from the camp!”

The two sisters looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

“Someone is fighting those soldier zombies!”

“Who could it be…could it be Lu Chen?”

“”Sister Mai, should we go over and take a look?”

He Hua’s suggestion made Mai hesitate for a moment.

Not long ago, Lu Chen had told her to stay away from the camp area as much as possible.

The girl frowned for a few seconds, then relaxed.

“The situation has changed. Let’s go check it out. Don’t get too close or you’ll be affected.”

When the two carefully groped their way to the vicinity of the camp with the help of rocks, bushes and other shelters, they found that the battle seemed to have come to an end.

The soldier zombies that had been wandering around the camp were lying on the ground.

Two familiar figures were walking out of the camp, stepping on the enemy’s corpses.

“It’s too risky. You actually rushed out in the face of several gunfire lines. Are you going to die?”

The petite girl with long silver-gray curly hair and glasses was still reviewing the battle just now.

“I didn’t get hit by any bullets, they all bounced back.”

Lu Chen shrugged, feeling the blood in his body still boiling.

The act of using his supernatural power to capture bullets and bounce them all back was indeed thrilling.

But he had realized that he could do this… There was no reason not to try!

“”Lu Chen!”

Suddenly, a very familiar shout came from outside the camp.

Lu Chen looked up and saw two figures, one in gold and one in black, running towards him with a happy look on their faces.

“Ha… Great, it’s really you!”

The separated team members finally reunited at this moment – although Teacher Kirisu was still missing.

But she should be safe now, so there is no need to worry for the time being.

“How did you get out of the camp?”

After seeing the fight just now, two girls who had been squatting outside the camp asked curiously.

“Here’s what’s going on……”

Lu Chen briefly summarized his experience after being teleported into the dangerous area.

After listening to his and Futaba’s”sewer trip” and”hot-blooded gunfight”,

Mai and Kazuka were a little surprised, feeling it was very fantastic.

They only encountered some refreshed zombies on the ground, and were basically safe.

I didn’t expect Lu Chen and Futaba’s experience to be so… tortuous.

“Are you injured?”

Suddenly, Mai noticed something that Lu Chen had tried to brush aside. She glanced down and saw the bandages wrapped around Lu Chen’s waist and abdomen, as well as the bow that looked quite girlish.

“It’s just a minor injury, nothing serious.”

Lu Chen scratched his head. He knew Mai would notice this.

He had tried his best to ignore this matter, but he didn’t expect it to be discovered.

“It’s bleeding, and it’s just a minor injury.”

Mai wanted to bandage Lu Chen again, but Futaba’s treatment was perfect and there was nothing wrong with it.

“It’s not like he’s missing any limbs, so don’t worry.”

Lu Chen put down his clothes to cover his injuries and looked towards the passage inside the camp.

“Teacher Kirisu is still trapped inside, we need to fight back and rescue her”

“Today’s goal is to explore this military base!”

After hearing this, He Hua thought about it and asked

“Eh… aren’t you going to grab the airdrop supplies?”


Lu Chen only then noticed the area announcement.

The battle just now was too intense, and he had to concentrate and not be distracted.

“I won’t go to grab the airdrop today.”

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen made a decision.

“This military base has a lot of good stuff, which is much better than airdrop supplies!”

“By the way, I just got some weapons. You can take two sabers to protect yourself.”

After distributing the weapons, Lu Chen led the regrouped team back to the warehouse area.

He did not rush to go deeper, but said to the blond girl who was looking around curiously.

“Hehua, can you control the electrical system here?”

“”Hmm… I’ll try.”

Hehua looked at the chandelier above her head and found the exposed wires along the line of the lamp.

She took out the saber she had just obtained, cut the insulation layer wrapped around the wires, and reached directly to the bare wires.

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

Although he knew that Hua’s ability was related to the ability to manipulate”electromagnetism”, seeing this scene that looked like a naughty child touching the switch, Lu Chen couldn’t help but ask

“Don’t worry, but don’t get too close to me.……”

Hehua glanced at the others who had consciously stepped back and smiled like a devil.

“Although as long as you don’t touch it, the most you can do is mess up your hair with static electricity.”

Then, the blonde girl closed her eyes, as if she was exploring the power system of the base in depth.

One minute, two minutes…

Fortunately, the zombies should be refreshed outside the military base and will not affect everyone’s exploration.

After about five or six minutes, Hehua finally opened her eyes suddenly and looked behind her in surprise.

“I found the location of Mr. Kirisu’s laboratory!”

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