With the help of Hehua, the location of the laboratory was quickly confirmed.

However, after staying for more than an hour, everyone faced a common problem.

“This place is too remote”

“The nearest evacuation point is dozens of kilometers away.”

“If there is no vehicle, I am afraid that even if we set off now, it will be difficult to reach the evacuation point before the deadline.”

The question raised by Futaba made everyone frown and think about it.

“Let’s find Teacher Kirisu first.”

As the captain, Lu Chen made a quick decision.

“As for what happens next, we’ll talk about it when the time comes. There will always be a way.~”

“I said I would not give up on any of you, and I will definitely do it.”

Hearing Lu Chen’s brief and powerful assurance, the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Lu Chen did not propose any solutions, these words can make people feel at ease.

“……Am I ruining the atmosphere too much?”

Shuangye said hesitantly in a low voice.

Because of what she said, Lu Chen had to step out to smooth things over.

“”No, you are very sensitive, keep it up.”

Lu Chen did not deny the contribution made by Shuangye and comforted her.

The team needs someone to keep such a sharp and rational mind.

If he relies on himself alone, there will always be omissions.

Shuangye is like the second brain of the team, and is equally important.

“So you really have no solution?”

“There is a backup plan, but it is not stable.”

Lu Chen shook his head and interrupted the topic.

“I hope to find a vehicle that can be driven here.”

“Time is precious… Let’s explore as soon as possible.”

Lu Chen’s backup plan is actually very simple.

The library’s study key has one chance left to be used.

He can teleport directly to the city library area.

Then see if he can find a car that can be started in the city and rush over to pick up the others.

Even if the process goes smoothly, the round trip is conservatively estimated to take at least three hours.

And it also depends on the condition of the vehicle and the remaining fuel in the tank.

These factors must be added up without any problems to successfully evacuate.

This is why Lu Chen said that the backup plan is unstable.

As long as any link in the middle falls apart, the only person who can evacuate is Lu Chen.

The other people in the team will be lost in the dangerous area forever and cannot return to the safe house.

So Lu Chen now feels some time pressure.

He glanced at his watch. It is now about 7:15.

By 9 o’clock, if they can’t find a vehicle in this base, they must leave at full speed and find the nearest evacuation point.

It seems that there are nearly 5 hours of stay left.

But in fact, the time left for them to explore this military base… is not much.

After realizing this, everyone’s movements became hasty, for fear of wasting a minute or a second.

“There are footsteps ahead.”

At the intersection of a cross passage, Lu Chen stopped and raised his arm to signal to stop moving forward.

“The sound should be the sound of military boots stepping on the ground. There are soldiers and zombies.”

“There are more than one, there are on both sides… Get ready for battle!”

After giving the warning, Lu Chen took out two fragmentation grenades, pulled the safety and threw them out.

Boom! Boom!

A huge explosion suddenly resounded in the passage!

The air wave with the smell of blood rushed towards us, and at the same time, there were angry roars from the soldier zombies.

“A few should be killed, but I don’t know how many are left.”

Lu Chen looked at the number of grenades and decided not to waste ammunition.

“I’ll go out and attract fire first, you guys act according to the situation!”

As he said that, he rushed out of the corner of the passage, completely exposed in the middle of the cross passage!

Seeing such a risky move, Futaba and Mai looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and also stretched out their sight to observe the enemy situation on both sides.

The next moment, gunshots rang out!

“Here they come!”

Dense beads of sweat oozed from Lu Chen’s forehead, which was enough to show that he was highly focused at this moment.

The moment the gunshots came from the depths of the passage, several slowly rotating bullets appeared in front of him.

“Go back.”

He stretched out his hand and flicked lightly, and the bullets were deflected into thin air and could not hurt Lu Chen at all!

On the contrary, the soldier zombie who fired the gun had several bullet holes on his body and fell to the ground trembling.

On the other side, Ma Yi also quietly condensed a ball of water and threw it directly at another soldier zombie.

The impact force of the water ball was not high. It did not have much effect except that the soldier zombie staggered and got wet.

But with a little”condiment”, it’s completely different.

Zi Zi…

He Hua lightly tapped on the water mark deliberately left on the ground.

Then he saw many electric sparks coming out of the soldier zombie not far away!

It flashed for several seconds before it fell to the ground with a charred body, as if it had become a charred corpse.

Lu Chen, who had just finished dealing with the zombies on the other side, saw this scene.

I really want to shout for the two of them,”This is our hot-blooded combination skill, Kou Teeth”!

“Clean up the battlefield… and Hua, which direction should the laboratory go?”

Hearing Lu Chen calling her name, the blonde girl looked left and right for a few times, crossed her arms and thought hard for a moment.

“Should go straight”

“If you’re wrong, I’ll spank you when we get back.”

“Hey! Give me some face!”

Maybe because she was afraid of being spanked, she did not make a mistake in the direction indicated by Hua.

When she saw the warning sign”Scientific research area, no entry for unauthorized persons” appeared in her field of vision, the blonde girl breathed a sigh of relief and secretly glanced at Lu Chen.

If he really spanked her… it’s okay to be gentle.

“The laboratory should be behind this door.”

Lu Chen ignored the warning sign and came to the metal door next to it.

The door of the laboratory seemed to be almost embedded in the wall, very solid.

Even if you push or pull hard, you can’t move it at all.

It looks like it opens neither inwards nor outwards.

It is a retractable partition door.

“……It should be like the locked room in the library, which can only be opened with a specific key.”

Lu Chen tried to use his supernatural power to destroy the door and the wall.

But it was like a drop in the ocean, and he didn’t receive any feedback.

“This door doesn’t use an ordinary key.

Mai glanced up and down and looked at the data panel next to the door.

“There is no keyhole…it seems to be an electronic lock”

“Either enter the password or use another method to unlock it.”

“Hehua, can you hack into the security system of this door?”

“Mai-sister… I can only manipulate electricity, I’m not a hacker.”

Hehua explained helplessly.

She reached out and tried it, and soon came to the conclusion.

“No, this thing has no place for electricity to penetrate, it’s like an insulating block”

“How about you guys try to guess the password?”

Futaba leaned over to the data panel and took a look, shrugged and said

“There is a six-digit password in total, there are ten numbers from 0 to 9, how many random combinations can there be… Can you imagine it?”

“It must be a big number.”

Lu Chen thought about it and took out the black card from the rat king.

This card must not be something that can grow naturally in a rat.

No matter how much carbon-based organisms mutate, it is impossible to mutate into such a thing.

In other words, this black card must be related to this military base.

“Let me try, this card might be useful.”

With the attitude of trying everything possible, Lu Chen casually swiped the black card to the sensing area of the data panel.

Something unexpected but reasonable happened immediately – accompanied by a”beep” prompt sound. The green words”Authentication Successful” flashed quickly on the data panel.

The heavy partition door began to rise and opened at a speed of five centimeters per second.

Judging from the heavy alloy partition and the complicated internal structure.

Even if a rocket came, it might not be able to penetrate the defense here. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Is it really opened? What’s the origin of this card of yours?”

He Hua looked at the black card in Lu Chen’s hand curiously.

“The harvest of the sewer trip.”

Lu Chen glanced at her and said with a smile

“If you can stand the environment there, you can try to kill the Rat King next time.”[]

“……That’s better off.”

Although I have never seen who the”rat king” Lu Chen mentioned is, when I thought of the word sewer, He Hua backed off and decisively refused.

“The door opened… Look, Teacher Kirisu is over there!”

Hearing the noise coming from the door, the female teacher trapped in the laboratory also rushed over in surprise and successfully reunited

“”Has Teacher Kirisu stayed here all this time without moving?”

Lu Chen glanced at the space inside the laboratory.

What he saw were many instruments with flashing orange lights.

Judging from the frequency and number, they should be in a dormant state and not running.

“That’s right. I tried to operate the machines here, but there was no response.”

Kirisu Madoka nodded.

“There should be a lot of props that can be used here, but you need to distinguish them.……”

“No need to bother.”

Lu Chen raised his wrist and directly activated the survivor radar function.

In an instant, the recyclable materials and props were automatically marked in his field of vision.

“There are indeed a lot of good stuff!”

Seeing the dazzling array of props marked.

Lu Chen suddenly felt that the intense exploration along the way was not in vain!

“There are props in the refrigerator and medical supply cabinet over there.”

“Look for it as I told you, then gather your things and meet at this table.”

“This time… we made a lot of money!”

At the same time, near an airdrop supply box somewhere in the city

“”Anna, we succeeded!”

The white young man who was opening the supply box said excitedly to the girl next to him.

They had just spent a lot of effort to make many traps using scrapped cars and building structures. They successfully separated and attracted the zombies near the airdrop.

“I knew you could do it, honey!”

The brown-haired girl next to him also kissed him excitedly.

The two met in the chat room, added each other as friends, and agreed to gather and explore together today.

Although they were only online friends before, their feelings quickly heated up after they met.

The doomsday city full of dangers is a powerful stage to prove the suspension bridge effect

“There is a lot of food. Now we don’t have to worry about supplies in the next few days.

After opening the box, the two took out bags of individual rations as if they had found a treasure.

For the survivors who are short of supplies, these ordinary foods are as delicious as delicacies.

“There are also a few rare rewards, I remember.”

The white young man fished out two items from the bottom of the box.

“This seems to be a seed of superpowers. After using it, there is a chance of awakening superpowers.”

“This plug-in can see the map of the entire city!”

“Great, Anna! With it, we can explore the city more easily.——”


The white young man’s jubilant expression suddenly froze on his face, his upper body suddenly leaned back, and he collapsed to the ground with convulsions.

The brown-haired girl, who was listening to his imagination of the future with a happy face, gradually widened her eyes and screamed!

“One shot to the head, I was pretty accurate.”

The sound of messy footsteps came from behind the brown-haired girl.

The leader of the”Wolfheart Society” who had already robbed the police station blew at the muzzle of his gun sinisterly.

“There is an airdrop as soon as I go out. Today’s luck is too good.”

“Who are you? Why did you kill him?

The brown-haired girl helplessly asked the thin young man and the thugs beside him with a crying voice.

“This woman is really annoying… I’ll give it to you guys.”

The leader glanced at Anna’s ordinary face with freckles and said to his subordinates listlessly

“Remember to dispose of it after playing, don’t leave any trouble”

“Yes, Boss!”

Soon, the airdropped supplies in the brown-haired girl’s hands were snatched away, and she was dragged into the alley next to her.

���The obscene words of the gangsters and the heart-wrenching pleas and cries of the girl continued to be heard…….0The white youth’s head, with his eyes open, was facing the alley and gradually submerged in a pool of blood.

“It’s really pleasant to hear.”

The thin young man held a gun in one hand and picked up the superpower seeds from the airdrop with the other hand. His expression gradually became ferocious.

“It’s time to settle accounts with that woman.……”

On a straight highway covered with weeds, a camouflaged off-road vehicle is speeding.

Although it is extremely fast and seems difficult to control, it can change lanes quickly and avoid vehicles abandoned on the road.

“Kirisu-sensei’s driving skills are really reassuring.”

The black-haired girl looked at the suburban scenery that was flying past her, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Although Futaba-san might not feel well”

“……I will endure it.”

Futaba, who was sitting in the back seat, replied in a somewhat depressed tone.

Fortunately, they were driving on a relatively uncongested highway.

If they were in the city, I’m afraid she would spit rainbows again.

“Anyway, it’s great to find a usable vehicle in the base.”

Lu Chen, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked at the time. Although it exceeded the scheduled 3-hour exploration time, with the vehicle, it was already in time to evacuate without being restricted by time.

At least there was no need to use the unreliable backup plan.

“It’s something that was expected.”

Futaba used small talk to distract her attention, trying to cover up her motion sickness.

“Even if it is a military base, it is impossible to rely solely on manpower to transport supplies. There must be transportation.”

“But I was able to find the car key in the laboratory… I was really lucky today.”

The key to this military off-road vehicle was found in the locker of the laboratory.

Because it was not a prop, it was not even marked in Lu Chen’s field of vision.

In the end, Mai carefully searched the laboratory again and found the existence of the car key.

“After the evacuation, we rested and ate something, just like before.”

As we were about to reach the light column where the evacuation point was, Lu Chen began to arrange the next things.

“I have gained a lot today, I will think carefully about how to distribute it.”

In fact, he wanted to use this time to brush up all the props.

“I don’t care……”

Hehua in the corner said lazily.

Since entering the military base, she has been using her supernatural powers, which consumes a lot of mental energy.

This time when she returns, she will probably have to sleep for several hours.

“I feel the same way. I can hardly help at all.”

Teacher Kirisu, who was holding the steering wheel, said with some embarrassment.

“Don’t say that. Didn’t Teacher Tongxu heal my wound?”

Lu Chen rubbed an area on his waist and abdomen. The place that was originally a little painful has healed as before.

This is certainly related to his strong physique, but Teacher Tongxu’s”catalytic” healing is also crucial.

If the regeneration is not accelerated, I am afraid���It will take two or three days to fully recover.

“……Lu Chen.”

Suddenly, the black-haired girl who had been looking out the window suddenly said softly

“What’s wrong?”

Lu Chen leaned back and listened to Ma Yi’s whisper.

“Invite me when you get back.”

With a certain determination, the girl said seriously

“I…I need your help.”

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