The game was about to begin.

"Uchiha Xingyan vs. Q.P, the game begins!"

The referee looked at the time and announced the start of the game on time.

"You serve first."

Xingyan walked to the net and shook hands with Q.P, and then gave up the right to serve again.

This development caused some laughter in the audience, because Xingyan's failure to get the opening serve had been reported many times in magazines.

Originally, it was miserable to never get the right to serve, but driven by the deliberate publicity of some reports, this also became a unique cute point of Xingyan.

Although Xingyan himself said that he didn't like it at all...

"My goal is to become a god on the tennis court!"

Q.P suddenly spoke before serving.

After this sentence, Xingyan's eyes had a strong fluctuation for a moment.

"Although I don't think this is such a beautiful name, I can regard your words just now as a declaration of war."

Xingyan smiled and raised his racket, pointing at the opposite Q.P.

It can be seen that Coach Kan.Retru was also a little dumbfounded, but this is fun.

Those guys are trying to give him the title of "God", and now they have to follow their wishes completely.

After all, compared to this title that feels full of middle school atmosphere, he doesn't like things that originally belonged to him being taken away by others, and there is also the pitfall of the system.

Become a god on the tennis court?

Very good, let them see today what is worthy of the words "God's Descendant"!

"Coach, that kid will not follow the script you want."

Baiduin Phoenix was in the lounge, looking at the picture displayed on the screen, and confirmed that the two people who had already started the game did not follow the routine at all.

However, tennis is fun to play like this.

"How is this not a script? You are still a little immature. This is the development we want. If that kid doesn't play seriously, this show will be boring!"

Mifune Nyudo looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin with disdain, and then continued to lie on the sofa and watch the game projection on the screen.

Really good!

This kid's attack was too fierce. This momentum is in line with the peerless talent mentioned by Echizen Nanjiro.

Oh, he directly stunned that Q.P kid!

Not bad, not bad, he likes Xingyan more and more.

After returning, let Kurobe screen him and find some suitable competitions for him to participate in. This state of easily crushing the opponent is comfortable to watch!

Especially this look, there is the so-called "god" aura.

There are people watching the excitement in the lounge, and there are also people chatting in the audience.

"Ji Lang, look at Xing Yan's eyes, does he really want to beat the guy on the opposite side?"

Yue Ren pulled Ji Lang's arm and whispered to remind him to look in Xing Yan's direction.

No matter whether the opponent's tennis is good or not, he seemed to have really seen something that would not appear on the tennis court.

"Really... That guy really provoked Xing Yan to take action. He was so angry yesterday, but he didn't show such a look..."

Ji Lang raised his hand to cover his mouth, looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them, so he got together with Yue Ren and continued the topic.

The two of them knew best that Xing Yan's expression was definitely going to be a big deal.

"What should I do? The consultant is still busy cleaning up his reputation. If he really ruins him here, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?"

Yue Ren thought of the situation of Consultant Sakaki, and suddenly felt confused.

He was already struggling whether to call Consultant Sakaki, and he had to tell him about Xing Yan's situation first.

"What are you two talking about?"

Oshitari sat next to Yue Ren, stretched out his hands to hold the two's shoulders, and lowered his voice to ask them what was going on.

He also looked at Xing Yan's expression and eyes, but he didn't mean to destroy him.

"When he was a kid, he occasionally had this kind of situation when he played in a game, but it wasn't a tennis game."

Yue Ren explained in a low voice. He only knew that when he saw this kind of eyes, Xing Yan would definitely abuse people, and it was the kind of abuse.

It happened several times in the ring when he was a kid, and without exception, the opponent cried and shouted that he would never go to the ring again.

"I seem to know..."

Hiyoshi Ruo has been exposed to ancient martial arts since he was a child, and he also knows how many "bad reputations" Xing Yan has left in the free fighting ring when he was a kid.

"No, he

It should be to help the guy on the opposite side, probably the legendary, break and then stand. "

Tetsube watched carefully from the side, he really didn't know Xingyan when he was a child.

But when he and Xingyan first met, Xingyan once mentioned that only by breaking and then standing can one completely get rid of the restrictions of the past.

It's just that he didn't need it at that time, and Xingyan didn't have the heart to let him experience it.

"But the most important point of breaking and then standing is that you can still stand up..."

Oshitsuki was stunned for a moment. He knew this concept, but...

How can you be sure that the other party will stand up, what if he is completely useless?

"That's not important. If you succeed, you will be the next genius. If you fail, you can only say that you are not strong enough. Reality is so cruel."

Tetsube raised his hand to cover half of his face. He is now more and more certain that Xingyan is using this opponent as an experiment.

Break and then stand, whether you can break through the original constraints depends on the person's own potential and belief.

"The first game is over. "

This match was a complete crushing victory, and the atmosphere of the entire stadium was somewhat depressing.

Not only did Q.P not get a single point, but he was also forced to play every ball according to Xingyan's ideas.

It was like a puppet being controlled, perfectly obeying every command of the master.

"Don't be stressed, do what you want, and believe that you are perfect!"

Kan Retru looked at Q.P, who closed his eyes after returning, and was worried that he would be destroyed, but he still did not intend to change that matter.

The perfect puppet is indeed very strong, but it is also too sad.

This is the child he watched grow up little by little. When he reached middle age, he suddenly wanted to be willful once, and he wanted to bring this child back to life.

"Coach, I won't let you down! ”

After the break, Q.P walked back into the court with his racket.

Looking at Xingyan on the opposite side, he could no longer believe the perfection he was described as.


If he, who was so fragile that he could not withstand a single blow, could be called perfect, then what was the person on the opposite side?

He did not believe that there really was such a thing as a god, so that person was just a person, the most perfect person so far.

“Are you ready, a mortal who wants to become a god...”

Xingyan smiled and looked at the opposite side. This game should let this mortal who dreams of becoming a god experience the collapse.

There are three games in total, and the third game is the most crucial time to come back to life.

The first two games are just preludes.

Illusion Tennis... Tsukuyomi!

Doll boy, in this desperate world, try to find your lively self.

In the name of the god on the tennis court, you must be the first believer to feel the glory of God.

‘System, such a middle school setting, can I not...’

Xingyan’s heart is struggling with great entanglement.

Not only the coaches are pitfalls, the system is also starting to go the middle school route, can’t he be a good person?

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