The game was suspended.

"Player Q.P has lost consciousness, the game is suspended!"

Not long after the third game started, Q.P's mobility became weaker and weaker, and he finally fell to the ground.

After the referee confirmed the opinion of coach Can Retru several times, the game entered a suspension period.

The audience area, which was originally relatively quiet, became lively after the game was suspended, and it was noisy like a vegetable market.

Because these audiences came from different countries, many of them could not understand each other's language at all, so they could quarrel even so.

"The kind gods and evil devils change so quickly... Dad, don't glare at me. Only when there is a gap can they feel the so-called power of God..."

Xingyan sat in the lounge, looking at the phone held by Saito Shi, and said hello to his father.

As for the noisy people in the audience...

They are just a group of people who are completely deceived by appearances, so there is no need to worry.

"Be safe, I'll wait for you to have breakfast together tomorrow morning."

Sakaki Taro couldn't help but worry, but he wouldn't put pressure on Xingyan at this time.

He saw Xingyan's performance from the phone video from the beginning, and now he can hear the voices from the audience.

Not everyone is saying that Xingyan is a demon, but this type of voice is definitely the majority.

Moreover, there are people who are popularizing science to the people around them, how Q.P has come to where he is now step by step, and he is completely a diligent, perseverant, and even miserable identity.

He is a puppet boy, he just wants to be perfect, but he was destroyed by the devil disguised as a god.

People's words are scary. Now these words are enough to make the audience present take the perspective of the weak and sympathize with the poor child...

"Tetsube, someone is..."

Oshita pressed Yueren's shoulder with one hand and covered his partner's mouth with the other hand to prevent him from jumping out to quarrel with others.

Turning his head to look at Tetsube, the more he listened, the more he felt that the current situation was not right.

There were quite a few people mixed in the audience, saying things that were very unfavorable to Xingyan as audiences from different countries.

"Don't participate, don't comment, wait and see!"

Tetsube shook his head and asked them not to quarrel with others.

He felt something was wrong from just now. Xingyan knew what would happen, but he deliberately beat the other person unconscious when he had already completely defeated the other party.

Moreover, the other coach's eyes were really nervous, but when the coach looked at Xingyan, he never showed any anger or other emotions.

This is definitely a problem. They may have planned it long ago. This game may be a big show to some extent.

I just don't know who he is performing for.

Is it the audience?

Or the puppet boy?


In less than ten minutes, Q.P woke up.

After waking up, he looked confused, and his eyes searched around, and finally locked on Xingyan on the opposite side.

He clearly remembered that he was playing tennis just now, and then it became more and more strange, and finally he was dragged into a dream-like world.

His memory of that dream was a little vague, but he could feel the pain and despair, until he realized that he had more choices besides pursuing perfection and ultimate quality.

His heart is alive!

He likes playing tennis, whether it was in the past or now, he likes tennis, but now he is a living life, and he can experience the joys and sorrows of playing tennis with his heart...

"Coach, I should be able to continue the game, right?"

Q.P looked back at his coach.

"Go, come on!"

Kan Retulu looked at Q.P with a glow in his eyes, and clenched his fingers excitedly.

He won, he won the bet!

The boy from the East really did it!

A heart that had been dead since childhood could actually be revived. For him, this was a miracle!

"I will thank you by playing harder!"

Q.P returned to the net and bowed to Xingyan.

He was really grateful to him. Although he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his life before, it was because he hadn't "lived".

Now, his heart has been revived, and looking back, he is more certain of the beauty of being alive.

"You're not too slow to wake up, so I can play tennis seriously."

Xingyan's fingers pinched the tennis ball, his expression didn't change much, but his whole breath became warm again.


A twin star served the ball, he looked at Q.P, whose body was light and he directly opened the limit of perfect fit, and wondered if this guy was also surrounded by some aura.

Is he growing too fast?

He just removed the outer shell of the puppet and released his inner heart, how could he be directly cheating.

Fortunately, there was only perfect fit, even if all attributes were increased, it was still within the normal range of this world.

If he really evolved without limit suddenly, he was really worried that this guy would be comparable to Echizen Nanjiro after a while, but there was only one ceiling in this world, and he didn't burst out a second one after all.

"The puppet is alive, he made the puppet alive!"

Although the score of the game was still one-sided, Q.P's performance became more and more realistic, which made some people in the audience burst into tears.

Some people began to exclaim in a low voice, they actually saw the perfect puppet boy being given life.

These exclamations and the popular science just now came from almost the same group of people, they are true fans of Q.P.

However, Atobe sat in the audience, watching the development of things, and now just wanted to ask Xingyan how many extras he found.

Moreover, their acting skills are pretty good.

"Don't they care about the score?"

Jiro blinked, looked at the fans who were staring at Q.P in various obsessions, and asked Atobe curiously why their favorite players couldn't get points, but they were still as happy as if they had won.

"The result of winning or losing has long been known. What's more important now is that the puppet boy is alive."

Atobe smiled, he had understood everything.

Although these audiences are now chasing Q.P to pay attention, the more they pay attention to this puppet boy, the more different the name Xingyan will be.

Regardless of whether Xingyan played tennis gently or fiercely before, the fact that he made the puppet boy "alive" is already an unquestionable miracle.

The title of ‘God’ is now firmly established.

However, there is one thing he doesn’t quite understand. Did Xing Yan dislike this title before?

Now he is trying so hard to keep the title. Is it because Xing Yan likes it or because of someone else’s wishes?

If it was someone else, who could make him care so much, consultant Sakaki?



Who is it for? It can’t be the fan he met in the hospital a few days ago, right?

Son of God?


Does Xing Yan know that his fan actually has a different title!

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