The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"Fuji, go change your clothes!"

Ryusaki Sumire waited for Fuji Shusuke to get off the bus at the entrance of the tennis park. When she saw the main players of their Seigaku team walking with Hyotei, her eyes turned cold.

Chasing stars to other people's schools to train together is simply too much!

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Fuji Shusuke smiled and nodded. After saying goodbye to Fuji Yuta and Hyotei, he left with his tennis bag.

He had asked Tezuka to help bring the school team's clothes over, so he could just change into them later.

As for the coach being angry...

Does it need to be concerned?

The current tennis club is no longer the time when she said it and it's OK!

"Don't forget, you are opponents, training with students from the rival school, you..."

Ryusaki Sumire turned around and walked behind Fuji Shusuke, saying words of reprimand.

As for whether it was for Fuji or for the three school teams behind...

Who knows, anyway, no one will care now.

"Deputy Minister, Kirihara, you have brought your clothes, go change and sign up."

Rikkai University's Yanagi Renji came from the side.

They came a little earlier, and watched the coach of Seigaku waiting here.

At this time, he appeared after seeing that everyone had left, and handed two bags of clothes to the two people who had also sneaked into the rival school.

"Ryanagiri, thank you!"

Kirihara Akaya held the clothes, thanked him, turned around and got into the car, and changed his clothes directly in the car.

After he got off the car, Sanada also changed and got off again, and the players of Rikkai University who were competing had gathered.

"Let's go, do your best in the competition, we'll wait for you in the finals!"

After the registration was over, Xingyan waved to the people from Rikkai University, and then followed Atobe to their competition area.

Led by Guan Yuechu, the players of St. Rudolph found a place to rest for a while, and then prepared to wait and watch the game.

"Xingyan, what happened to you before? Our coach and the director had a quarrel."

Echizen Ryoma received the news, and while those people were still quarreling at the registration office, he ran over first.

He skillfully took out the lunch box and handed it to Xingyan. Looking at the rice ball that was taken out and eaten directly, he doubted whether Xingyan had not eaten breakfast.

However, he was still very curious about how their coach of Qingxue was so angry.

"I didn't do anything. I just got off the car with Senior Fuji, but I'm curious about another thing. Does Senior Tezuka also quarrel?"

While eating the rice ball, Xingyan imagined the scene of Tezuka Kunimitsu quarreling, and almost choked on the rice ball.

Can that person really be associated with the word quarrel?

"The director didn't quarrel, it was just that Coach Ryuzaki said a lot, and then he replied with one or two words, and Coach Ryuzaki was so angry that he glared..."

Echizen Ryoma roughly described the quarrel, shrugged, and his eyes were full of smiles.

He also thought that the scene was really funny.

"You can probably imagine..."

Xingyan's eyes narrowed with laughter, and he quickly finished the rice ball, took the water cup handed by Jiro and drank two sips.

Although Tezuka Kunimitsu and Sanada Genichirō both like to have a cold face, they are still very different.

During this period of training, Xingyan has discovered some of Sanada Genichirō's second-year attributes, and he is often angry and roaring at Kirihara Akaya.

But if Tezuka Kunimitsu gets angry, he will probably deal with it calmly.

This difference is not only understood by Xingyan, but also by other people in Hyotei.

So when they saw the main players of Seigaku coming out of the field, including Atobe, they all gave them a warm smile.

"Little guy, you really came here. Tell me the truth. What did you talk about with Xingyan just now? Why did the expressions of Hyotei and the others look so strange..."

Ryoma, who returned to the Seigaku team, was greeted warmly. Kikumaru Eiji even rushed over and held him down, asking him to explain what happened.

As for the coach who looked daggers at the mention of Hyotei and had a dark face beside him...

Kikumaru Eiji and the others did not dare to quarrel with the coach, but they could choose to ignore it.

"They said that they could not imagine what Minister Tezuka looked like when he was angry. Xingyan also said that they especially wanted to see Minister Tezuka quarrel with Vice Minister Sanada of Rikkai University."

Echizen Ryoma was very "honest" and told the main players of Seigaku, including Tezuka, about the content of his chat with Xingyan.

However, Fuji Shusuke could still see clearly the ill intention in his eyes.

"Echizen, did Xingyan tell you that he had a match with a super powerful person this morning? That person seems to be called Long Ya..."

Fuji Shusuke walked to Ryoma with a smile and mentioned the person who should not have woken up.

"Tsk... That bastard, he really came after all, saying one thing and thinking another, he is still far from it!"

Echizen Ryoma's eyes widened in an instant, and then relaxed after a while.

Speaking of his brother, Ryoma's eyes were filled with nostalgia, dissatisfaction and grievance.

In the end, these emotions turned into a common saying in their Echizen family...

Really, it's still too far away!

"Echizen, do you want to go and see him? He seems to be unconscious, and I don't know if he is in danger..."

Fuji Shusuke saw that Ryuzaki Sumire's face was getting darker and darker, and began to blatantly ask Ryoma to go with him.

"Fuji, go warm up first."

Tezuka Kunimitsu spoke up beside him, interrupting Fuji's provocation.

Although he stood on the opposite side of the coach, he didn't want to make too much trouble, after all, everyone still had to play.

"I'll go warm up with Senior Fuji. Anyway, I'm playing singles, and I have to wait for a long time."

Echizen Ryoma stood up and left the rest area with Fuji Shusuke.

After the game is over, he will go to see the bastard who sneaked away.

"What's going on with Qingxue? The game is about to start, and they are still making trouble?"

Atobe sat in the Hyotei rest area and watched Fuji and Ryoma leave from Qingxue. Although he couldn't hear what they said, it didn't look like an ordinary chat.

"I don't know what the specific reason is, but Senior Fuji of Qingxue is really angry, and it seems that he doesn't intend to reconcile."

Xingyan also felt a little strange.

Although Fuji Shusuke was also very dissatisfied with Ryuzaki Sumire's behavior like everyone else before, it didn't reach the point of breaking up directly.

With this kind of development, there must be some big contradiction.

Moreover, it happened in the short period of time before Fuji Shusuke walked to the registration office.

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