The ball was thrown out of the basket, and the ball was thrown out of the basket.

"Is that... an outspin serve?"

Fuji Shusuke looked at Xingyan's serve. He was very familiar with this serve. When he played a practice match with Echizen Ryoma before, he used a similar serve.

But the problem is that Echizen's outspin serve is much better than this one. Why would Xingyan use this style of play that is completely inconsistent with his strength?

"There are some problems with your brother's return posture..."

Oshitari Yuushi's family is in the field of medicine, and he himself has studied some of it.

Now looking at the return posture made by Fuji Yuta and the change in force when returning the ball, he immediately found the problem.

"This is why Xingyan wants to hit that ball. Some problems need to be discovered..."

Fuji Shusuke's eyes were obscure, and he understood.

After that, Xingyan started the fast, accurate and ruthless mode of scoring directly in every ball.

The obvious special serve just now was just for Yuta to receive it, so that he could see the flaws in Yuta's skills...

And when the venue was changed just now, Yuta's eyes lit up because of Xingyan's words, and his always awkward brother finally wanted to look over.

Those rumors were indeed true, Xingyan was a very gentle person, always warming the people around him in his own way.

"Fuji from Qingxue, what's wrong with your brother? The person who taught him that kind of tennis, did it on purpose?"

Xianghi Yueren didn't understand much beside him, but he knew it was a dangerous way to return the ball by looking at Oshitari's expression.

"Who knows..."

Fuji Shusuke opened his water blue eyes and looked at St. Rudolph's Mitsuzuki, and the temperature around him seemed to drop.

As a data-oriented tennis manager, would Mitsuzuki not know that there was something wrong with this way of returning the ball?

"Um... your brother lost so badly..."

Miraculous looked at the pace of the game, Xingyan did it on purpose, right?

Deliberately beat his brother so badly in front of his brother...

"It doesn't matter, Yuta has always admired Xingyan, even if it's just a game like this, he's very happy."

Fuji Shusuke smiled and narrowed his eyes. His brother's fanaticism for chasing stars is not inferior to that guy Eiji.

Although there are no peripheral products, there are always a lot of reports about the Grand Slam tennis teenagers in his brother's room.

"Hyotei won, the total score is 3:0, the game is over!"

The game went very quickly. The game between Hyotei and St. Rudolph took less than an hour to get the result, including the break time.

After the two sides shook hands and packed up their things to leave, St. Rudolph suddenly burst into exclamations.

"Those unglamorous guys..."

Atobe Keigo looked back, his eyebrows jumped, and finally he only had a habitual complaint.

In the opposite St. Rudolph's starting rest area, although they had lost the game, Guan Yuechu, as the manager, was picked up by their starting team and thrown up several times in laughter.

This state...

If you hadn't watched the previous game, you would have thought they had won.

"They are all interesting people..."

Xingyan smiled and shook his head, and walked towards the rest area that had been arranged long ago with everyone from Hyotei.

St. Rudolph, Guan Yuechu...

A proud script maniac, 8 tennis balls with names and blessings written on them, perhaps one of the scripts he set.

Perhaps this is the fun of sports animation, most of the people on the sports field are still very cute.


That sharp-eyed white-haired guy has appeared here for the second time, this guy is really not cute at all.

According to the battle schedule, after the afternoon game, the top four will be decided.

Hyotei, Seigaku, these are the ones that Xingyan can be sure to advance to at present.

The remaining schools, in addition to Yamabuki where the violent white-haired guy is, should also have a Ginka Middle School.

Although in the plot, Ginka Middle School directly gave up, the strength of this school is still not weak.

According to the battle order that was completely disrupted by Xingyan, the school they faced in the semi-finals was Yamabuki.

Ginka Middle School will play against Qingxue just like the original plot.

"Xingyan, are you still going to play in the afternoon game?"

During the break, Oshitari walked to Xingyan's side, very curious about what this junior brother thought.

Just like Fuji Shusuke said, this kind of competition is very boring for Xingyan, right?


I won't go to class in the afternoon. Let's finish the game early. I will take you to one-on-one training this week before the semi-finals. You must play at least two tie-breaks with me every day."

Xing Yan lay on the blanket, looking at the broken sunlight scattered in the tree canopy. He didn't fight for a place in the afternoon game.

Anyway, he just wanted to have more games. In the next few days, he would let Hyotei's regulars and reserves play with him.

"Only two games a day..."

Oshitari Yuushi took off his glasses and held them in his hand. He didn't feel anything about this plan.

It's just two games. In order to guide him, he played more than a dozen games at the most severe time.

He was guided in the morning and afternoon activities. After leaving school, he went to the Atobe family for special training...

Even if he only played the tie-break system, he felt sad enough to vomit blood.

"They are two games. Don't worry, Senior Oshitari. You are different from them. "

Xingyan sat up, looked at the stunned Oshima, patted his shoulder, and told this guy to be mentally prepared.

Others only need to grasp the weaknesses, conduct training and transformation, but Oshima Yushi is really different. He uses too many skills, and the only way is to practice more.

"The only difference, Yushi, what do you feel now, do you feel particularly happy?"

Mukaihi Taketo jumped to Oshima, looked at the expression of his partner, and laughed unceremoniously.

Oshima, who was treated specially, this is a treatment that even Atobe did not have.

"Don't worry, I will suggest to Xingyan that you only play two games, which is too few, you have to double it at least..."

Oshima Yushi adjusted his expression and looked at the other people of Hyotei with a subtle look.

Don't think that these guys can play less. Looking at the current appearance, Xingyan obviously plans to have special training in Hyotei in the next week.

"Come on in the afternoon game, I will watch you in the coaching seat. "

Xing Yan said he would not participate in the afternoon game, and he really did not participate.

Until the end of the game, when the official of the tournament came out in the evening to announce the results, the list of the top four this time has been determined.

Hyotei, Seigaku, Yamabuki, Ginka.

Except for Hyotei and Fudomine who changed positions, the other four schools seem to be the same.

A week later, the semi-finals, finals, and the loser's revival match to compete for the fifth spot in the Kanto tournament will be held.

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