The old man was very angry.

"Dad, what's going on now? What does this old man do? His eyes are really fierce..."

The competition of the Metropolitan Games was temporarily suspended. Xing Yan, who originally wanted to stay in Hyotei for special training, followed his father to the U17 training camp early the next morning.

Then, he stared face to face with the drunk old man who was dressed in sloppy clothes, had a big beard on his face, and drank without caring about his image.

"Kid, who do you say is the old man!"

Mifune Nyudo just wanted to meet this kid, but he didn't expect that he would be called an old man?

Although he is not young anymore, he doesn't like this title!

"Who else could it be? There are so many people in the room. Who else can be called the old man?"

Xing Yan didn't care whether the drunk guy glared or not.

He wanted to know now why he glared at this drunkard. This delayed his tennis club special training and delayed his number of matches!

On the way, I heard my father say that he was talking to the coach of U17 about the follow-up development issues, but it would be fine to talk to Uncle Saito or Uncle Kurobe. What is this old man here for!

Could it be that this drunkard is the elusive and unreliable head coach of U17?

It shouldn't be so fantasy. Although the tennis in this world is weird, it is also a sports show after all. Can you not mess it up like this!

"Kid, I advise you to be nicer. If the plan goes well, you will be training under my hands in the future!"

Mifune Nyudo thinks this kid is very good, but this does not prevent him from teaching this kid a lesson from the beginning.

According to what I heard before, this kid is obviously a willful, capricious and noisy young master.

He was able to make Byodoin obediently train, and now this kid will not be an exception.

"But if the plan goes well, coach, you have to look at my mood to get the bonus, so who has a better attitude, this is not certain!"

Xingyan confirmed the identity of the other party, and then suddenly relaxed his body, leaning on the sofa with a proud and arrogant smile.

It turned out to be the head coach, but...

This kind of first meeting is a matter of momentum, he is not absolutely not afraid.

If he is weak once, he will have to listen to this coach's words in training in the future, which may conflict with his mission.

Therefore, the initiative can only be taken in his own hands.

"Kid, it's your father who pays the money, you are not qualified to say such things to me now!"

Mifune Nyudo stared angrily, looking at the kid who was obviously competing with him to see who was more arrogant, he really found it very interesting.

It has been a long time since a tennis player dared to show off in front of him. This is the first time. Moreover, although this guy is arrogant, he is still not annoying.

After all, he has won world-class results. This guy is qualified.


Using bonuses to pressure others, this guy is too much!

"Coach, don't you know that the club is just under the name of our company? The initial capital is the bonus I won before, and the pocket money that has been kept for some reason over the years."

Yawning innocently, Xingyan talked to the coach about who is the boss.

Although it is just a cooperative relationship, this coach is definitely not working for them, but how the club should provide resources, as well as the bonuses of various staff...

These are not absolutely fixed.

"Tsk... kid, follow me!"

Mifune Nyudo didn't expect that he would be defeated by money one day.

However, this is just the first step. The attitude towards the cooperative investor boss will naturally be different from that of the players.

But this kid will be the first player to sign a contract, and as a coach, he must first see clearly what level this kid's strength is at.

Although there was a short video of the game before, the things in the video are still somewhat different from the reality.

For example, the different dimensions, and the burst mode of mental power and aura...

In short, we must see this kid's strength with our own eyes to determine whether to cooperate in the future.

"Why not Tanejima Shuji..."

Xingyan shook his head, stood up, picked up the racket beside him, and walked to the tennis court outside.

"Two bastards!"

Mifune Nyudo was so angry that his eyebrows jumped when he heard Xingyan's complaints.

He wanted to arrange for Tanejima

Shuji is on the court, but the problem is that the other bastard boy is not obedient.

I mentioned it to him before, other arrangements are fine, but he must not play against this boy...

I am really angry and helpless, but I have to respect their bottom line.

"Dad, don't be scared later, the ghost senior's dimension is very big and looks very fierce..."

Xingyan stood outside the tennis court and talked to Sakaki Taro who was sitting next to him about some possible situations.

"Play well in the game, and... pay attention to safety."

Sakaki Taro smiled helplessly. His son behaved very maturely most of the time, but occasionally he would still show some states that were suitable for children.

His own children are cute no matter how you look at them.

"Don't worry..."

Nodding in agreement, Xingyan didn't think there was any problem with this game.

He knew the strength of the ghost Jujiro, and now he just wanted to let the coach see the situation.

Unfortunately, Shuji Tanejima had informed the coach in advance, and the only possible opportunity was gone.

"Little one, have you really thought it through?"

Shuji Tanejima didn't know Xingyan was coming. During training, he saw the coach looking for Jijujiro, and then he knew that Xiaobutian had actually built the club.

It's only been a few days, and it's open as soon as it's said, why is it so fast!

However, cooperating with U17...

In addition to discovering talents, it also allows the U17 coach to directly train the club players.

This kind of thing is not an exception, it is also a normal operation.

However, he still couldn't figure out why Xiaobutian signed him in first. Didn't he plan to enter the professional network recently?

"Well, I've made up my mind. Are you coming?"

Xingyan leaned on the guardrail and looked at Shuji Tanejima. What he wanted to do had already begun, but who would join in the future still depended on their own wishes.

"Little guy, since you have done this, how can I not come? But you have to think about it. I am not famous now, and it is uncertain what will happen after signing..."

Taneshima Shuji never thought of refusing, but he also knew what his current situation was.

Although they participated in the U17 World Cup two years ago, the results were not satisfactory.

So in this case, the investment of funds and manpower are unknown.

"Then wait until the U17 World Championship, we will win a championship and everything will be ready!"

Although Xingyan has not received this part of the plot, he believes that the Japanese team will be the champion in the future.

Even if the original plot of this world gives him a big reversal, he will win the championship.

"Boy, you are very ambitious, the championship must be, but the current task is for you to fight a game with the ghost, be serious!"

Mifune Nyudo had just said a few words to the ghost Jujiro, and when he walked over here, he heard Xingyan's words, and pushed him into the tennis court from behind in a good mood.

U17 World Championship, win a championship!

He likes to hear this!

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