Chapter 80 I used to think about it a hundred, Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s raid!

“Zheng Zheng Zheng…”

Nan Wusheng’s fingers plucked the strings and tried the tone.

“Well, this guitar feels very good.”

He made this assessment.

Although this guitar is the first time he has used it, it is not much different from the one at home.

Thinking like this, Nan Wusheng took out the guitar and cable, connected the speaker next to it, and carefully confirmed the straightness of the neck plate.

Then he squatted on the ground and tinkered for about four or five minutes before slowly standing up.

“Senior Nan, are you planning to play and sing?”

Mio Akiyama, who had been watching for a while, lit up his eyes and was the first to ask.

“I can fingerpick and sing, so I’ll show you how to play and sing today.”

“If you don’t want to play and sing, I’m starting to look forward to it.”

“Play and sing, that means senior Nan, you have to play and sing at the same time, right? Oh, that’s awesome…”

Under the gaze of the four women, Nan Wusheng put the guitar on his back, and then continued to speak: “Please help bring me a microphone, thank you.” ”

“I’ll come! I got it! ”

Tianjing Nakaru was very interested, and quickly ran to the side and gave him the bracket and the talk.

Taking the microphone and stand, Nan Wusheng adjusted the stand and height of the microphone, and then coughed a few times into the microphone. Everything is ready for the preparations.

The four women also returned to their places and sat down, with a very expectant expression on their faces.

Meeting the expectant gaze of the four women, Nan Wusheng thought about it in his mind, and then picked up the pick and began to pluck the strings.

“Zheng Zheng Zheng”

The beautiful and gentle sound of the piano then sounded, echoing throughout the light music department classroom.

Nan Wusheng’s famous song “Once I Thought About a Hundred”. However, what he intends to sing is a strummed version of the original author of the song, Hiroshi Akita.

He was more impressed with this version. The intro, although not long, is gripping.

In this way, before the women could react to what kind of song it was, Nan Wusheng had already approached the microphone and sang softly [I once thought about a hundred. 】

[Because there are black-tailed crows wailing at the pier.] 】

[Dissipate with the ups and downs of the waves.] 】

【…….】With the accompaniment of the guitar, the clean and transparent voice echoed in the ears of the four women. If I had to give an evaluation, it would be kneeling!

“Wa Nan senior sings so well…”

Hirasawa covered his mouth and let out a low sigh. Tai closed his eyes and swayed his body to the melody. The piano player smiled and looked at the figure playing and singing in front of him.

Mio Akiyama opened his eyes slightly, and his eyes were full of a little shock.

The first thing she heard Nan Wusheng sing was “Once I thought about it a hundred”. At the same time, she is also a little envious of the boy in front of her who dares to sing in front of everyone. A look of ease.

Whether you look at it from top to bottom, you are full of confidence. Such a person is what she pursues.

Campus after school.

A silhouette walked aimlessly down the corridor. I saw her wearing the uniform of a student of the General Martial High School.

The face is better, and the facial features are delicate and straight.

With a white headband, black hair that reached the waist is scattered behind him. It is clear that the girl is still a student, but she already has the figure of an adult. Perhaps many adults are not as good as her.

Of course, the most striking thing is the girl’s legs. At first glance, it looks like a long one.

The soft and shiny black silk pantyhose are a perfect match for these legs! The girl’s name is Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka.

He is a senior student at Zongwu University. She is not in a good mood now.

Because she was still not satisfied with the beginning of the novel she wrote last night.

Although Machida Enko just praised her new work, she didn’t think so. Because Shiwa Kasumigaoka found that his novel had no main line.

Last night, she just had a simple flash of inspiration, completely written out of interest, and she may not even be able to last 200,000 words in the end.

That is to say, the new work may be completed directly in the first volume. So what’s the difference between this and slashing?

Depressed, Shiwa Kasumigaoka unknowingly came to the corner of the society building. Then a voice coming from a certain club classroom instantly caught her attention.

Is this the sound of the guitar?

And it seems that there are still people singing?

Following the sound, the sound of the guitar becomes clearer and clearer, and the singing becomes more and more obvious.

Then Shiwa Kasumigaoka walked all the way to the door of the Light Tone Division’s classroom and stopped in front of the closed door. This is it!

The song is ethereal and poetic, and the song has a little inexplicable sadness. Let Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s mood gradually calm down.

Gradually, it was as if she heard someone talk about the past from a song. A person with firmness and unwillingness, even begging, although life is sluggish, can only grit his teeth and endure, and then laugh between nostalgia for himself and challenging himself.

[If you want a better tomorrow, you must act today. 】

[I know I know all but–]

[Once, I also thought about a hundred. 】

[Because the heart has long been hollowed out. At this point in the song, the voice of the singing person suddenly rises, bringing a little break. But for some reason, the slight cracking adds to the sense of amazement.

The outburst of emotions makes the whole song more infectious. Of course, it can also be said that this is a desperate husky feeling. It is the final shock of facing despair and helplessness.

And this impact rushed straight to the heart of Shiyu Kasumigaoka. She seems to know how the main line of the new book is written!


After the roar, the accompaniment slowed down again.

Nan Wusheng’s guitar solo at this time makes the whole song seem very empty.

The four women on the opposite side all had stunned expressions on their faces, and their eyes stared directly at the boy in front of them, obviously they had not yet recovered from the amazing singing just now.

And so it went until the end of the final song…….

Nan Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief, took the paddle away, and then looked at the four women on the opposite side and asked: “What do you think, in fact, [I have thought about it a hundred] The two versions of this song are quite good.” ”

However, Mika Nakajima’s version is more accompanied, as if to tell everyone that there is still noise around, the world is still turning, and the beautiful melodic world is so beautiful.

Trying to live is a struggle for the present.

And in the version of songwriter Hiroshi Akita, the solo makes the whole song more empty and calmer, but it is particularly strong when it erupts.


There is a feeling that you have thought a hundred times, but what you really want is to live well.

As for why Nan Wusheng chose this song, it may also be related to his previous experience:

“Senior Nan, you are really powerful…”

Hearing Nan Wusheng’s question, Mio Akiyama was the first to come to her senses, and the waves in her heart had not completely subsided. Tianjing Nakaru wiped the tears that flashed in the corners of her eyes, she had just accidentally fallen into empathy.

“Just now, senior, you obviously plucked the strings, but it seems to be plucking my heart.”

“Yes, yes, yes! I also have this feeling, senior Nan, you are just too powerful! I want to hear it again. ”


Hearing the almost unanimous evaluation of the four women, the corners of Nan Wusheng’s mouth couldn’t help but raise a smile. Being praised always makes people feel good.

Especially four young and beautiful girls.

Nan Wusheng was about to unload the guitar when he was interrupted by a voice.

“Can Nanan-senpai come again?”

Hirasawa looked at her blankly, his big eyes sparkling. The other three women also had similar expressions.

It’s just not as exaggerated as Yui Pyeongtaek.

“Oh… All right. ”

Nan Wusheng tangled for a moment, and also agreed. Anyway, singing one is singing, singing two is also singing. There is nothing to lose by singing the second song.

Just as Nan Wusheng was about to start showing the second song, the door of the light voice department was suddenly opened.

“Can you add me one?”

[ps: There is a big guy in the comment area mentioned [I once thought about a hundred], so I offer it! ]

That said, I’m a little envious of the data of the recent new books… My book is currently forty or fifty yuan a day, and before that, it was only seventy or eighty, and I was deeply shocked……. Six].

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