Chapter 81: Yui Hirasawa’s first performance, Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s interest!.

Nan Wusheng and the women followed the voice, and then saw a tall and tall girl standing at the door. Tai Nakaru looked at the ribbon color of the girl’s uniform, and then asked.

“That… Are you a third-grade senior? ”

“Well, I’m a third-year Kasumigaoka Shiwa.”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka nodded, although the voice of the voice did not sound domineering, but it gave people the illusion of being high.

Maybe this is probably the legendary queen sister…

And hearing what she said, Nan Wusheng’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Kasumigaoka Shiyu again. Just now he wasn’t very interested in breaking in, so he hadn’t looked at it carefully.

Now it seems……. These legs are really long!

“Is it actually Kasumigaoka senior? The one who has the famous Kaolin Flower in the third grade and has the title of [Talented Girl]? ”

Mio Akiyama looked at the tall silhouette in front of him and whispered to Tanaka Ritsu.


Tai Naka responded to his friend with an affirmative tone. How to say that Kasumigaoka Shiyu is also one of the heroes of the total martial arts.

Even new students have heard a little about it.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka is good-looking, her academic performance is still very good, and she is firmly in the first place in her grade after every exam. Just like Yukinoshita Yukino in the second grade, the popularity belongs to the kind that stands at the top of the grade.

And the most important thing is that Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s figure is even more completely flat.

Therefore, compared to Yukinoshita Yukinoshita of the iceberg beauty, more boys like Shiwa Kasumigaoka are proud royal sisters.


In the third grade, there is Shiwa Kasumigaoka who is black and straight. In the second grade, there is also a black and straight Yukinoshita Yukino. And what about the current first-graders?

Who will sit on the same throne as those two predecessors?

Thinking like this, Tai Nakaru’s gaze couldn’t help but shift to this friend beside him. In other words, Xiao Mio is also a black long Naoya!

And Mio’s academic performance is also very good. Doesn’t that mean…….

Tai Nakaru touched her chin and thought so, and then her slippery gaze met with a certain guy. She found that Nan Wusheng was also staring at Mio Akiyama at this time, putting on a thoughtful look.

Hmph Nan senior, sure enough, the hero sees the same thing!

“Huh? Are you a third-year Kasumigaoka senior? ”

“Seniors can come to visit our light music department, we are very welcome~”

It is the piano that speaks.

I saw her with a smile on her face as she got up and walked towards Shiyu Kasumigaokaoka.

“Yes, yes! We are very welcome. ”

Hirasawa Wei had a hint of restraint on his face.

After all, the person who came is a popular figure in the school, and she is also the senior sister of the third sister, and she can’t let go for a while when she is temporarily uncomfortable. Mio Akiyama and Naka Tai also had no opinion.

As for Nan Wusheng……. Naturally, he also had no opinion.

In this way, Kasumigaoka Shiyu followed the piano and sat down on the sofa together.

Feeling the soft cushion under her hips, Shiwa Kasumigaoka couldn’t help but ask the doubts in her heart.

“Oh… You guys this is the light part? ”

Her gaze swept over the furnishings in the classroom. Boy! Sofas and everything is a trifle.

There was actually a large cupboard on that side, which contained various tea sets and dishes. Is this a serious society?

“Of course, it’s the Light Sound Department, Senior Sister, it’s just that we have made a small transformation.”

Saying that, Kotofu made a gesture of “finger universe” to Shiwa Kasumigaoka.

Although Shiyu Kasumigaoka had a lot of words to complain about at this time, after all, she could now say that she was asking for someone, so she had to hold back her stomach’s words.


Nan Wusheng on the opposite side attracted the attention of all the women, and then continued: “Since there is nothing else, then I will continue~”

“Good, good! Minami-senpai, let’s start quickly! ”

So under the expectant gaze of all the women, Nan Wusheng picked up and began to pluck the strings. In the next second, a gentle and beautiful piano sounded.

“Zheng….. Zheng… Zheng…”

The sound of the piano is gentle and comfortable, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Listening to the familiar melody, Mio Akiyama and Naka Tai instantly thought of Yu Takahashi’s [ヤキモチ] [Chinese name – jealous], which is the ending song of the original “Late Night Cafeteria 3″.

However, at the moment when Nan Wusheng spoke, the expressions on the faces of Mio Akiyama and Tanai Nakaru couldn’t help but be stunned. Because it’s not the song they’re familiar with.

It is a new version that I have never heard of at all, and it is still sung in Chinese Chinese.

[Stop and go along the way…….]

[Follow the trail of the boy’s drift.] 】

[There was some hesitation at the moment before stepping out of the station. 】……..】

Not to mention Mio Akiyama and Ritsu Tai, even the other three girls had surprised expressions. Hirasawa Yui was more obvious, his expression was stunned, as if he had been stupid. What is Nansenpai, singing?

Why didn’t she understand a word?

Although I can’t understand what Minami-senpai sings, it’s very good! This is Yui Hirasawa’s intuitive feeling.

The other women also had the same idea, and they all thought that Nan Wusheng sang very well. The voice is clean and clear.

It makes people feel like a spring breeze.

At the same time, the women are not as uninformed as Yui Pyeongtaek. They all heard that they were singing in the Chinese language.

Several women in the Light Tone Department were amazed at Nan Wusheng’s versatility.

The piano is good and the guitar is not bad. Singing is not a problem at all.

I can also speak the language of Chinese proficiently, it is simple!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was similar, and at the same time became very curious about Nan Wusheng in his heart. She seems to have met a very interesting junior today……….

Selling chili peppers also uses coupons [Wind”, the experience can be said to be more bumpy.

For the song “ヤキモチ” written and sung by Yu Takahashi, Selling Chili also used coupons and his friend Migo to like the accompaniment of this song very much, so he decided to rewrite the lyrics and create the song “The Wind Rises”.

However, shortly after its release, the song was removed due to the lack of copyright issues for the adaptation.

Out of recognition of the quality of the song itself, NetSuppress Cloud Music helped buy chili peppers and also used coupons to propose genuine cooperation to the neon copyright owner, Yu Takahashi’s planning and production team.

And the original author Yu Takahashi also liked it very much after listening to “The Wind Rises”, and gave a high evaluation of buying chili peppers with coupons.

Buying chili peppers also went straight to neon with coupons, recording and singing under the guidance of Yu Takahashi’s team, and Yu Takahashi also gave a lot of guidance and encouragement to buy chili peppers and use coupons.

The entire planning and recording process lasted two months, supervised by Yu Takahashi, and his band arranged and recorded the song themselves, and finally the song was re-released.

The re-launched “The Wind”, which took only 25 days to exceed 100 million views, was deeply loved by the majority of listeners. The beautiful melody echoes in every corner of the light part.

The soft and gentle singing voice slowly flowed into the hearts of the women.

Nan Wusheng’s song “The Wind Rises” made the women of the light voice department can’t help but have a picture in their minds. It was a summer that used to belong to teenagers.

The wind and clouds stirred, and the teenagers ran under the setting sun, singing and laughing. They are the fearless teenagers who are hopeful about the world, talking loudly about the after-class jokes of the sunset sky, about their dreams when they grow up, and about endless thoughts about the future.

As a result, Mio Akiyama and Ritsu Tai seemed to see their childhood selves, watching the shocking concert scene on the TV show, and issued the bold statement of “forming a band and blowing up the audience”.

I don’t know when Hirasawa Wei has closed her eyes and felt it carefully, even if she can’t understand the lyrics, she can feel the artistic conception from it.

The piano player quietly looked at the figure playing and singing in front of him, and he was very fascinated.

And Shiha Kasumigaoka, who already had some social experience, was also touched at this time, and she thought of when she first decided to write a light novel, she vowed to write a work that sold millions…

So how far is she now?


[When the heart moves, it goes with the wind.] 】

[In the name of love, are you still willing?] Singing closed, Nan Wusheng continued to pluck the strings, and then let the whole piece enter the final epilogue. Putting away the picks, Nan Wusheng raised his head and looked at the women and asked, “How do you feel?” ”

Hearing Nan Wusheng’s question, the five women on the opposite side all had expressions of unfinished expression.

When they came back to their senses, they hurriedly clapped their little hands and applauded Nan Wusheng without hesitation. I heard them say as I clapped my hands.

“Woooo Nan Senpai, you sing so well! ”

“The strength of the senior, as the head of the Light Sound Department, I recognize it!”

“Lifeless, very powerful~”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa also asked at this time.

“Junior-kun, is it convenient to tell me your name?”

“Nan Wusheng.”

Nan Wusheng’s answer was concise and clear.

“Nan Wusheng…”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka bit the word and whispered, as if to engrave the name in his mind, Nan Wusheng did not speak again, but began to unplug the guitar cable, and then beckoned to Hirasawa Yui.

“Pyeongtaek-san, your guitar.”

“Oooh! Good! ”

Pyeongtaek Wei stepped on the brisk pace, “clicked” to Nan Wusheng’s side and took over his guitar wow! The guitar is really good!

I can actually play such a beautiful sound!

Thinking like this, Pyeongtaek Wei played for a while, and according to the appearance of Nan Wusheng in his mind, he began to pluck the strings of the guitar with his hands.


“Shabu, all over, all over?”

Her hand flicked and her mouth made strange sounds.

“Xiao Wei is so good” “Kotofu spoke in a soft and gentle tone, and while laughing, he clapped his little hands to encourage Hirasawa Wei. ”

“Xiao Wei, come on!”

Tai Nakaru raised his clenched fists to cheer her on.

Mio Akiyama didn’t speak, but he also smiled and watched with interest as Yui Hirasawa was playing over there.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who was incompatible with the four women beside him, listened to the completely out of tune piano sound, as well as the strange “roar” sound, and didn’t know how to complain for a while.

This girl just can’t play at all.

After the play, Mio Akiyama looked at Hirasawa Yui and was the first to ask.

“Yui, didn’t you practice playing guitar at home last night?”

“That… Because the guitar is shiny..”

Hirasawa Wei raised his hands very embarrassed, and the index fingers of the two 4.5 hands collided with each other, and his expression was slightly embarrassed.

“You’re not just leaving your guitar at home, are you?”

Tai Nakaru complained.

“Only, there is no one!”

Hirasawa retorted loudly, but he didn’t have much confidence.

“Isn’t that the kind of thing that looks at a newly bought guitar and can’t bear to touch it… Uh-huh, I can understand that feeling, Mio Akiyama also noticed the guitar of Yui Hirasawa, and the protective film on it has not been torn off. ”

“Uh-huh! I cherish it, oh, as long as it gets dusty, it will be wiped off immediately. ”

“I would pose in front of the mirror, sleep together, and take pictures together.”

Hirasawa raised his index finger and triumphantly recounted some stupid things he did at home last night.

“In other words, are you the kind of person who doesn’t tear the protective film of the mobile phone to appear?”

Mio Akiyama still couldn’t help but speak. Hearing her question, Hirasawa Yui showed a very adoring expression towards Mio Akiyama.

“Huh? That’s awesome! Mio, can you guess this? ”

Mio Akiyama looked embarrassed, and he didn’t know where to start for a while.

Looking at the interaction of everyone in the Light Sound Division, and the figure who was busy cleaning up, Shiha Kasumigaoka gave an evaluation. This club seems to be very interesting….

At the same time, she decided in her heart that she would come often when she had time in the future.

[ps: This chapter seems to be overwritten… Depressed! 】

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