Chapter 82: Enlightening Arima Koshio, how do eagles learn to fly?.

It was past five o’clock in the afternoon.

Arima Kobu lay quietly on the floor of his room.

Scattered around him were sheet music full of notes.

Now his mind is full of Nan Wusheng’s figure playing the piano in the cat café at that time, and at the same time, the dazzling figure of Kaoru Miyazono on the violin competition stage also emerges.

Wusheng and Miyazono-san are really amazing….

I wonder when I’ll be as dazzling as they are? The more he thought about it, the more distressed Arima Kosheng’s expression became. Suddenly, he felt dark all around.

Sensing the abnormality, he slowly opened his eyes, and then he saw a blurry black figure, and I don’t know when it was standing next to him, looking down at him.


Startled, Arima shouted. Quickly retreated back with his hands supporting his body in horror.

“Gongsheng, what were you just doing?”

“If the lights in the room don’t turn on, forget it, and the curtains won’t be opened.”

Nan Wusheng complained with a puzzled face, and then turned on the switch of the room light. Hearing the familiar voice from the other party, Arima Kosheng instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

“It turns out that you are lifeless… It scares me. ”

Blocking the sudden light with his hand, Arima recovered his “plop” beating heart, then supported the floor with both hands and slowly stood up.

Then he came to a piano placed in the room, picked up a pair of glasses and put them on, and asked, “Wusheng, why are you here?” ”

“Harm… It’s not because I didn’t see you in the Light Sound Department today, and I asked the four people in the Light Tone Department to know that you have withdrawn. ”

“Then you didn’t answer the phone just outside your door, so I had to take out the spare 24 key from under your flower bed and come in.”

“I didn’t expect to see you lying motionless on the floor as soon as I entered the door, and I thought that you had encountered some secret room murder case and hung up, Nan Wusheng talked to the end, and was half joking.”

“So that’s it…”

Arima Kobu nodded, and then began to apologize,

“Sorry, I was just practicing and my phone was muted.”

“So you just lay on the ground?”

“Nothing… It’s just clearing out distractions. ”

“Can’t you hear now?”

“….. Well. ”

Arima pondered for a moment, then nodded in reply.

“Oh, it’s really hard to do…”

In this regard, Nan Wusheng’s face also began to feel a little distressed.

After weighing a little in his mind, he decided to use some external force to help Arima Koyo out of the shadows.

“Or… How about we go out and rub it? ”

Nan Wusheng extended an invitation to him.

“Well, you can.”

Arima Gongsheng didn’t have any opinions, and then he seemed to remember something, and continued to ask, “What about Tsubaki and Ah Du and the two of them?” ”

“Just the two of us today, let’s have a good chat by the way.”

“Hmm… That’s okay, but wait a minute, let me go back to my room and change my clothes first. ”

“Well, hurry up.”

Arima walked out of the room while scratching his somewhat messy hair. As a result, only Nan Wusheng was currently left in this room.

He first glanced at the sheet music scattered on the floor, and then shifted his gaze to the piano in the room. It is correct to say that it should be a picture placed on the piano stand.

There are two people in the picture, a woman, and a little boy holding the trophy. That woman was Arima Koshō’s mother, Arima.

The little boy is naturally a student of Arima Gong.

And both of them had very happy smiles on their faces.

If Minami Wusheng remembers correctly, this photo was taken when Arima Kosei won his first prize at a piano competition. At that time, he did not have the title of “humanoid metronome”.

The music that comes out is also very spiritual.

“Aunt Hayashi, you’re pushing too hard…”

Looking at the woman with a smile on her face and a little gentleness on her face in the photo, Nan Wusheng let out a low sigh. What to say about it?

The reason why Arima Kosei can play the piano is because when he was a child, he listened to a friend of his mother playing the piano and was discovered by that man to be very talented in the piano.

So in order to make Arima Koyo a famous pianist in the future, and in order to continue her dream in him, Arima began strict piano training for Arima Kono.

When practicing the piano, Arima Kosei was not only not allowed to go out to play, but also was often abused by Arima-sanki due to poor practice, resulting in frequent bruises and purple on his body.

But it is precisely under this devilish training that Arima Kosheng’s piano strength has improved rapidly, let alone his peers, and many adults who are good at piano cannot compare with him.

As for asking Arima’s reason for treating her son this way, it is that she didn’t have much time in her life at that time. She wants to use this kind of almost abusive education so that Arima Koso can face life alone in the future.

At a piano competition, Arima Kosei played with the emotion of wanting his mother to recover, did not play exactly like the score, and then was reprimanded by Arima after stepping down, and even beaten with crutches.

“What kind of performance is that?”

“Haven’t I stressed many times that you have to play according to the score? Idiot! ”

“It’s better for people like you to die.”

Arima Kosei, who had a heart, was completely sunk by her last words.

So after Arima’s death, it caused Arima Kosei to think that he could not hear the piano, which was a curse on him before his mother’s death.


Looking at Arima-sakori in the photo, Nan Wusheng let out a sigh again.

It is a pity that he was in a state of amnesia at that time, otherwise Arima Gongsheng would not have been such a result. And what Nan Wusheng wants to complain about is…

Why are there so many “awkward” people around him?

Obviously just say it well and explain everything clearly, can’t it?……………….

Somewhere quiet restaurant.

While holding the dish, Nan Wusheng looked at Arima Gongsheng on the opposite side and asked, “Gongsheng, what do you think is the reason why you can’t hear the piano?” ”

There was a magic in his voice.

People can’t help but want to tell it all. That’s right! Nan Wusheng used [Inducer]!


Arima raised his head, his expression stunned, and chewed for a while before swallowing the food in his mouth.

“Yes… Curse, mom’s curse. ”

He didn’t know why, he actually told Nan Wusheng the deepest secret hidden in his heart so simply. Perhaps it was precisely because the other party was the “Nan Wusheng” that he could say it so unconcealed.

Arima thought so in his heart.

Seeing him so cooperative, the corners of Nan Wusheng’s mouth couldn’t help but raise slightly, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

[Inducer] is really easy to use…

Will he really be able to control it in the future?

Nan Wusheng began to question himself.

After all, people’s “desires” are very terrible, if one day he uses [inducer] to do some bad things, such as some “hypnotic guidance” and the like, cough!

“Gongsheng, do you think this is really your mother cursing you?”

“Well, yes! Because I didn’t do exactly what she instructed, she cursed me before dying. ”

“Do you remember Aunt Saori’s expression when you won your first award? Do you think that’s a fake smile? ”

Nan Wusheng’s face does not change color, and he is still guiding Arima Kōsheng.

“She… Not. ”

Arima Koyo hesitated, then said no.

Although he hadn’t seen his mother smile since then, he knew that her mother at that time was absolutely happy for him from the bottom of her heart.

But why?

Arima Kobu still can’t figure it out.

Nan Wusheng, who was sitting opposite, saw a completely incomprehensible expression on his face and continued to ask.

“Gongsheng, you should know that when eagles learn to fly, they are often pushed off the cliff by eagles and then passively learned, do you think this is cruel for eagles?”

“Hmm! It’s cruel, but there’s no way around it, and it’s necessary to make the eagle fly. ”

Arima nodded, telling his opinion.

“In other words, the male student thinks that the eagle loves the eagle, right?”

“Yes, that’s right!”

Hearing his affirmative answer, the smile at the corner of Nan Wusheng’s mouth began to thicken.

“Gongsheng, you also knew about your mother’s condition at that time, right?”

“Well, I know.”

“So you can imagine what a mother with young son, with little time, would do so that her son could face hardship alone in the future? Is it the same cruel treatment of eagles as eagles? ”

“... 747….well, yes. ”

Hearing what Nan Wusheng said, Arima Gongsheng seemed to have caught something. But it’s always a little worse, and no matter how hard he tries, he can’t catch it.

“Hey… So your mother has always loved you, Gongsheng, she is only so strict with you in order to make you strong to face the life of a person in the future, and she always speaks ill of you. ”

To be honest, Nan Wusheng did not approve of Arima’s way of educating.

But at that time, there was no way to do this. She only thought of this method…….

“Mom, she…”

Arima Gongsheng instantly woke up like a daigo empowerment.

“Mom, she actually did that because she loved me?”

“Yes, in order for you to be able to live alone in the future, she hid her smile, spoke ill at you, hit and scolded you, all to hone you.”

To be honest, Nan Wusheng was actually very resistant to such a statement in his heart.

But in order to be able to let Arima Kosei out of the psychological shadow, he could only endure the psychological discomfort and speak out little by little.

“Gongsheng, you can’t hear the piano, it’s not because of your mother’s curse, but you’re cursing yourself, if your mother sees you like this, she should be very uncomfortable…”

“What she has always wanted to see is you who can listen carefully to your voice and emotions. Speaking of this, Nan Wusheng increased the intensity of [Inducer]. ”

Nan Wusheng’s last words went straight to the deepest part of Arima Gongsheng’s heart, directly dispersing the shadow that he had never dared to face.

“Mom, she turned out.”

Arima Kono’s voice began to choke. Tears gushed from his eyes like a spring.

Looking at the boy who was crying loudly, Nan Wusheng couldn’t help but smile.

From today onwards, that Arima Gongsheng should be able to continue to shine on the stage, right?

[ps: This chapter is really difficult to write….. It can only be said that Arima Kosheng is not a beautiful female character, so that the author I can’t lift up, quack! 】

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