Moxu Luo's adaptation mechanism is very special.

Once it starts, it will be absolutely impossible to stop it, unless it can be killed before it fully adapts!

Otherwise, all skills will be ineffective in front of Moxu Luo!

Of course, adaptation also has certain prerequisites.

That is"being attacked".

As long as it is"attacked" once, its adaptation will begin!

But Lu Ling feels that the word"being attacked" is not appropriate, and"being affected" may be more appropriate.

The scope of"influence" here is broad, including physical, mental and other aspects!

Even Lu Ling's advanced invisibility, a skill that has almost no lethality.

The moment it"affects" Moxu Luo, it can begin to adapt!!

After the adaptation begins, Moxu Luo will begin to slowly analyze......After a period of time, it will be completed.

The magic circle above its head is the so-called progress bar.

Each turn represents that its analysis has reached a new stage!

If it is affected again during this period, time will be accelerated. Thus, the speed of its analysis will be greatly accelerated!......

""Puff! Puff!"

The Curse Queen was constantly attacking the pale shikigami.

Her claws swung out, leaving deep wounds on the armless Moxu Luo, and blood splattered everywhere!

"Rika likes red!!"

Rika laughed sharply while torturing the pale shikigami.

At this time, there was a"click".

The magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned again.......

Lu Ling, who was a hundred meters away, saw this scene and silently shook his head for Li Xiang.

"Is this what happened?"

"It seems that intelligence is still very important.

Although from the outside it seems that Rika has won. Moxu Luo is constantly being hurt and has no power to fight back.

But Lu Ling knows very well that the Cursed Queen has fallen into the trap of the strongest shikigami.

"To deal with Moxu Luo, you need a strategy that can decide the outcome with one strike!"

"Kill it before it adapts!"

"Rika's current continuous but non-lethal attack is the most wrong behavior."

"What she did was of no use except to speed up Moxu Luo's adaptation......."

Time went on.

Rika's attacks continued.

She soon felt something was wrong.

Moxu's skin seemed to become harder and harder, and the speed of regeneration was getting faster and faster.

The body that could be cut open with a single blow now only left a few white marks on it.......

The Curse Queen looked at the situation in confusion and tilted her head.

She didn't know why this happened.


There was another sound of gears turning, and the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle.

This was the third circle.......


Moxu Luo's laughter came to Rika's ears.

In fact, Moxu Luo could have broken free from Rika's suppression long ago.

As early as after the first round of magic circle, it could distance itself from Rika and organize a counterattack!

At that time, Moxu Luo already had resistance to Rika's attack!!

The reason why it didn't run away and still stood there to endure the attack was to increase its analysis speed!

It also deliberately slowed down its regeneration speed and reduced its defense power, just to prevent Rika from being suspicious.

Now that the three circles of magic circle have been turned, the analysis has been completed.

The Cursed Queen is no longer a threat.

Moxu Luo naturally doesn't need to hold back!


The pale shikigami grew an arm, and this time the speed was far beyond the imagination of the curse queen!

Unexpectedly, Rika was grabbed by the neck.

Then, Moxu Luo threw her out with a force!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The tall body of the cursed spirit flew hundreds of meters in the air, penetrated several floors of buildings, and finally fell heavily to the ground!

This was Moxu Luo's revenge for the palm strike he had received! The pale shikigami slowly stood up. It would not make the same mistake as before.

It would deal with the cursed spirit first, and then look for the summoner!

"With a"swish" sound, the demon-repelling blade popped out from his arm.

Moxu Luo ran wildly in the direction where Rika was thrown!


Rika roared angrily. The fall just now made her very uncomfortable.

But before she could make a complete sound, a tall figure appeared in front of Rika!

It was Moxu Luo!

The pale shikigami did not give the curse queen a chance to react, and swung the sword at her body!

Rika reacted quickly, knowing that this attack could not be taken head-on, so she dodged quickly.

The experience of being chopped down by the sword of exorcism was still vivid in her mind!


Rika's speed increased greatly after her body shrank.

She narrowly avoided the attack, and the sword of exorcism hit the asphalt ground.

With a loud bang, countless spider-web-like cracks appeared.

Not to mention the adaptability, the strength alone is also top-notch!


After dodging the attack, Rika did not leave.

The fierceness of the cursed spirit did not allow her to do so, so when the pale shikigami's sword sank into the ground, the curse queen began her counterattack!

The sharp claws of the cursed spirit fell on Moxu Luo again.

Moxu Luo did not dodge and just stood there obediently to endure Rika's moves!

With a sound like the collision between metals, Moxu Luo was unharmed!


Rika looked at the pale shikigami's body in disbelief and fell into a daze.

Another defeat had a great mental impact on her.

Moxu Luo raised the sword of exorcism and took advantage of this gap to slash at Rika!

This time, she did not dodge the attack of the pale shikigami.


The cursed queen's body was split open by this sword!

A huge wound appeared on her waist.

"With a"click", Rika's upper body fell to the ground.

Rika was split in two.

"Ah!! Ah!!"

The pain from the depths of her soul reappeared, and this time it was obviously much more intense than before.

Rika, who was cut in two, began to scream in pain.

Unlike the sorcerer, as a cursed spirit, she would not die immediately even if she was cut in half!

Rika could still make a final struggle! The dark pink energy was concentrated on her body.

The curse queen intended to burst out all her negative energy to forcibly offset the positive energy that was now eroding her!


Rika turned into a bomb, and she detonated all her cursed power!

The huge energy began to explode outward from the Curse Queen.

The deep pink light illuminated the entire night sky!

A hundred-meter-high column of light appeared, engulfing Rika and Moxu Luo along with everything around them.

They were all annihilated into ashes.

Even if Lu Ling was not within the range of this cursed power explosion, the air wave generated by it would almost blow him away.


Right at the center of the explosion, where the energy was most concentrated.

Rika's body was beginning to recover. The negative energy she detonated did indeed successfully suppress the positive energy of the Sword of Exorcism as she expected.

After all, the two are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining.

As long as there is a lot of it! Negative energy can also offset positive energy!

Just when she thought she could regroup, a chill suddenly surged into the Curse Queen's heart.

This was an emotion Rika had never experienced before - fear.


A familiar laugh came, and the Curse Queen turned around abruptly!

What she saw was the pale shikigami, laughing at her!

Right in the center of the cursed energy explosion, where the negative energy was the strongest. Moxu Luo was strolling leisurely as if in the backyard.

The cursed energy that kept bursting out around him was like a breeze to him, and did not cause any harm to him at all.


Seeing this, Rika finally couldn't control her emotions. For the first time in her life as a cursed spirit, she wanted to escape.


Several cold lights appeared, and Moxu Luo retracted his demon-repelling blade.

Before Rika could make a decision, whether to run or stay,

Moxu Luo had already completed his attack.

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