"Pah. Pah."

Rika was not prepared this time. Before she could react, she was broken into pieces and fell to the ground.

The pieces kept twisting, trying to gather together and return to their original form.

But the positive energy that was constantly eroding them made it impossible for them to do so!

At this moment, even if Rika had infinite magical power, she would not be able to resist.

The outcome was determined.


Moxu Luo roared excitedly, the roar of a winner.

He had finally killed the damned cursed spirit and could now look for the summoner to continue the fight!

Now he just needed to find the summoner's location......

"Are you looking for me?"

"You've worked so hard."

A calm voice came, and Lu Ling slowly came to Moxu Luo and the broken Li Xiang.

He had been waiting for this scene for a long time.

Seeing the prey he was looking for actually came to him.

Moxu Luo was also slightly stunned, and then he showed his sword of exorcism without hesitation!

"The system did not terminate the simulation"

"Does that mean Rika is still alive? She has a strong vitality."

Looking at the pieces of meat that were still twisting on the ground, Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh.

He took a quick look and saw that there were at least dozens of pieces on the ground.

It was incredible that she could still be alive after being cut like this.

"But, this is over."

"Before exiting the simulation, let me test your skills."

Lu Ling drew out his long sword and added mana to it.

A weapon covered with blue crystals appeared in his hand.

At the same time, light appeared on his body, and Lu Ling also turned on the mana enhancement with all his strength.

During the battle between Rika and Moxu Luo, his mana had been fully restored.

Now Lu Ling is undoubtedly in his prime!

Since Rika's demise is doomed, he must seize this opportunity.

Accumulate the combat experience with Moxu Luo and prepare for the formal taming in the future!


The pale shikigami swung at Lu Ling, and Lu Ling responded with a slash.

The sword of exorcism and Lu Ling's cursed sword collided fiercely!

With the sound of metal colliding, the air shook.

Lu Ling and Moxu Luo both retreated several meters away at the same time, but Lu Ling retreated a little further than Moxu Luo.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ling was not surprised.

"Under the triple enhancement of physical ability, spell power enhancement, and heaven and curse binding"

"It seems that the difference in power is not as big as I thought."

"Come, let me test your speed!"

"Overload mode!!"

The blue light wrapped around Lu Ling's body suddenly dimmed. Most of the curse power quickly flowed through his body and finally flowed into his brain.

Lu Ling's concentration increased explosively, and Moxu Luo's speed also began to slow down.

""Swish! Swish! Swish!"

With the help of the body bound by heaven and curse, Lu Ling instantly came in front of the pale shikigami.

He swung the cursed long sword in his hand, slashing to form a large net, leaving a grid-like wound on Moxu Luo's body!


When the overload mode time was up, Lu Ling stopped beside Moxu Luo to rest for a while.

Moxu Luo didn't know what had just happened. He just felt a pain all over his body, and a large number of wounds suddenly appeared, and blood flowed out.

The pale skin now seemed to be wearing a layer of red clothes!

"It's too shallow."

Lu Ling looked at the damage he had just caused and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He had the intention of cutting Moxu Luo into dices, so he chopped with all his strength!

In the end, he only cut his skin!

Although the overload mode will reduce the level of physical enhancement and attack power due to the protection of the brain by the spell power, the root cause is that Moxu Luo's defense is too strong!


Moxu Luo roared, and the muscles on his body moved. In just a blink of an eye, the wound was repaired as quickly as possible!

It raised the sword of exorcism in its hand and slashed.

Lu Ling, who had just ended the overload mode, was a little uncomfortable, but he could still move freely.

He quickly moved the magic power to his legs through the flow. His mobility was greatly improved, and he dodged the attack with a backward jump. A huge impact force followed, and the pale shikigami's sword was deeply embedded in the ground, and countless cracks appeared at the same time!

"Is your strength higher than mine, but your speed lower than mine?"

This round of fighting gave Lu Ling a lot of information.


"Now is the time!

Seeing that Moxu Luo's sword was still stuck on the floor, this was a good time to attack.

Lu Ling gave orders to his shikigami.

The shadow hidden in the dark transformed into a tiger burial, a tiger burial that combined all the power of 10 shikigami!!

It opened its mouth wide, and red flames gushed out!

It covered all the fragments of Moxu Luo, including Rika.......

The area that was originally razed to the ground by Rika was hit hard again!

Under the heat of this move, the rock became soft, melted, and finally turned into liquid!

The terrain changed.

"Is it possible that 10 kinds of Shikigami would be so powerful when gathered together?"

"It was really unexpected."

The fire power that was enhanced by concentrating all the abilities of the 10 shikigami on Huzang was far beyond Lu Ling's expectations! He had no doubt that if all the heat was concentrated together, the special-grade cursed spirit would be burned to death by Huzang!!

But Lu Ling was not happy for long.


Moxu Luo's roar came from the flames. Although it was charred all over, it still took Lu Ling's attack.


As the magic circle above its head turned, its skin twisted and slowly returned to its original pale color.

Moxu Luo was beginning to adapt to the flames of the tiger burial.


The huge shikigami leaped high, raised the demon-repelling sword in its hand and slashed at Lu Ling. This time it wanted to end the battle once and for all!

Lu Ling also used the power of the spell to strengthen himself, intending to block the fierce attack of Moxu Luo!


At this moment, time suddenly froze.

Lu Ling and Mo Xu Luo were both frozen in place.

Lu Ling heard a familiar system notification tone.

【Challenge successful, defeated Cursed Queen Rika. Gained Freedom Level 15】

【Current enhancement points: 250110 points, free level: 15.

It turned out that the attack from Tiger Zang just now did not cause much damage to Moxu Luo.

However, Rika, who had been shattered into pieces, could not do it.

Under the double damage of positive energy and fire, she could no longer bear it and completely dissipated!

With Rika's death, Lu Ling naturally completed the challenge and returned to the original place.


Lu Ling looked around and fell into a state of confusion.

Although the duel with Moxu Luo was interrupted inexplicably, he was a little depressed.......

However, Lu Ling soon became happy again, after all, the reward this time was really generous!!

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