
Although the special-grade cursed spirit had struggled with all its might, it was still unable to move for a while!

In desperation, it could not help but let out a scream.

Because all the cursed power was concentrated on the fist, Lu Ling's cursed power enhancement on his body had completely disappeared at this moment.

But relying on the physical ability and the enhancement of the heaven and curse binding, he still had an amazing speed.

Without waiting for the cursed spirit to make any other moves, Lu Ling had already swung his fist at its face!!


At the moment of the impact, the surrounding air suddenly stopped for a while.

Then Lu Ling's already dazzling fist burst out with a brighter light!!

Accompanied by a violent explosion.

The cursed spirit's head instantly turned into a blooming purple-black flower.

Not only that, while crushing the special-grade cursed spirit's head.

The exploding light was also expanding outward, wrapping up its remaining body and the tongue tied to it!


The second explosion sounded.

Blue light filled the space, and the exploding cursed power once again raged in this space, destroying everything around!

Similar to the previous cursed spirit's cursed power explosion.

The only difference is that this time the user is a different person!......

After a while, the blue light faded.

Lu Ling's figure slowly emerged.

He looked around in confusion. Where could he see the shadow of the special grade curse spirit?

With that full concentration of curse power, he had beaten it to ashes.......

""Pah, pah."

Lu Ling felt something rubbing at his back. He turned around and saw that it was Ying who had transformed into a jade dog.

At this moment, his expression was extremely aggrieved.

The attack just now not only destroyed the special-grade curse spirit, but also destroyed its tongue.

Ying was in a bad mood after being beaten by his master for no reason.


Lu Ling put his hand on its head and began to touch it, soothing Ying's injured heart.

He was not in a good mood at the moment.

Because as a move, the previous one was actually a failure.

He made the same mistake as Tiger Stick: the interval between the cursed power attack and the physical attack was too long!

The two explosions can prove this.

First, the first blow that blew up the cursed spirit was a physical impact!

Then the second burst of blue light was a cursed power impact!

Usually, Lu Ling's use of cursed power enhancement is perfect.

He can completely control the interval between the two attacks within 0.01 seconds, making the two attacks into one!

But this time the attack requires a little more than usual, that is, to control the concentration of the cursed power on the fist without spreading.

Under the interference of new factors, Lu Ling was obviously a beat slower.

"It seems that I need to hone my control over the cursed energy."

Lu Ling said regretfully.

Although the attack just now failed, it was not completely without gain.

He clearly understood the power that can be brought by the full concentration of cursed energy.

When Lu Ling learned to strengthen the cursed energy locally, he could make the cursed energy burst out with twice the effect!

Now that he concentrates all the cursed energy on one point, he can double the effect again!

"If you can use hard skills to hit the black flash"

"This force will be multiplied by 2.5......."

Lu Ling thought of this absurd possibility.

Hard + Black Flash, if these two can be combined, the power is no joke.

He patted the dust off his body and began to walk into the interior of the field. Don't think about these things for now. The most urgent thing is to complete the achievement challenge.

Although one special grade curse spirit has been eliminated.

But don't forget, there are two targets!



Just when Lu Ling was about to search this area layer by layer, a strange cry attracted his and the shikigami's attention.

The one who came was the second special-grade cursed spirit that was attracted by the explosion of cursed power.

"Ha, you came just in time."

Seeing the prey that he was looking for come to him, Lu Ling couldn't help but smile.

"Shadow, tie it up for me."

Without hesitation, Lu Ling gave the order.

Countless red tongues appeared again, aiming directly at the special-grade cursed spirit that had just appeared.

Seeing the overwhelming"rope" rushing towards him like a snake.

The bluish-white skinned cursed spirit also reacted quickly, and yellow energy gathered on it.

Seeing this reaction, Lu Ling immediately understood.

The special-grade cursed spirit was going to use the cursed power burst again.

There was no way, although the general cursed spirits had a rich total amount of cursed power and extremely high cursed power output.

But they had no spells, so they only had a few tricks over and over again.

The cursed power burst was already the best trick they could use.


""Leave Ying the same as before."

Shikigami and their masters are connected in mind.

There is no need to give specific orders. Ying will immediately execute an idea of Lu Ling.

The relationship between them is like that between the brain and the hands and feet!

Following Lu Ling's order, the tongue that pounced on the special-grade cursed spirit turned into a pool of black water and fell to the ground.

The original mighty attack was instantly stopped.

Because of the weakening of the Shura mode, it would be difficult for Lu Ling to remain unscathed if he took this shot head-on, so he had to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.


Accompanied by the familiar explosion sound.

This is the third time that the cursed power has exploded.

The entire teaching building has been torn apart by the abuse of Lu Ling and the special-grade cursed spirit.

If there is no domain to support it, it is estimated that the end at this moment has become a ruin just like in the real world.

The smoke and dust dissipated.

Lu Ling did the same thing and summoned Ying again to bind the bluish-white skinned cursed spirit that had just consumed a lot of cursed power.

"Shadow, hold on tight"

"I will definitely not hurt you this time."

After saying that, Lu Ling continued to concentrate his power on his fist. He planned to try hard again!


After hearing the master's order, Ying expressed complete trust and conjured several more toad tongues to bind the cursed spirit.

Obviously, it regarded Lu Ling's first accidental injury as a low-probability event.

"Okay, I'll use all my strength next time."

Lu Ling looked at the special-grade cursed spirit that was completely unable to move, and his whole body glowed with more intense light.

Since there was only one enemy left, and its death was a foregone conclusion,

Lu Ling no longer suppressed his cursed power and let it flow out with all his strength.

After this, he would use up all his cursed power regardless of success or failure!

First, he used the flow to concentrate the refined cursed power into his fist, and then used the absolute to eliminate the cursed power in other parts of the body to make it more concentrated.

The second time he used the hard, Lu Ling was obviously much more skilled.

"With a"swish", the body of the sky and the curse moved with all its strength. Lu Ling hit the curse spirit's head with the strongest punch.

With a"bang", its head shattered instantly.

At the moment of the curse spirit's death, the simulation ended.

【Challenge successful, Freedom Level +5, Current Freedom Level +20]

Lu Ling was transferred to the real world without seeing the subsequent effects of his punch.

However, he knew in his heart that his punch just now was still a failure.

Because Lu Ling clearly felt that his fist hit the opponent faster than his own curse power.

However, due to these two failed experiences, he still understood a lot of things. Next, Lu Ling will think more deeply to fully master this move!!

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