The ruins of an unknown elementary school in Tokyo, at the school gate


As Lu Ling completed all his achievements, the crack at the school gate also completed its mission and began to slowly heal and disappear.


But the strange thing is that even though the vision has completely disappeared.

The black-haired boy still stood there like a stone statue, with no intention of leaving.

Logically speaking, there is no need for him to stay here.

After all, all three rewards have been obtained, and there is nothing valuable here.


There are still some things worth Lu Ling staying.

That is the memory left from the battle simulation just now.

In the previous challenge of Shura mode, he had used the hard or so-called full concentration of magic power twice!!

This memory is very precious.

Lu Ling wants to find some key information from it to make him stronger!!


With a burst of light blue light, Lu Ling used the power of the curse to strengthen.

The light moved on his body and then concentrated on his palm. At this time, the light on Lu Ling's palm was bright, and the light in other places was dim.

Finally, he used the absolute method to seal the curse power in other parts.

Now the light on Lu Ling's body disappeared, leaving only the dazzling light in his palm.

So far, this is the process of"hard", that is, the concentration of the curse power.

Lu Ling looked at the light on his palm and couldn't help but let out a bitter smile:

"It seems like an easy task, but it requires a series of steps to complete."

"It's okay if the opponent can't move"

"If you encounter an opponent of equal strength, this technique will be very difficult to use."

In the system simulation battle just now, the reason why he was able to use the full concentration of magic power was actually due to the cooperation of the opponent.

Although the two special-grade magic spirits have a certain degree of wisdom, they have little combat experience. They carelessly consumed a lot of their own magic power and were caught by Ying.

If it were any magician with a little common sense, Lu Ling would not succeed so easily.

After all, with the numerous steps, it must take a long time. No enemy would stand obediently and wait for Lu Ling to complete the full concentration of magic power.


Lu Ling was confused for a while.

He couldn't give up these steps and directly use the full concentration of magic power.

However, executing these steps would cause his pre-swing to be too long, which was not practical at all!


Lu Ling took a deep breath and exhaled.

He couldn't find any good solution for a while.

But this was not the only problem. Lu Ling had other troubles.

He raised his glowing palm and waved it gently.

Then Lu Ling clearly saw that the huge curse power could not keep up with the speed of the palm, and could only run slowly behind.

The curse power was too bloated to synchronize with the movement of the palm. If the physical impact and the curse impact could not reach the same level, then the power of the concentrated curse power could not be maximized!

"These two problems are not easy to solve......."

Lu Ling stood there in frustration.

After thinking for a while, he not only failed to master the full concentration of magic power, but also encountered two big problems.

If he didn't solve them, then the full concentration of magic power would not be able to be used in actual combat!......

Time passed by.

The black-haired boy was still thinking.


"Absolute talent is the key to everything!"

"I can try to raise the level of Jue to see if there are any changes."

Lu Ling suddenly had an idea.

After reaching a certain level, each skill may bring him new changes.

Since the breakthrough is in"Jue", Lu Ling will explore in this direction!

Do it as soon as you say it.

After confirming his idea, he added points to Jue without hesitation!

【40,000 enhancement points have been consumed, and Lv20 has been upgraded to Lv25. Current enhancement points: 50,110】

【It has been detected that Jue's level has exceeded level 20, and he has obtained a special skill: Power Compression (Primary)】

Accompanied by the system prompt sound. As Lu Ling expected, after Jue broke through level 20, he really gained a new special skill.

"Force compression?"

"I don’t know what kind of skill it is, and I don’t know if it will help the current situation."

Lu Ling carefully looked at the name of the skill, but still couldn’t guess its specific function. So after a few minutes, he clicked on the skill introduction provided by the system.

【Strength Compression (Primary): It can compress the host's strength. After compression, the mass of the strength remains unchanged and the volume is halved.

Lu Ling carefully read the skill introduction and fell into deep thought. He didn't understand what the system meant.

But it doesn't matter. You can know the effect by trying it yourself.


Lu Ling silently chanted these two words in his heart, and at the same time, he used all his body to squeeze his magic power!

Slowly, the magic power in his body began to undergo a wonderful change.

Their color changed from the original light blue to dark blue.

From the outside, it seemed that Lu Ling's magic power was greatly reduced, leaving only a thin layer.

But Lu Ling felt that the total amount of his magic power had not changed at all.

He observed the magic power he was emitting at this moment.

Although the dark blue light was no longer dazzling, it emitted a more oppressive breath, just like the deep sea!!

"What on earth is this thing?"

Lu Ling couldn't help but fall into confusion.

He felt that his magic power seemed to have become another more advanced existence, an existence that was superior to the magic power of other sorcerers!

Lu Ling closed his eyes and began to examine the total amount of his magic power in his heart, carefully observing his changes.


After a while, he opened his eyes.

Lu Ling found that all the curse power in his body had turned into this new power, and even the curse power he had just refined was this deep blue!

"No way, if it's really what I think"

"I am afraid that my strength will reach a new level in the future."

Looking at the deep blue spell power that continued to surge, Lu Ling had a bold idea in his mind.......

80% of a sorcerer's strength is determined at birth.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

It is not just about whether or not there is a spell. The talent of an excellent sorcerer is reflected in all aspects.

The most important point is the total amount of cursed power!! To make a vivid metaphor: every sorcerer has a special space to store his own cursed power, just like a reservoir.

The daily life of a sorcerer is to use negative emotions to refine cursed power, and then inject it into this reservoir. When needed, it will be drawn out for use.

But the volume of this reservoir is determined by nature!

What will happen if a sorcerer continues to pour water into his reservoir when it is already full of water?

The answer is very obvious: it will overflow.

For a person with a small reservoir, no matter how much he refines cursed power, he can only use what is in the reservoir in the end!

Talented people such as Yuta Otsutsukotsu and Ryoumen Sukuna, their reservoirs are like rivers, lakes and seas.

That's why they can have such a large total amount of cursed power!

At the beginning, they are fundamentally different from ordinary sorcerers.

Even Lu Ling's reservoir is not as big as these two perverts!

But from today on, he has another path to take, an alternative and strongest path.

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