The ruins of an unknown elementary school in Tokyo, the main entrance


At this moment, Lu Ling was concentrating on feeling the deep blue mana power on his body and his total mana power!

After a while, he showed an extremely happy expression on his face.

"Sure enough! After using the force compression"

"The volume of his own cursed power has been reduced by half, but the density has doubled!"

The moment he confirmed this, Lu Ling almost jumped up.

This is extremely good news!

This means that his cursed power is fundamentally different from the cursed power used by other sorcerers.

One dark blue cursed power can be used as two light blue cursed powers!

"If my idea is correct"

"The total amount of your own cursed power will be greatly improved!"

According to the previous reservoir theory, the volume of cursed power that each sorcerer can hold is limited.

But this cannot limit Lu Ling.

Because of the system, his"reservoir" is different from that of others, and it can continue to grow.

Now Lu Ling's total amount of cursed power is as high as level 40, which means that his total amount of cursed power has a full 5-fold bonus!

In addition, the Lu Ling in the parallel world himself has extremely high quality as a sorcerer, and the total amount of cursed power he possesses is much more than that of ordinary sorcerers.

Take Mr. Kusakabe as an example.

Without the blessing of the system, Lu Ling's total amount of cursed power is 1.5 times his.

If the blessing of the system is added, then Lu Ling's total amount of cursed power will be 7.5 times his!!

This is an extremely impressive number.

Looking at the entire sorcery world, there are definitely no more than 10 sorcerers who can compete with Lu Ling in terms of total amount of cursed power!

And this number will increase as he continues to add points to it.

Not to mention the long-term, Lu Ling now has a free level of 20 in his hand.

"To deal with some ordinary opponents"

"The total amount of cursed energy now is indeed more than enough."

"But my opponent is not ordinary."

Although he has much more cursed power than ordinary people, Lu Ling never felt relieved.

Because he knew very well that his cursed power was nothing in front of real monsters.

Ryoumen Sukuna, the strongest sorcerer in history.

He has a total cursed power that is the highest level in the whole play, which is the total cursed power of 20 special-grade cursed spirits!!

And Otsutsuki Yuta, his classmate, one of the four special-grade sorcerers.

He only has half of Sukuna's total cursed power, but it is also the total cursed power of 10 special-grade cursed spirits!

Compared with these two, Lu Ling's total cursed power of 7.5 times that of Kusakabe seems a bit stretched.

Of course, the battle between sorcerers cannot only Look at the total amount of cursed energy.

Victory or defeat is the result of the superposition of many different factors, including the performance of the technique, the efficiency of the use of cursed energy, and tactics, etc.

Kusakabe teacher relied on his in-depth application of the simple field to survive two moves on Sukuna, whose total amount of cursed energy was dozens of times his own!

This made Lu Ling admire him very much.

But he also made Lu Ling certain that among the many factors that determine victory or defeat, the total amount of cursed energy is the most important!

As long as your total amount of cursed energy is high enough, you can ignore some techniques.

One force can break all laws, and great force can make bricks fly.

Lu Ling understood this truth, so he always put the improvement of the total amount of cursed energy in his first place!


"20 times the total power of special grade cursed spirits......"

Lu Ling silently calculated the total amount of Sukuna's cursed power, wondering how much he had to increase his total amount of cursed power to be equal to Sukuna.


After a moment, he sighed.

"Using normal means, it is impossible to reach Sukuna's level in a lifetime." Lu Ling came to this conclusion after thinking about it.

After all, as the skill level increases, the resources he needs will become more and more exaggerated. Lu Ling cannot give up all other abilities and focus on the total amount of cursed power.

"However, this refers to normal means"

"If I use this, it may not be the case."

Lu Ling released his deep blue mana and smiled at it.

This power is the key to increasing his total mana, the real killer!

Power Compression (Primary)

When he just acquired this skill and used it, Lu Ling was surprised to find that the mana power on his body surface had decreased a lot.

But he carefully sensed it again and found that his mana enhancement had not weakened at all.

It was this layer of light deep blue mana on his body surface that maintained the original enhancement effect.

From this, Lu Ling can be sure of one thing, the deep blue mana has a very high density!

So it can use a smaller amount to do the same thing!

Of course, that's all.

Lu Ling didn't take force compression (primary) seriously.

After all, although it increased the density of Lu Ling's magic power, it didn't provide Lu Ling with any additional improvement. It just halved the original volume of magic power.

But when Lu Ling tested the total amount of his magic power, he was stunned.

He clearly saw that his originally filled"reservoir" of light blue magic power had now become a"reservoir" of half dark blue magic power.

What does this mean?

Lu Ling grasped the key point at once.

Yes. Since I can't change the size of the pool, why don't I just change what's in the pool!

Mass = volume × density

Total amount of mana = mana density × mana capacity.

While other sorcerers were filling their"reservoirs" with water, Lu Ling had already filled his"reservoirs" with other things.

This led to one thing: if a person's mana capacity was the same as Lu Ling's, then Lu Ling's total amount of mana would be twice his.

This is normal, just like a pool of water and a pool of mercury.

They are obviously the same volume, but the weight is very different!!

Thanks to power compression (primary), Lu Ling obviously did not improve his total amount of mana level, but he also doubled his total amount of mana!!

"Moreover, its benefits are not limited to this"

"Because of the compression of his own curse power, the curse power is now much more condensed."

""The power of the spell is fully concentrated."

Following Lu Ling's will, the dark blue power flowed through his body and soon concentrated on his palm. This time the speed was much faster than before.

He stretched out his palm and waved it gently.

A dark blue trajectory of the spell power was drawn in the air, which was very beautiful.......


This time, the palm and the mantra were perfectly synchronized.

The two fit tightly together, and there was no longer a situation where one side dragged down the other.

It was just like when he used ordinary mantra to strengthen before.

The biggest problem for the physical impact and the mantra impact not being synchronized before was that the mantra was too bloated.

Lu Ling now increased the density of his mantra and reduced the amount of mantra.

Using less mantra to achieve the same effect, the problem was naturally solved.

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