"That's not strange, that's not strange."

Zhuye nodded while listening to Lu Ling's words. He had understood everything.

Then Zhuye's face showed an extremely embarrassed expression.

He suddenly remembered that during the battle just now, Lu Ling seemed to be planning to say something. But at that time, because of his nervousness and the influence of Qilin, he didn't listen seriously at all.


"It seems that I was wrong in the fight just now."

Zhu Ye held his head and said to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling just smiled and didn't react.

He also had a huge responsibility for breaking into other people's mission sites.


""Speaking of which, Senior Zhuye, can I go with you next?"

Lu Ling asked.

He was very envious of the cursed spirits that might appear in this mission.

Although this was someone else's mission, Lu Ling also wanted to get involved.


Zhu Ye was also stunned by Lu Ling's question.

Exorcism of cursed spirits is an extremely dangerous thing. Every year, countless cursers die at the hands of cursed spirits.

It is precisely because of this that the college gave generous bonuses as compensation.

"You have to think it through, Lu Ling."

"If you join someone else's mission without reporting it to the High School"

"Even if the mission is completed, you won't get any credit or money."

Zhu Ye, as a senior, reminded Lu Ling, his tone was very serious.

Zhu Ye didn't want to take advantage of his junior.

His reaction was seen by Lu Ling.

Lu Ling also smiled slightly. Credit and money were not Lu Ling's purpose, the curse spirit itself was

"Don't worry, Mr. Ino."

"Hunting cursed spirits is my hobby."

Lu Ling responded to Zhu Ye in the same serious manner.


What a weird guy! Do geniuses have some quirks?

Zhu Ye muttered to himself.

"Don't be careless."

He agreed to Lu Ling's request to go with him.

Normally, if a junior wanted to join his mission, Zhu Ye would never allow it.

Because it is very dangerous.

People with insufficient experience and weaker strength are very likely to lose their lives in the process.

But Lu Ling......He was obviously not that kind of person.

After the two reached a consensus, Lu Ling also officially joined the wild boar's mission.

They spent some time checking the situation on this floor.

After confirming that no cursed spirits survived,

Lu Ling and the wild boar left this floor.............

Tokyo, downtown, high floor of a building.

Lu Ling and Wild Boar are going to the next floor through the stairs of the emergency exit.

During this time, Wild Boar explains his mission to Lu Ling and tries to share the information he knows with Lu Ling.

"I was commissioned to come and clean up the cursed spirits on the upper floors of the building."

"This building has 50 floors in total, and haunted phenomena have recently begun to appear on the 35th floor."

"Just last week, there was even a suicide by jumping off a building!"

"The deceased was the former president and several staff members......."

Lu Ling was listening attentively, not wanting to miss any details about the mission.

"According to the speculation of the High Commissioner"

"The way they died was extremely unnatural, and subsequent residue testing confirmed that they died at the hands of cursed spirits!"

"The cursed spirit that can cause this kind of event must be at least level 2."

"So we have to be careful"


After a while, Zhuye stopped talking.

Because he and Lu Ling had already arrived at the door of the 36th floor.

The negative energy behind the door came, and Lu Ling and he both sensed the existence of the cursed spirit.

However, their expressions were different. Zhuye looked solemn, while Lu Ling looked calm.


Zhuye took a deep breath, put on his headgear, and unlocked the prerequisites for the auspicious beast to visit.

He turned his head and glanced at Lu Ling, and said to Lu Ling:

"Next, let’s start the official strategy."

"Let me, the senior,——!"

Before Zhuye could finish his words, the cursed spirits behind the door had already reacted.

Sensing the presence of a living person approaching, their ferocious nature was aroused, and they began to attack without hesitation!

"With a loud bang, the iron gate was completely unable to withstand the attack of the cursed spirits. It was dented by them.

"What a warm greeting.

The wild boar couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh.

"Then we have to give the same response."

Lu Ling said so.

Dark blue mana began to appear on his body, and Lu Ling activated the mana enhancement.

He, like Zhu Ye, also entered his own combat mode!

Why is the color of this mana so strange?

Zhu Ye looked at the mana on Lu Ling's body and asked in doubt. The mana of ordinary sorcerers is usually bright blue.

But Lu Ling's is dark blue.

Although Zhu Ye discovered this during the battle just now. But at that time he thought he was dazzled.

Now he is sure that the mana used by Lu Ling seems to be different from that of most sorcerers.......

"The dark blue curse power flowed through Lu Ling's body, and then most of it was concentrated on his left leg.


"Lu Ling, what do you want to do?"

Seeing this scene, the wild boar couldn't help but fall into confusion.

""Surprise attack."

Lu Ling smiled at the wild boar, then raised his magically enhanced leg and fiercely kicked the iron door!


With a loud bang, the entire iron door and the surrounding walls flew into the office on this floor!

The staff who were still working downstairs staggered. They all felt a weak vibration.

Lu Ling's kick on the 36th floor was felt by people around the 10th floor!

【4 level 3 cursed spirits have been eliminated, and 20,000 points of reinforcement have been obtained. The current reinforcement points are 230,110.

Because the cursed spirits that just hit the door were still attached to the door, they were the first to be hit by the blow, and they were defeated by Lu Ling without even having time to react.


Lu Ling felt a pity. These level 3 curse spirits died too quickly.

As a result, he lost 1.5 times the original experience before he could use the curse spirit capture. This made him quite regretful.


At this time, Zhu Ye, who was standing by, was completely stunned.

Lu Ling's attack was beyond his understanding of a second-level sorcerer.

"The last time I saw such a destructive force"

"Or Nanami-san's ten-stroke spell?......"

Zhuye couldn't help but think of the battle with Lu Ling just now.

What would have happened if he had been hit by Lu Ling with the same power as now?

He shuddered at the thought!


Lu Ling patted Zhuye's shoulder, who was in a daze, to bring him back to his senses.

"We have caused some damage, but the company won't cause trouble for us, right?"

Lu Ling smiled at Zhu Ye, and then stepped into the 36th floor!

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