
The cursed spirits on the 36th floor had become restless when they sensed the presence of a living person.

But after Lu Ling's kick, they immediately calmed down.

Before becoming special-grade cursed spirits, they were generally not intelligent.

But they still had basic animal instincts.

At this moment, their intuition was warning them that the black-haired boy in front of them was not easy to mess with!!

"What a great harvest!"

Lu Ling looked at the cursed spirits in front of him and couldn't control the corners of his mouth.

As expected, with such a strong negative energy, it was impossible for a small number of cursed spirits to be born.


Zhuye looked at Lu Ling with a weird look.

Would ordinary people use the word"harvest" to describe cursed spirits?

Isn't this word used only for fish, sheep, and pigs?


Lu Ling took heavy steps and began to walk towards the frightened cursed spirits.

With every step he took forward, the cursed spirits retreated half an inch.

They were like mice encountering cats, with no intention of fighting, and could only cower in the corner!

They were originally predators, but now they have become prey, which is really sad.

But Lu Ling would not care about the feelings of these pests, in his eyes they were just food.

He raised his palms without hesitation:"Cursed Spirit Capture."

The technique was activated, and a huge suction force targeting only the cursed spirits appeared in Lu Ling's hands. Immediately, a vortex was generated in the center of the 36th floor.


Countless cursed spirits struggled and screamed, trying to escape from this suction force.

But they were helpless.

""Snap. Snap."

They flew towards Lu Ling's palm, turned into black balls, and then shattered.

【5 level 4 cursed spirits have been eliminated and absorbed, and 15,000 points of reinforcement have been obtained. The current reinforcement points are 245,110 points.】

【Destroyed and absorbed 1 level 3 curse spirit, gained 7500 reinforcement points, current reinforcement points are 252610 points】


After gaining reinforcement points once again,

Lu Ling showed a satisfied expression on his face. At this moment, he seemed to have eaten a plate of delicious snacks.


Zhuye watched the whole scene, and then he was numb.

3 seconds.

Lu Ling cleared all the cursed spirits on this floor in just 3 seconds!

Damn, this efficiency!

Will ordinary second-level sorcerers survive?

You know, he spent a full half an hour to exorcise the cursed spirits on the 35th floor!

"It really started from this level. The negative energy is getting deeper and deeper."

"I'm afraid the higher we go, the more dangerous the cursed spirits we encounter will be."

"There might be a big guy waiting for us......"

Lu Ling predicted so.

Zhu Ye nodded silently after hearing Lu Ling's words. He also realized this.

Now they are encountering some third- and fourth-level cursed spirits.

These are not to mention Lu Ling.

Zhu Ye can easily solve them with a little time, but it will take more curse power.

"Mr. Ino, let's check it out."

""Curse Spirit Capture is very useful for low-level curse spirits, but it is useless for high-level curse spirits."

Lu Ling said so.

I don't know if the level of Curse Spirit Capture is too low, only level 1.

Lu Ling is currently unable to use this technique to directly capture curse spirits of level 2 and above.


Zhuye nodded. He would have done so even if Lu Ling hadn't told him.

Every time after exorcising the cursed spirit, the sorcerer must inspect the scene.

If there are cursed spirits left, it is very likely to cause secondary harm to ordinary people!

The two of them decided to start a carpet search on the 36th floor.

After a while, they really didn't find anything else.

The two of them began to prepare to move to the next floor!......

The subsequent tasks became extremely simple with the help of Lu Ling.

Lu Ling kicked the door, Lu Ling used the spell spirit capture, Lu Ling and Wild Boar checked the room.

Then the two went to the next floor.

It was that simple.

The process was so smooth that it was unbelievable.

From the initial shock, Wild Boar gradually became numb.

He had never participated in such a mission.

As a spellcaster who put his head on his belt, every mission was extremely difficult.

Compared with the usual mountains of swords and seas of fire, this was like a spring outing!

"Lu Ling, you use the spell so frequently"

"Won't it consume too much magic power?"

Zhu Ye asked curiously.

If there is one thing that a sorcerer fears the most, it is naturally the consumption of magic power.

Once the magic power of a sorcerer is consumed, he will be no different from an ordinary person!

"Don't worry. I still have plenty of cursed energy."

Lu Ling replied calmly.

The skill of Curse Spirit Capture is really overbearing. No matter how many low-level cursed spirits come, he can sweep them all away.

And it consumes very little, basically not much cursed energy!!

In addition, Lu Ling now has the blessing of the Infinite Man (primary), and he is good at refining cursed energy.

Under the influence of these three factors, Lu Ling's blue bar is still full now!!


"This, is this so?"

The wild boar touched his headgear helplessly.

Is this what it means to be a strong man with surprises everywhere?

He felt that in terms of combat ability, Lu Ling seemed to have no shortcomings.

Of course, Lu Ling himself did not agree with this. He felt that he still had many aspects to improve.......

About 30 minutes later,

Lu Ling and Zhu Ye had already harvested from the 36th floor to the 47th floor. They were very close to the highest 50th floor!

During this period, the two did not encounter any major troubles, and they were basically low-level cursed spirits.

Their final fate naturally became one of Lu Ling's enhancement points.

However, Lu Ling did not kill them all in one go.

The two encountered two level 2 cursed spirits on the 40th and 46th floors, respectively, for a total of four.

After reaching the second level, due to Lu Ling's low level of spell capture, he could no longer unconditionally subdue the cursed spirits.

However, it was just that he could not unconditionally subdue them.

They could not pose a threat to the two at all!

As a veteran second-level sorcerer, Zhu Ye had killed at least 8 level 2 cursed spirits, if not 10.

As for Lu Ling, there is no need to say.

After using the spell power to strengthen, even if he stood there and let the level 2 cursed spirits attack, they would still find it difficult to break through the defense.

Lu Ling and Zhu Ye divided it up, and each dealt with two level 2.

The battle was resolved quickly!


""Excuse me, Lu Ling, please give me some time to rest."

Zhu Ye suggested breathlessly.

Although he was a sorcerer, his physical fitness was no different from that of an ordinary person.

After climbing 17 floors in one breath and fighting two second-level cursed spirits, he still fell into a state of fatigue.

"By the way, your physical strength is really good.

Zhuye glanced at Lu Ling, who didn't even break a sweat, and said with emotion

"I just have better physical fitness than the average person."

Lu Ling answered in a joking tone.

With the Heaven and Curse Binding and Physical Efficiency (Intermediate), his physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary sorcerers.

However, although it was not consumed much.

Lu Ling also supported Zhu Ye's strategy of resting.

After all, judging from the fluctuations of the curse power, they are about to face the strongest existence in this building.

It will definitely be a good idea to adjust the state before the battle.


Lu Ling summoned his own panel and checked the gains he had made from the 36th floor.

He had this time to check how many reinforcement points he had accumulated.

【Defeat and absorb 10 level 4 curse spirits, 15 level 3 curse spirits, and 2 level 2 curse spirits, gaining 166,500 reinforcement points. Current reinforcement points: 419,110 points】

"419110 points?"It was indeed a very huge number.

Looking at him, Lu Ling could not hide his smile.

Just as he thought, this journey was indeed a great harvest!!

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