
Nue's attack was fast and fierce.

The green-skinned cursed spirit was swallowed by the purple light before it could react.

"With a loud bang, the hole in the building widened again!

The glass and steel at the edge were melted by the intense heat, and tiny purple electric currents were running everywhere!


Lu Ling was amazed by the effect of this attack. Although the firepower was not as good as the flame of Tiger Burial and the water pressure of Man Xiang, in terms of attack speed, Nue's lightning attack was better than them.

In other words, the damage was low, but the attack had no pre-swing and the attack interval was short.

""Okay, two more shots!"

Lu Ling ordered. He wanted to fully utilize Nue's advantage!


Another purple lightning bolt flew towards the direction of the cursed spirit.

Although, at this time, the entire venue was engulfed in smoke and dust because of Nue's first attack.

But it didn't matter. Nue's lightning strike was a range damage, and accuracy was not important!


A strange voice came.

The air seemed to be compressed by something and turned into a wall.

Nue's second attack did not successfully land on the cursed spirit in the building, but was bounced away by an invisible force.

The green-skinned cursed spirit emerged from the smoke.

Although there were countless burn marks on its body, there was no trace of anxiety on its face.

The cursed spirit had found a way to defend against lightning strikes, and according to Lu Ling's observation, the first lightning did not cause it any serious injuries.


Seeing that his attack was blocked, Nue let out an angry groan.

Lu Ling patted Nue's head to calm it down.

Then he jumped back to the original battlefield - the 48th floor of the building.

"Although the strength of the shikigami has improved a lot"

"But it is unrealistic to think that a single Nue can kill a special-level cursed spirit alone."

Lu Ling stretched his arms, and then walked towards the green-skinned cursed spirit step by step.

Next, he will face the cursed spirit head-on!!

The cursed spirit also emerged with cursed power to heal all the damage that Nue had given it before, and then walked towards Lu Ling step by step. Facing Lu Ling's fierce attack, it was not afraid at all!

It seems that both sides have a certain degree of confidence in their own strength, and both believe that they can kill each other!

The dark blue cursed power and the cursed power of the cursed power burst out at the same time, and they are about to officially start fighting.


The countless faces on the cursed spirit's skin said this sentence in unison.

Lu Ling was feeling a wave of heat surrounding him, and with a"bear" sound, the entire space of the building was engulfed in a sea of fire!!

A curse?

Lu Ling speculated so. As early as when Zhu Ye and Lu Ling were attacked for the first time, Lu Ling already knew this guy's spell. But Lu Ling had no way to deal with it.

Only through words can reality be distorted, causing all kinds of incredible phenomena.

The curse is one of the most terrifying and versatile spells.

However, such an excellent skill has a fatal flaw, that is, it consumes a lot of curse power!

Generally, a curser will be exhausted if he says one or two sentences a day.

The special-grade cursed spirit has an extremely rich total amount of curse power, so it can be squandered like this!!

"It seems that he will be an extremely difficult opponent."

Lu Ling condensed the deep blue mantra on the surface of his body to resist the amazing heat around him.

However, the situation was not optimistic.

In the fire, many people were not burned to death. The consumed oxygen and the hot harmful gases that would directly burn the lungs were also one of the causes of death!

Although the strengthening of mantra can well isolate these harmful substances and heat, they cannot provide Lu Ling with fresh oxygen.

If no action is taken, Lu Ling will probably have to fight without oxygen next.

As for the curse spirit?

It does not have human organs and does not need to breathe at all.

This is a killing move specifically aimed at humans!

"Don't think I will just sit there and wait for death."

"Since we need to put out the fire, we naturally need to send out a water-capable shikigami."

""Full elephant!"

Lu Ling formed a hand shadow with both hands, and a huge elephant-shaped Shikigami appeared in this space. It rolled up its big trunk, and countless water spurted out of its trunk.

When water and fire came into contact, a large amount of water vapor was generated.

The whole place immediately became pitch dark!


Seeing his attack being offset by the enemy, the green-skinned curse spirit was also stunned.

But the next situation will be even more unfavorable to it!

Although it has a special level, there is a gap between special levels!

This curse spirit obviously does not have the exaggerated learning ability of the four disasters, so that it knows nothing about curses except the techniques released instinctively!!

In this invisible battlefield, it can't sense the power of curse and Lu Ling can sense the power of curse.

Who is better and who is worse, it will be clear immediately!

Lu Ling used the Qi Condensation Blade, and the power of curse condensed in his hand. In just a moment, Lu Ling's palm turned into a blade of power of curse!

At the same time, he used the flow to condense the power of curse to his legs, so that his mobility was further improved!


In the mist, a deep blue light flashed by.

The green-skinned cursed spirit, which had completely lost its target, was beheaded by Lu Ling with one strike!


Something seemed to fall to the ground and then rolled to Lu Ling's feet.

It was the head of the special grade curse spirit.


The cursed spirit's head made a puzzled sound.

Lu Ling's action just now was too fast for it to react now!


Lu Ling did not give it another chance to open its mouth and use the spell. He strengthened his legs with the spell power and stomped it to pieces!

"Okay, we're done."

Lu Ling glanced at the purple-black liquid splashing on the ground and put away his cursed blade.


"No, the blood should disappear at the moment the cursed spirit dies."

"And the system did not prompt,"Winning information!"

Lu Ling, who noticed something unusual, quickly looked at the headless curse spirit.

Among the many ordinary human faces with green skin, there was one with a weird smile.

Good guy, isn't the head the same as the body?

Lu Ling was surprised.

Because the blue-white skinned curse spirit he had conquered before died immediately after his head was destroyed.

This led to Lu Ling's wrong idea, that is, the head of the human-shaped curse spirit is a weakness!

But it is obvious that curse spirits cannot be generalized with humans.

Even those who look like humans are essentially just a collection of negative energy!


The headless green-skinned cursed spirit suddenly opened its huge mouth with a human face, and burst out with the maximum output of cursed power.

It used the most powerful killing move of the curse on Lu Ling who was nearby:


This is the ultimate shameless skill that can directly negate life.

No matter what kind of sorcerer or what kind of spell, as long as the sound can be heard, there is no way to dodge or defend!

The green-skinned curse spirit showed a victorious smile.

Unless the total amount of curse power is higher than it, the sorcerer will definitely die.

This battle is its victory!!



Purple-black blood spurted out from all its faces.......

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