There is no dispute that the spell is a universal technique.

Basically, it has all the functions that humans can imagine.

However, it is universal but not omnipotent.

Behind each spell, there are many limitations!

First of all, the amount of mantra power consumed by using it is very huge. It is incredible that reality can be changed by language alone, and the mantra power required is definitely not small.

Secondly, the use of the spell is extremely difficult. Because the medium is sound, the mantra power spreads, and it often happens that the target is not accurate.

And the most important point: the user must pay attention to the user of the spell!

The essence of the spell is a tug-of-war of mantra power!

If the spell is used on someone who is stronger than oneself, then the spell user will be at risk of backlash. The stronger the opponent is and the higher the total amount of mantra power, the greater the risk!!

And as the strength of the spell increases, the backlash damage will also increase!!......

Tick-tick. Tick-tick.

This is the sound of liquid falling to the ground.

The blood of the special curse spirit dyed the water that was originally sprayed by the elephant purple-black!

After it used the death curse on Lu Ling, it was immediately attacked!

Now the human face of the whole body is spraying blood, and it has completely lost the ability to resist. It can only stay where it is and be slaughtered!!

Trample, tramp.

Lu Ling walked steadily to its side.

"It seems we all made the same mistake."

"They all underestimated each other......."

He said with a lucky look on his face.

The backlash of the spell depends on the strength of the enemy and the effect of the spell itself."、"Cohesion"、"The strength of the three spells"Blow away" is compared to

"The strength of this curse is simply on another level!!

It ignores the opponent's regeneration ability, defense, and spells.......And so on and so forth.

It simply negates the life of the person who hears this sentence.

If someone really has enough curse power, Lu Ling asserts that even Gojo Satoru, who has an unlimited spell, will die under this death curse!

This is a conceptual skill, and anyone who meets the conditions can be killed.......

But on the other hand, the backlash caused by the phrase"Go to hell" is also as severe as"Burn"、"The ones that were blown away were completely different!!

Therefore, the green-skinned cursed spirit lost all its combat capabilities because of a backlash!

""Concentrate all the cursed power."

Lu Ling used the"hard" technique to gather all the cursed power in his body. Next, he wanted to completely smash this cursed spirit!

Not just the head, but the whole body!

Both sides of this battle suffered a great loss due to their arrogance.

Lu Ling had a preconceived idea, because he had dealt with special-grade cursed spirits before.

He misjudged the enemy's weaknesses and naturally thought that the weaknesses of human-shaped cursed spirits were all in the head.

In the next attack, Lu Ling will definitely do everything he can to smash the enemy to pieces! The green-skinned cursed spirit simply underestimated the enemy's strength, and the previous curse did not cause much backlash damage to it.

As a result, it misjudged the total amount of Lu Ling's cursed power and used the highest level of curses at once, and was killed. It backfired!

But unlike Lu Ling, there won't be a next time!!


Lu Ling's deep blue fist landed on the body of the green curse spirit.

This time, his understanding of"hard" was much stronger than the first time he used it.

There was no delay between the curse force impact and the physical impact, and there was only one loud bang instead of two.

At the moment the fist hit, the curse spirit's body exploded like fireworks. It turned into countless tiny pieces, and it would never die again!!

At the same time, Lu Ling's fist did not end.

A wave of air spread out in all directions with him as the center, directly shaking away the water sprayed by the surrounding elephants.

The space that was originally filled with water vapor suddenly returned to normal.

【The special cursed spirit"Baikou" has been eliminated. 50,000 reinforcement points have been obtained. The current reinforcement points are 469,110 points】

【Special reward: Spell Evolution. You can choose three additional spells】


Lu Ling took a deep breath, finally got rid of this guy......

The cursed spirit this time was actually not easy to deal with.

When there was enough total curse power, the curse caster was basically a nightmare for low-level sorcerers.

Lu Ling was lucky this time, as the green-skinned cursed spirit was still young. So it only had the spells, but had no experience in using spells.

It was not a qualified curse caster at all.

In Lu Ling's mind, only his classmate Gojumaki Satoru was an expert in this kind of spells.

He would carefully consider the strength of the enemy and choose the appropriate spell! He would never use killing moves like"Go to hell" easily.

When facing those weaker cursed spirits, he would also use some"crushing" moves."、"The second-rate spells such as"Falling" are to reduce the backlash damage!!

"If this cursed spirit had the experience of Gojuan......"

Lu Ling thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. A spellcaster with rich experience and a huge amount of spell power would definitely be a terrible enemy!

But now, the curse spirit has been destroyed. It will never have the opportunity to grow again, and the world will have one less potential threat.."Now let me see what the rewards are......."

Lu Ling smiled. Although this mission was dangerous, it also brought him many benefits.

Not only did he meet the second-level sorcerer Zhu Ye, but he also gained a lot of enhancement points.

If the enhancement points are used reasonably now, Lu Ling's strength can be raised to a new level.


Lu Ling's eyes lit up. He saw the special reward that popped up after defeating the special grade curse spirit.

"Spell Evolution, providing three additional���Spells?"

Good boy, I can finally use other spells.

The previous"Don't Move" was practical, but it had only one effect.

Lu Ling now needs more methods, and the new spell is just like sending a pillow when you doze off.

"But how should I choose a new spell?"

Lu Ling was in a dilemma......

First is the ultimate move"Go to hell".

But this skill is actually very awkward for Lu Ling.

It is used to deal with cursed spirits. Lu Ling has the cursed spirit capture, which is risk-free and gives 1.5 times the experience.

So this ultimate move can only be used against the sorcerer.

Then the question arises again, what kind of sorcerer can let Lu Ling use this ultimate move?......

The strongest villain Sukuna is still in the cursed state, and the thousand-year-old sorcerer Nozomi is now captured.

Gojo Satoru, Otsutsuki, and Kujuku Yuki are all our own people.


Apart from these super powerful sorcerers, Lu Ling has the confidence to win even without using this trick.

Using a lot of spell power to defeat an opponent that he can defeat is not worth the loss.......

Lu Ling silently weighed the pros and cons in his mind, thinking about which spells were suitable for him now.

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