"Pah. Pah."

Moxu Luo expressionlessly cut off the flesh and blood on his body, and then threw it on the ground at random.

The flesh and blood corroded by the poison began to decompose and dissipate in a short while.


"Good fellow, you are really cruel."

Lu Ling, who was hiding and watching the show, saw this scene and his eyes twitched!

At this time, Mo Xu Luo's originally pale and strong body was now much smaller and became like a tall and thin red skeleton.

It peeled its skin and flesh like taking off a dirty piece of clothing!

"I don't know if Moxu Luo feels pain."

"How dare you do this?"

Lu Ling complained silently in his heart.

If an ordinary person had suffered such an injury, he would have been in shock due to the pain.

Gulu accompanied by the sound of something alive wriggling, flesh and blood regenerated, skin recovered, and the strongest shikigami was intact.


At this moment, Qiankou, who was blown away by Moxu Luo's roar, finally recovered. The violent sound waves and impact just now made it slightly absent-minded for a while.

But just like this, the injuries it caused to Moxu Luo have been completely healed!

Such an incredible thing happened.

Even the special-grade cursed spirit could not help but express doubts.

But the answer to its doubts was the most powerful Shikigami's sword of exorcism!


Although it has a huge body of about 3 meters, the speed of Moxu Luo is not slow at all!

In just a blink of an eye, its sword tip is in front of Qiankou.

The positive energy contained in it makes the special-grade curse spirit feel extremely uneasy!!

Unlike the Curse Queen, she can still survive after being cut into pieces by the Sword of Exorcism.

But for ordinary special-grade curse spirits, just one cut will determine the outcome!!

"Condensate + harden!"

It was this huge sense of uneasiness that made Qiankou react quickly. He opened his mouth and blurted out a defensive spell!

The air was compressed into a wall, and then strengthened by the spell.

An extremely hard transparent wall appeared between Qiankou and Moxu Luo!


Countless cracks appeared in the space.

The shattered hardened air flew everywhere.

The duel between the Sword of Exorcism and the Wall of Air ended with the complete victory of the Sword of Exorcism!

However, Qiankou's goal was to defend against this attack.

Although the wall of air was destroyed, the best result was that the sword did not hit him!

"Blow away + cut off!"

After the previous round of fighting, Qiankou also realized that the opponent was a warrior type who mainly engaged in close combat, while he was a mage type who mainly dealt damage from a distance. The most important thing for a warrior against a mage is to keep a distance!!

Once you are still within the opponent's attack range, it will be extremely dangerous!!

Swish - swish———

Along with the curse of the special grade curse spirit, a huge storm appeared in the corridor.

It spread out from the thousand mouths as the center, mixed with countless invisible slashes.


Lu Ling, who was in stealth mode, couldn't help but curse when he saw this move.

There was no other reason, it was just because the range of this blade storm was too large, and he was also included!


The slash completely chopped up the 40th floor where they were, just like cutting a cake. It cut through both steel and glass.

At the same time, the storm further destroyed the places that had been cut. Countless fragments were blown far away.

The building originally had 50 floors.

At this time, the 40th floor where Lu Ling and Mo Xu Luo were, along with the 39th and 41st floors above and below, seemed to have become a blown-up balloon and completely disappeared!

""Damn it!"

Lu Ling cursed inwardly. He was not injured in the storm of sharp blades just now.

Originally, he would have been injured.

Although the advanced invisibility technique can hide the body and breath, Lu Ling cannot use the spell power to strengthen in the invisible state.

Once attacked at this time.

If Lu Ling still wants to continue to maintain the invisible state, he can only use his body to bear it!

But fortunately, Lu Ling's thoughts moved quickly.

Even at a critical moment, he still found a way to avoid injury!

That is Moxu Luo!

Just when the storm of sharp blades attacked, Lu Ling hid behind Moxu Luo and used it as his shield!

Moxu Luo. Because Luo had already adapted to the first round, the damage of the slash was greatly reduced!

Lu Ling did not have to worry that the slash would pass through Moxu Luo's body and hit him!

Whoosh -

Moxu Luo and Lu Ling were blown away at the same time.

Although the slash could be blocked, Lu Ling had no way to deal with the simple storm.

The strongest shikigami and its summoner were blown out of the building together.


Due to the sudden disappearance of the middle three floors.

The 9-story building on the upper floor suddenly lost its support, and then under the action of gravity, it fell directly to the 38th floor below!!

Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the earth.

The original 50-story building was destroyed by Qiankou!!......

The strong wind blew past Lu Ling's ears. At this moment, he was falling in the sky.

Just like before, he was thrown into the air again.


"You're doing this again?!"

Lu Ling cursed helplessly.

Things are different now. Now Moxu Luo is right beside him to fly with him.

Lu Ling was in a dilemma.

Either he can cancel the advanced invisibility and use the spell power to strengthen the resistance.

Or he can continue to maintain the advanced invisibility and then use his body to take about 40 layers of falling damage without using the spell power to strengthen!

The former will expose Lu Ling completely to Moxu Luo. According to the characteristics of Moxu Luo's priority attack on the summoner, he will be hunted down by him in the first time. The latter will not be a big deal. It's just that without the spell power strengthening, Lu Ling is not confident that he can survive.

"If I hadn't let the shadow enter my own shadow���

"Why am I so passive now?"

Because now all of Lu Ling's Shikigami have merged together to become shadows, and all of the shadows are in his shadows.

Otherwise, Lu Ling could have summoned Nue to avoid the crisis!

But now he is in the air, a million miles away from his own shadow!


"Let's take a chance. If things go wrong, I might really fall to my death."

Lu Ling closed his eyes and maintained the advanced invisibility technique.

He chose the former.......

40th floor, about 120 meters away.

With the help of gravity, Lu Ling reached the ground in a few seconds.

"Now is the time."

He opened the other dimension of his shadow.

"Sukuna once hid in the shadows to avoid Gojo Satoru's attacks, so I can definitely do the same thing.!"

"With a"plop",

Lu Ling fell into his own shadow.

There was no buoyancy or oxygen here, and it was a completely life-forbidden zone.

Lu Ling knew this, so he took a big breath of oxygen before the newcomer came!

At this time, the fusion-style divine shadow, which was also in the shadow, appeared. It transformed into a rabbit and used its soft body as a cushion to dissolve the impact of its master, and sent him out of the shadow!


Lu Ling returned to the material world and began to take deep breaths.

He survived this crisis!

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