Tokyo, downtown, simulation world.

A 50-story building collapsed! The noise was huge! Along with a loud noise, countless smoke and dust were raised into the air, and the whole world began to become blurry.......

While his vision was severely affected, the invisible Lu Ling was observing the battle from the side.

Thanks to his high-level invisibility, neither Moxu Luo nor Qiankou noticed him.


With the sound of gears turning, the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head continued to rotate.

The sharp blade storm just now made it more adaptable to the Thousand Mouths Spell!

This is also the second round of adaptation for the strongest shikigami!

"Looks like......The winner is about to be decided."

Lu Ling looked up and saw the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head saying

"Blow it away."

A huge shock wave came out from the ruins of the building, shaking off the rubble pressing on Qiankou.

The figure of the special-grade cursed spirit emerged from it.

It had not left the building just now, so it was hit head-on by the 9-story building, and the entire cursed spirit was pressed under the ruins.

Normally, all sorcerers except the special-grade ones would be either killed or injured if hit by this blow.

However, the cursed spirit has a very outrageous characteristic.

That is, except for attacks containing cursed power, it is not affected by any other attacks!!

In other words, after being hit by the building, the rubble buried......

Qiankou, this special grade cursed spirit didn't suffer any damage from the beginning to the end!

Its tactics were very successful.

"Crush it!"

"Pierce it!"

"Cut it off!"


The spells were uttered like a tide.

After pulling away from Moxu Luo, Qiankou, as the turret mage, could finally exert his full strength.

An ordinary spellcaster can only utter four or five spells a day.

With the double amount of spell power given by the system, Qiankou's ammunition depot is extremely sufficient!

In an instant, the buildings around Moxu Luo began to turn into ruins one by one like the skyscrapers.

Some had a big hole in the middle, some were broken in half, and some were directly turned into fragments.......

"It's terrifying....."

"I didn’t expect that after doubling, this special curse spirit could actually do this!"

Lu Ling glanced at the devastated streets and was secretly shocked.

Fortunately, this is a world simulated by the system. If this curse spirit was released in the real world, I don’t know how much blood and gore would be caused!

Moxu Luo stood in the center of the curse storm, and his body repeated the process of breaking, repairing, breaking again, and repairing again!

It was like an iron tower in the storm, and it still stood firm after experiencing wind and rain.


Seeing that Moxu Luo was still able to survive such a fierce attack,

Qiankou's temper also rose. The power of the curse surged all over his body, and the light blue light bloomed like the sun.

Countless human faces on his skin opened their second mouths.

The strengthened special curse spirit was about to use its full strength!

"Burn + Explode!"

"Freeze + crush!"

Combine the effects of the two spells in one sentence. Qiankou's output capacity has also been greatly improved!

At the same time, with a"click", after experiencing the previous wave of spell bombardment, the Dharma wheel on Moxu Luo's head also turned a circle!

This is already the third circle.


Countless lights appeared with the opening of the special-grade spell spirit. Flames, ice and other supernatural phenomena almost filled the entire street!

The buildings that were previously destroyed into ruins are now not even left with ashes!

Lu Ling, who was still around Moxu Luo, saw this scene and hurriedly retreated to other safe places.

Now that he has no spell power to strengthen his body, if he is caught in this set of attacks, he will probably be seriously injured or even die in an instant! Although the degree of strengthening provided by Tianyu Juebin is high, it can't withstand such a toss!

Let Zenyuan Maki, who has the same physique, come over, and the end will probably be even worse!


"After this guy's total curse power doubled, I'm afraid his strength has far exceeded the level of ordinary special-grade curse spirits."

Lu Ling thought to himself as he watched the continuous explosions from a distance.

"If Sukuna's fingers are used as a standard to judge strength, it should be as strong as 4 fingers!"

"If I fight it now, it will probably take a lot of effort."

He assessed the current situation and drew conclusions.

Because Lu Ling had fought with the pale-skinned curse spirit before, he could roughly estimate the level of the curse spirit with the strength of one finger.

But at the same time, his expression calmed down. At this point, it didn't matter how strong this curse spirit was.

The winner had already been decided.............

Boom! Boom! Boom!


It was unknown how long it lasted, but in the end, the special-grade cursed spirit Qiankou finally stopped his attack.

Even with a huge amount of cursed power, it inevitably became tired after two rounds of continuous attacks.

Qiankou needs time to rest.

Looking back at the original location of Moxu Luo.

The originally prosperous streets had long disappeared, leaving only a huge pit.


Just when the special-grade cursed spirit was sure that Moxu Luo had been completely defeated, a slight sound came from the center of the pit.

A pale big hand stretched out from the ashes!

The strongest shikigami slowly stood up, but at this moment, there was not a single scar on his body. It was as if the curse storm just experienced was really just a breeze.

"With a"click", the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned again. This was the fourth circle.


Seeing the intact Moxu Luo, Qiankou's originally good state completely collapsed.

"Cut it off!"

Not giving up, it released the same spell that cut Moxu Luo, but this time, not even a white mark was left on Moxu Luo.

This result was unacceptable to Qiankou, and it used several different spells.

But the final result was undoubtedly only one, that is, ineffective!


Things have come to this point, and it can no longer hold back.

Facing the strongest shikigami approaching, the human faces on the thousand skins began to spurt blood one by one, and then shattered into a mass of flesh. The special-grade cursed spirit wanted to push its total curse power to the limit, even at the cost of sacrificing its own body!

"Is this bondage? Permanently sacrificing an organ of the body to increase the power of the spell?"

"Shit, the system didn't improve the original curse spirit's strength, but replaced it with a new one? Can a curse spirit master such advanced skills?"

Lu Ling was stunned when he saw this scene.

But he soon realized that since he had sacrificed so much, the next thousand curses would definitely be......!

Lu Ling covered her ears!

""Go to hell!"

Just as he expected! The curse spirit used the death curse that would end all things.

Compared to the previous fancy curses, this curse did not have any special effects, as if it was just a light word.

But Lu Ling knew in his heart how much horror was contained in it!


"After the power is increased through binding, maybe even Moxu Luo can't withstand this move."

He turned his head and glanced at the strongest shikigami. Maybe Lu Ling might witness its failure today.......


But what happened next was beyond Lu Ling's expectation.

Moxu Luo raised the sword in his hand and swung it lightly in the air, as if cutting off something.


After a few seconds, the strongest shikigami calmly walked towards the special-grade cursed spirit.

Qiankou and Lu Ling stood there blankly, looking stunned!

What just happened?

Qiankou was confused. He was 100% sure that he had already infused the death curse into the pale shikigami, but it didn't work at all!

Of course, it couldn't be because the opponent's curse power was higher than his.

Otherwise, Qiankou would be killed by the backlash of the death curse.......

Why, what did this pale shikigami do to make his spell ineffective?

Lu Ling saw the clues immediately and became nervous.

He stared at Moxu Luo intently, not wanting to miss any details.

"Boy, he cut the spell off......."

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