Tokyo, downtown, simulation world

"Cut it off!!"

Baikou, who was strengthened by the curse, completely ignored Lu Ling who had disappeared, and immediately launched an attack on Moxu Luo!

Curse spirits, monsters formed by the accumulation of negative energy, hate positive energy! This is one of the main reasons why they attack humans.

It is because humans carry extremely rich positive energy!

And now, Moxu Luo and its own sword of exorcism are the highest embodiment of positive energy output!

How can this not make Curse spirits feel disgusted and not regard it as the primary target?


There was only a sound of flesh being cut by a blade.

A large amount of red blood spurted out from the pale shikigami's chest.

Unlike the minor wounds before, Baikou caused real damage to Moxu Luo this time!

After the spell strengthened his own strength and weakened the enemy, the battle finally began to be even, instead of being one-sided before!!


The pale Shikigami's flesh and blood moved, and its wounds began to heal, but this time the recovery speed was much slower than before.

This was undoubtedly due to the weakening effect of the spell!

"Cut it off!"

"Pierce it!"......

The cursed spirits with special strength are quite intelligent.

Baikou knew that this enemy seemed to have suffered some kind of change and his strength was greatly reduced!

So the cursed spirit decided to take advantage of its weakness and kill it.

Countless offensive curses were madly sprinkled on the strongest shikigami!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The whole venue began to become dilapidated under Baikou's crazy attack.

Moxu Luo's originally skinny body was destroyed in an instant, leaving only a huge skeleton!


After bombing for several minutes, the special cursed spirit finally stopped.

It looked at its"work" in front of it and was very satisfied!

Baikou thought that he had finally killed this disgusting existence.

Only the skeleton was left, it couldn't be alive?!


"This is not good."

Lu Ling looked at the panting special curse spirit and the magic circle still on the head of the Moxu Luo skeleton.

He knew in his heart that things were far from over.


With the sound of gears turning, the magic circle above the strongest shikigami's head turned a circle.

At the same time, flesh and blood began to appear on its skeleton, and it began to quickly recover to its original appearance!


It was as if the stop button had been pressed. The whole cursed spirit stood there in a daze, unable to accept what was happening before its eyes.

Its cognition had been completely overturned, like a cat eating mice meeting an eagle.

The predator became the prey, and the monster met the monster among monsters.


"It seems that the gap between them is even greater than I thought!"

Lu Ling, who was not far away, frowned.

He knew clearly that the current Baikou was completely exhausted and could not do anything.

Although the spell strengthening can enhance the technique, it cannot change the total amount of spell power and vitality of the user!

In the words of the game, it means: all attributes are improved, but the blue bar and health bar will not change.

"Moreover, [Weaken] seems to have begun to lose its effect."

In just a moment, Moxu Luo's regeneration was complete.

It was no longer as skinny as before, but became strong again!

"As expected."

Lu Ling was not surprised by this result.

At the beginning, when he applied the [Weakened] state to Moxu Luo, he noticed that it took much more mana to weaken Moxu Luo than to strengthen the mana of the Ten-in-One Shikigami Shadow!

This means that Moxu Luo is now more powerful than Shadow!!

In order to maintain this weakening effect, Lu Ling felt that a giant water pipe was stretched into his"reservoir", madly absorbing the mana of his curse.

Good guy, in order to maintain the mana strengthening of the Ten-in-One Shadow,

Lu Ling also deliberately raised the 40-level mana level to 50.

With the help of power compression (primary), his total mana has increased a lot!

But even with such a huge total mana, in order to maintain the weakening of Moxu Luo, it seems commonplace.

One hour.

This is the conclusion Lu Ling came to. To weaken half of Moxu Luo's strength in his prime, his total mana can only last for 60 minutes.

After 60 minutes, he will take the initiative to remove the weakening of Moxu Luo's spell because of the exhaustion of spell power.

However, just when Lu Ling thought that 60 minutes was enough for this strongest Shikigami to evolve to the point where he could use [Slashing the World].

An accident suddenly happened.

Lu Ling felt that the spell power he consumed began to increase suddenly!

In an instant, he realized what was going on.

Moxu Luo was adapting to his spell!

As the strongest Shikigami.

Moxu Luo's adaptation to everything is not single-threaded, but multi-threaded!

If faced with multiple spells, it will not adapt one by one but all at the same time!!

In other words, Moxu Luo is fully capable of adapting to Baikou's spell while adapting to Lu Ling's spell!

"I see"

"Although the spells used are completely different"

"But they are essentially spells. The structure of the spells is very similar."

"So they adapted together?"

This is the conclusion Lu Ling came to.

Baikou's crazy attack greatly accelerated Moxu Luo's adaptation process, causing the strongest shikigami to become more and more resistant to the curse.

After the special-grade curse spirit's operation, not only did its own curse greatly reduce the effect on Moxu Luo, but it also weakened the effect of Lu Ling's curse!

"It seems that even with the added spell enhancement, Baikou is far from being a match for Moxu Luo."

Lu Ling sighed regretfully.

"Blow it away!"

The will to survive made Baikou come to his senses. He forcibly consumed the magic power he had just refined and planned to use the spell to distance himself from Moxu Luo.


The magic circle above the strongest shikigami's head turned again. This was its third turn to adapt.


Moxu Luo stretched out the sword of demon exorcism in his hand and swung it into the air, as if cutting something.

The spell [Blow it away] that was about to take effect was instantly stopped.

The spell itself was destroyed by the strongest shikigami!


The bastard looked at this scene in horror, with despair on his face.

He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that he was now a piece of meat on the other side's chopping board.


"No, it's too fast anyway."

Lu Ling was surprised by this result.

Logically speaking, if Moxu Luo had not been attacked, his adaptation speed would not be fast!

It is impossible to be like this now!

In fact, this is indeed Lu Ling's negligence.

While the special-grade curse spirit was using the spell to continuously accumulate progress for Moxu Luo, his [Weaken] was also constantly accumulating progress for Moxu Luo!

In a sense, Lu Ling was also harming the whole family.

Although his spell did weaken Moxu Luo, it also helped it adapt to the spell more quickly!

After all, Lu Ling's [Weaken] is a continuous spell, which is equivalent to constantly"attacking" Moxu Luo.

The battle situation did not change, and Moxu Luo was still one-sidedly powerful.

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