
Moxu Luo roared

, then raised the Demon-Repelling Sword in his hand and quickly attacked Baikou.

"Congeal it!"

"Blow it away!"......

The special-grade cursed spirit kept using spells, trying to get a glimmer of hope.

But as Moxu Luo fiercely swung the sword of exorcism in his hand, these spells were completely ineffective.

Moxu Luo cut off"them" before these spells took effect.

According to Lu Ling's understanding.

When Moxu Luo's adaptation reaches a new stage, the sword of exorcism in its hand will have the effect of directly eliminating the spell.

For example, when Sukuna and Gojo Satoru fought.

The adapted Moxu Luo can even break Gojo Satoru's domain [Infinite Space] with one sword.】!

"When dealing with Qiankou before, it took four rounds to do this."

"And now, to deal with Baikou, three rounds are enough?!"

Lu Ling, who was hiding on the side, carefully observed the battlefield. Combining the last battle, he found the difference between the two.

Therefore, he concluded: not only the complexity of the technique, but also the difference in the total amount of cursed power may affect the number of rounds that Moxu Luo needs to adapt!


In an instant, Moxu Luo rushed to Baikou, and then used the Sword of Exorcism to hit the special-grade cursed spirit hard.

Without any means of defense, the cursed spirit had no chance to dodge and was directly hit head-on by the strongest shikigami!


The pain that penetrated deep into the soul reappeared, and the hundred mouths fell to the ground and convulsed with screams! They completely lost the ability to resist and were at the mercy of others!


"As expected."

Lu Ling, who was watching from a distance, finally put down his worries after seeing all this.

Although the health bar and mana bar could not benefit from the increase of the cursed power, the defense of the cursed spirit should be twice as much as before.

However, even with twice the defense, it was still useless in front of the Demon Sword of Moxu Luo.

Think about it, the"Curse Queen" - Qi Ben Li Xiang, her defense is much stronger than that of Baikou after the curse was strengthened.

Wasn't she still chopped to death by Moxu Luo?

The Demon Sword is undoubtedly the nemesis of all cursed spirits!!


Baikou screamed wildly, and then soon stopped moving, just lying there obediently, waiting for the positive energy to spread from the wound to corrode the whole body.


This was undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Lu Ling only needed to finish the achievement mode with one strike!

However, he was still a little unwilling to accept this. After all, he did not see Mo Xu Luo adapt to the [Slash of the World] this time.】


The magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle. This was the fourth circle.


"That's right, I haven't yet gotten rid of the [Weakened] state."

"So Moxu Luo's adaptation to the spell is still accelerating."

Lu Ling came to his senses. As long as he or Moxu Luo did not eliminate the spell, its adaptation would continue to accelerate. In other words, Lu Ling still had a chance to see [The Slash That Cuts the World]!

"but......This consumption of mana is really......!"

But Lu Ling was not happy about this at all.

As Moxu Luo adapted, the weakening effect he gave to the strongest shikigami became lower and lower, while it consumed more and more mana!

Lu Ling had calculated before that if he was in his prime, he could weaken Moxu Luo for an hour!

But now it seems impossible!

With the strongest shikigami's ability to adapt to everything, his mana will be completely drained in just 20 minutes!

If he is attacked by other mantras during this period, this time will continue to shorten!

"What a formidable opponent."

Lu Ling really felt that Moxu Luo was formidable.

Unlike Baikou and Qiankou, who abused their abilities wantonly, Moxu Luo had sufficient combat wisdom!

"He could have used the Sword of Exorcism to remove the [Weakened] effect on himself."

"But he deliberately kept the ineffective spell to speed up his adaptation."

"Although he looks very ferocious, his fighting style is very rational.

This is Lu Ling's new evaluation of Moxu Luo.......


The magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned again.

Then its head turned sharply and looked in the direction of Lu Ling!


Moxu Luo's adaptation is multi-threaded. While adapting to the spell, it is also adapting to another technique used by Lu Ling, namely the advanced invisibility technique.


A huge shadow enveloped the dazed Lu Ling, and the strongest shikigami had raised its sword to kill him.

With a loud bang, a long crack appeared at the position where Lu Ling was before, which was just cut by Moxu Luo!

Since this was only the first round of adaptation to the advanced invisibility technique, the pale shikigami did not have a good grasp of the position, so the attack did not hit Lu Ling.

But at this moment, it could already vaguely see Lu Ling's figure!

"It seems that I can't avoid it after all."

The black-haired boy sighed slightly, and his figure appeared in this space again.

The invisibility spell has lost its meaning.

Moreover, if he continues like this, before Moxu Luo can fully adapt to the invisibility spell, he will be drained of his magic power by the spell of [weakening]!

""Become stronger."

Immediately, Lu Ling cast a spell on Moxu Luo again.

As the two spells of weakening and strengthening canceled each other out, Lu Ling finally stopped consuming spell power.

"Oh, it's quite martial."

"Or is it just slow to respond to these abilities that have no negative effects?"

Lu Ling thought to himself.

If at this moment, Moxu Luo used the Sword of Exorcism to eliminate Lu Ling's [Become Stronger] spell, then it would be a lot of fun.

If that were the case, he wouldn't have to do anything.

His own spell power would be completely exhausted by the increasing consumption!

"I didn't expect my spell to have such a big weakness."

"It seems that I must study how to overcome it after returning."

Lu Ling said to Mo Xu Luo.

To be honest, although he did not directly participate in the battle, he still learned a lot from it.


Moxu Luo didn't say anything, but the demon-repelling sword in his hand had undoubtedly shown his attitude.

Killing the tamer has always been his mission.

Lu Ling carefully looked at Moxu Luo now.

Without the [weakened] state, Moxu Luo's body did not change at all.

But this is normal, he has long adapted to the effects of [weakened] on him.

On the contrary, now that he has lost this [weakened] state, the strongest shikigami's adaptation speed has slowed down!

"It has really become much stronger."

Lu Ling sighed.

This was not the first time he and Moxu Luo had met. Because of this, Lu Ling could detect the changes in Moxu Luo.

The ten kinds of shadow magic are skills that grow with the user, and this is also true for untamed shikigami. The same is true for

Moxu Luo, although it cannot be seen from the outside.

But its current strength is definitely much stronger than when Lu Ling first summoned it.

"Well, is there about 20% of the cursed power left?"

"But it's enough."

Lu Ling sensed his remaining mana and glanced at Moxu Luo. In his current state, he could no longer summon a shadow to help him.

If he fought Moxu Luo in this state, Lu Ling would undoubtedly suffer a great loss.......

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