Tokyo, downtown, simulation world

"Come out. Tiger Zang! Nue!"

Although Lu Ling could no longer summon the strongest Shikigami, Shadow, at this time, he could still easily summon the Shikigami of the ten shadow spells!

As Lu Ling formed two hand shadows in succession, a tiger-shaped Shikigami and an owl-shaped Shikigami appeared beside him.

"Next, I will conduct close combat"

"You two, seize the opportunity and provide long-range auxiliary output!"

Among all the shikigami he has, none of them can match Moxu Luo in terms of close combat ability.

But at the same time, none of them can match him.

Thanks to [Flow】、【Absolute】、【Zhou】 and other power control skills, his spell power enhancement is not at the same level as ordinary spellcasters!

Following Lu Ling's command, the two shikigami stood by.

"bring it on"

"Let's see if you can force out your [Slashing the World] at the very end.】!"

The deep blue curse power enveloped his entire body, and the battle between Lu Ling and Moxu Luo began again.

The pale shikigami roared, which was exactly what it wanted.


Lu Ling used the technique of wrapping the magic power around the object, and in an instant a deep blue light appeared on his knife!

Moxu Luo also showed his magic sword!

Both approached at a very fast speed, and the deep blue magic power light and the golden positive energy light collided with each other!


With a loud bang.

The huge force turned into a substantial shock wave and spread around! Cracks began to appear on the 48th floor!


In the smoke and dust, Lu Ling and Moxu Luo were in a stalemate.

Their weapons were tightly pressed together, and they wanted to overwhelm each other.

Relying on the strengthening of Tianyu's physical body and spell power, Lu Ling did not fall into a disadvantage this time.

If it was Moxu Luo who was summoned for the first time,

Lu Ling would definitely win with this sword!

However, the ten kinds of shadow spells will become stronger as the user becomes stronger!

As Lu Ling becomes stronger, Moxu Luo also becomes stronger!

There is no situation where one side can crush the other just by increasing its level!

""Crack! Crack!"

As the strength of both sides increased, tiny cracks began to appear on Lu Ling's weapon!

Ordinary swords can never be compared with the Sword of Exorcism!

If it was the first summoned Moxu Luo, Lu Ling could still smash it directly with the entanglement of the spell power!

But the Sword of Exorcism and Moxu Luo are one and the same!

With the improvement of Moxu Luo's strength, the sharpness and durability of the Sword of Exorcism have also been greatly improved!

Lu Ling can no longer do this now!

Boom! Boom!

Just as the two sides were wrestling, Lu Ling's shikigami seized the opportunity!

Nue and Huzang went around the back of the pale shikigami and attacked it!

Red flames and purple lightning broke out at the same time, burning black wounds on Moxu Luo's back.


The pale shikigami roared!

Although the Huzang and Nue, who were at the level of a single shikigami, could not cause any effective damage to the strongest shikigami, the irritation they caused was real!

Just like the mosquitoes buzzing in people's ears in the summer, its sound was the main reason for being annoying rather than sucking blood!

"Even now!"

Lu Ling saw that Moxu Luo's power was a little unfocused. He immediately dropped the knife in his hand and used [Flow] to instantly transfer the magic power to his fist.

He aimed at its abdomen and hit it with all his strength!

Although the body structure of the shikigami and the sorcerer is completely different, the abdomen is not their weakness.

But this is a habit that Lu Ling has developed since he became a sorcerer, and it is not easy to change it for a while.


The damage of this punch was much greater than that caused by Hu Zang and Nue before.

The strongest Shikigami, with a height of 3 meters, was actually lifted off the ground by Lu Ling's punch. He flew directly from the 48th floor to the 49th floor!

At this time, Hu Zang and Nue's attacks did not stop.

The flames and lightning continued to attack Mo Xu Luo.


After finishing the attack, Lu Ling took a deep breath and began to retreat.

Although his physical strength was still sufficient, the total amount of cursed energy began to slowly run out.

In order to prevent the seriously injured Baikou from dying instantly under the erosion of positive energy.

Lu Ling has not yet removed its [Become Stronger] effect.

In other words, he is still consuming cursed energy!

The massive consumption of Moxu Luo, the massive consumption of Baikou, the advanced invisibility technique, the summoning of Tiger Burial and Nue, and the current basic cursed energy enhancement.

With the superposition of various factors, Lu Ling's total amount of cursed energy, which is as high as level 50, is slowly starting to be insufficient.


Moxu Luo fell to the ground with a heavy sound.


With the sound of gears turning, the magic circle above its head turned a circle.

But Lu Ling couldn't tell what it had adapted to.

Was it the ten shadow spells? Or his own cursed power? Or had the spell reached a new stage of adaptation and could use [Slashing the World]?

He didn't know any of this, so he could only remain highly alert to observe the next move of this strongest shikigami.

Swish - no sound, completely transparent.

Moxu Luo raised the sword of exorcism in his hand and gently waved it at Huzang, who was spitting fire at him.


""Retreat quickly! Tiger burial."

Lu Ling certainly knew what happened, and it seemed just as he expected.

As time passed, Moxu Luo's analysis of the spell finally entered a new stage!

【The slash that cuts off the world] It's coming!


Although Lu Ling warned him, it was still a step too slow.

The tiger-shaped shikigami trembled all over, and a thin red line appeared between its eyebrows.

Then, along with the spurting flames, it was split in two!

With a"snap", the body of the tiger burial was like a piece of tofu, separated to the left and right and scattered to the ground.

The shikigami was completely destroyed.

【The progress bar has increased by 4% after observing"The Slash That Cuts the World". Current learning progress is 16%】

"Good guy, it's cut vertically"

"If this move hits me, even if I am bound by the sky and the curse, I will die instantly!"

Unlike a wound like a beheading, which ordinary people can survive for dozens of seconds or even a minute, a vertical cut will kill even a strong body like Lu Ling instantly.

"It seems that we can't drag it on any longer, we must end the battle."

Lu Ling saw that Mo Xu Luo's attack had accomplished his goal.

Next, he must kill Baikou as soon as possible to end this achievement challenge!


Lu Ling formed seals with his hands and summoned a special Shikigami used to attract attention - Rabbit.

Suddenly, a huge number of rabbits filled the entire floor.

Lu Ling shuttled among them and quickly approached the special cursed spirit that was already dying.


"You also help me attract some attention."

Swish - before Lu Ling could give the order, Moxu Luo's slash suddenly came.

Before Nue could react, it suffered the same fate as Huzang, being split in two by the strongest shikigami's slash that ignored everything!

Complete destruction!

Lu Ling watched all this and quickly quickened his pace. He came in front of Baikou.

The curse power condensed on his fist, ready to punch the immobile curse spirit!


【The Slash That Cuts Off the World appeared again, directly slicing off Lu Ling's arm that was condensing his magical power.

The light of his condensed magical power was detected by Moxu Luo, and he was hit hard.

"With a"puff", a large amount of blood spurted out from Lu Ling's wound!

But at the same time, he also felt relieved.

"It really can't fire the [Sever the World] attack continuously! There will be a gap of about 8-9 seconds between each attack!"

"In that case, let's end it like this."

""Gathering Qi into a blade."

Lu Ling gathered all the remaining cursed energy and used [Weaken] to cancel the [Strength] effect of the cursed spirit.

Before the next [Slashing the World] of Moxu Luo arrived, he used the sword of cursed energy formed by gathering Qi into a blade to cut the Baikou who had no ability to resist into pieces!!

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