
If Yukino, who has plundered some of Tomoe's characteristics by relying on her talent, does not have the Lord to show her charm, she can still think a little rationally in the face of the girl's determined Supervisor Wang.

But at this moment, in the face of Yukino this smile!

This smile is like an angel who accidentally fell into the mortal world, which far exceeds the aura of a mortal woman, which is a shallow but incomparably dazzling smile! At that moment, Supervisor Wang felt that his faith had been handed over! Even at this moment, he had no doubt that even if the other party ordered him to die, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life!

Fortunately, Yukino's main target for releasing his seductive ability was not him, he was only affected by Yukino's smile.

When the smile on Yukino's face disappeared and returned to his previous cold expression, he also eased up, and for a while, even as a determined person among ordinary people, he couldn't help but be filled with deep jealousy for the girl in front of him.

And at the same time, what made him very helpless was that from the rational point of view, he was terrified of the girl's terrifying charm, and at the same time, he could not raise the slightest hostility in his heart!

This strange, super insecure feeling made him not want to stay by the side of this beautiful girl at all!

But unfortunately, where his duties lie, he can't slip away now.

"Supervisor Wang, open the shelter! I'm going to go in and talk to her! "

Without noticing that she was just a shallow smile, she had been listed by the Wang supervisor next to her as an unapproachable danger, Xue Nai's cold beautiful eyes looked at the giant bat in the containment room, and the voice was like a jade bead falling on a plate, crisp with a faint coldness.


Hearing Xue Nai's order, Director Wang nodded subconsciously, and before his brain began to think, his body was already like a faithful licking dog, and before he could react, he couldn't wait to complete Xue Nai's order, and put one hand on the technology lock of the door next to the containment room.

I took out the pass card and swiped it, and then I was ready to put my eyes up for iris verification...


This series of actions of Director Wang is naturally incomparable, even more sharp than when he once heard the instructor's orders when he was training in the special forces.

Because at that time, his brain will at least participate in the judgment of the command, and determine that it is to carry out that command.

But now! He felt like his body had abandoned his brain! His body has its own thoughts!

For this situation, after Supervisor Wang's brain, who almost completed the iris verification, finally regained control of his body in shock, he couldn't help but scold in front of Xue Nai, the beautiful girl commander.

"Huh?? What's wrong!? "

Suddenly heard someone's scolding with a military atmosphere, Xue Naimei's eyes turned to Supervisor Wang with some curiosity, and at the moment when her gaze turned over, Supervisor Wang shook his body and glanced at her, his eyes did not dare to look at her, it seemed that he was afraid that if he looked at each other, this girl's terrifying charm would hook his soul!

So he didn't look at Yukino like that, and under Yukino's slightly strange eyes, his voice trembled a little and said:

"Ahem! Commander Yukinoshita, did you just tell me to open the door? It's dangerous, and the guy inside is super aggressive! "

Supervisor Wang had a readmonishing expression, his eyes squinted at the white wall on the side, and he said as if he wanted to see a flower on the wall.

"Don't worry, you can open the door!"

Not paying attention to his admonition, Yukino said lightly.

"Hey~ okay!"

Seeing that the admonition was ineffective, he had no choice but to obey Yukino's orders and be ready to call for reinforcements at any time to protect Yukinoshita's commander.

However, just when he did not dare to look at the commander under the snow, and was preparing to rescue at any time, what happened next made his eyelids tremble differently, and his cheeks trembled even more!

At the same time, it also made him deeply understand a terrifying truth!

That is, the charm of Yukinoshita is not only effective for people! And just now his own idea of dedicating himself to the commander under the snow ... Or the aftermath?

Because he saw it!

Entering the containment room, Chief Yukinoshita was not attacked by the killer-hungry giant bat as he had imagined.

On the contrary, the moment after seeing Yukino walk in, the five-meter-tall giant bat turned directly into a faithful licking dog, which was originally full of killing breath, and the bat barking of crazy atmosphere was replaced by a bark that looked like a pet dog pleasing its owner...

This is...... Licking dog bats...

Looking at the bat that crazy selling to the snow chief, he almost gave his life to the snow officer!

Supervisor Wang once again firmed up a certain idea in his heart - he must stay away from this snowy officer in the future! It's just terrifying!

After easily subduing the giant bat, Yukino took this bat and asked Supervisor Wang, who didn't know why he suddenly never came near her within three meters, to take her to the blood pool.

It feels a little strange, and the group of foundations worship her like a goddess... I don't know whether to say that it is a believer, a groupie, or a different fan guy.

This Supervisor Wang seems to be a little afraid of himself?

I don't know what shallow smile he swept away the innocent supervisor, making the other party fear and jealousy, and Yukinoshita Yukino didn't care too much about his thoughts.

After confirming that his combination of Tomoe's abilities and his natural charm is effective against giant bats, Yukino has a new idea of the blood pool that can produce various meridian monsters.

If this idea succeeds, it will not be small for her!

As for why the supervisor in front of him felt as if he was afraid of her? She didn't care.

"Chief Yukishita, this is the pool of blood!"

Standing somewhere in Mt. Fuji covered in a snow-covered forest, looking at a pool full of red liquid in front of you, which viscous bright red liquid, like blood, is really a veritable blood pool!

Looking at the blood pool in front of him, Xue Nai's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, and a trace of color flashed on her fair and delicate face, as if she was shocked by the scenery of this white snow and blood pool.

Red and white view!

Can't help but think of the scene of two armies bleeding and drifting after the battle in the ice and snow, but the ice and snow freeze human blood, but it seems that it can't freeze the mysterious liquid in front of her!

I sighed a little with a feeling.

Yukino also hesitated and started her plan directly.

Then the base supervisor of a piece saw the girl in front of him standing inexplicably in front of the blood pool, stretched out her white jade hand, and then took out a dagger, without disinfecting, and directly cut a wound on her wrist!

Yan Hong's blood dripped down her wrist, and one by one, blood fell into the pool of blood in front of her!

"Sir, are you...?"

Looking at Xue Nai's actions, Supervisor Wang's eyes were full of greetings.

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