"Sir, are you...?"

Looking at Xue Nai's actions, Supervisor Wang's eyes were full of greetings.

In this regard, Yukino asked with a slight pain while maintaining the action of dripping blood.

"As the supervisor of the first base of the foundation, you should know the dangerous shelter that the foundation contains, Tomoe! What do you know about her characteristics? "

"Tomoe? Tomoe Kawakami! "

Subconsciously chanting Tomoe's full name, Director Wang recalled while watching Xue Nai's blood merge into the pool of blood under his feet.

"Foundation Keter-level dangerous containment, it is extremely difficult to continue to live and truly containment, once out of containment, there is an almost devastating threat to human society!"

"She is a very beautiful woman with a vain and arrogant personality, but she has an extremely terrifying system, although she looks like an ordinary person, her cells have a never-ending ability to reproduce, and both male and female and non-human creatures will be confused by her beauty."

"Will be controlled by her, follow her orders to kill, or become crazy, eager to attack her, kill and dismember her!"

"However, she has a regenerative ability far more terrifying than earthworms, even if she is dismembered, one by one, the dismembered tissues, limbs, and even blood will grow into a new Tomoe and then resurrected!"

"Has self-division, parasitic reproduction, self-healing, and extreme resistance!"

"It's a virus-like horror containment!"

"Well, that's right!"

Listening to Supervisor Wang's description, Xue Nai nodded, and then continued to explain.

"Then I should also know a little about my intelligence, I have some of Tomoe's characteristics, but unlike Tomoe, I am trying to see if I can use my blood to invade and control this blood pool!"

"Can this kind of thing be done...?"

Director Wang said subconsciously, but then he remembered the foundation's research report on Tomoe's vitality.

Tomoe's cell tissue is implanted into a mouse, and within a day, a new Tomoe grows in the body.

Tomoe's cells are implanted into a small piece of tatami, on which Tomoe will grow roots and whiskers like a plant, and then I don't know where to grab the nutrients and grow a new Tomoe.

Even implanted in rocks, she can grow new Tomoe like a plant, and lure various creatures to die, which she devours.

If the maiden in front of her has some of Tomoe's characteristics, although it seems that she does not inherit Tomoe's characteristics of division and proliferation, if her cells also inherit Tomoe's terrifying aggression... Maybe you can really do something to this blood pool!

Just when Supervisor Wang thought so.

Start in front of the snow, start where her blood drips into the pool of blood!


Bursts, like the sound of boiling water! The pool of blood in front of them was like pouring clear water into a hot oil pot, and an extremely terrifying explosion boiled.

"This is !!!"

Supervisor Wang was surprised.

"It seems to have worked! It's urgent! "

In this regard, Yukino's eyes flashed with joy, unlike Tomoe's ability, her ability can be actively controlled, the healing of cell blood, aggression, ability are all like this.

And unlike Tomoe's parasitic reproduction, the aggressiveness of Yukino's blood is to strengthen her control, which can strengthen the control of her charm.

She was not afraid of any terrifying reaction from the blood pool, but she was afraid that this thing would not react at all after she dripped into the blood.

After being dripped with Yukino's blood for a while, the blood pool seemed to have encountered some invasion, and it was quite a long way to resist.

In addition to the boiling blood in front of Yukino.

Three terrifying bubbles emerged from the center of the blood pool.

After a while, three terrifying bubbles exploded, and three hideous monsters appeared in front of Yukino and them!

The first is a humanoid reptilian creature approaching a frontal height of 4.6m.

The second is that the main body is mostly hidden under the pool, and there are only five huge monsters similar to octopus tentacles.

The third is a feline action composed of transparent crystals with a blue hue of ice.

At the moment of appearance, the ice-blue feline composed of transparent crystals instantly showed his ultra-sensitive movements, and the figure turned into an ice-blue streamer and instantly struck towards Xueno!

At the same time, the remaining two were only a little slower, and the humanoid reptile also rushed towards the snow.

The octopus tentacles rolled directly towards Yukino.

"These guys!! Attack! "

Seeing this scene, Supervisor Wang's face immediately went over and gave the order instantly.

And at the moment when his order was given, it was built on the edge of the blood pool, and the guards on the watchtower and the wall shelling tower reacted instantly.

Machine guns, heavy guns, incendiary guns opened fire instantly.

The dense artillery barrage instantly covered three monsters! Blocked their attack under the snow.

In the face of the barrage attack of the guards, the ice-blue cat showed super agility and reflexes, easily avoiding most of the bullets, and after several rushes to Yukino were blocked by the fire of several machine guns, it directly chose to turn around and solve those machine guns first.

The octopus tentacle shows super toughness and strong regenerative ability, even if the tentacle is interrupted by a heavy cannon, it can instantly regenerate a new tentacle.

And the humanoid reptile is even more powerful, he directly carries the attack of heavy artillery, although it is affected by the heavy artillery, but it is obvious that the attack of the heavy artillery did not cause any damage to it, and rushed towards Yukino with a look of not giving up.

Facing the three monsters in front of her who were super hostile to her, Yukino's eyes flickered slightly, but the bloodletting action in her hand did not stop, but when the three guys were about to approach her, she showed a shallow smile like facing a giant bat.


And at the moment when Yukino showed a smile, the three who had just looked at Yukino as their eyes, facing Yukino was like facing the enemy who destroyed their old nest, and their actions became a little doubtful!

However, at this time, the blood pool boiled, and a blood-red liquid sprayed on the three monsters, washing away the hesitation in their eyes and becoming violent again.

"This blood pool even has psychic power!"

A little surprised, Yukino was also afraid, and directly gave the giant bat next to him a look, making it fight with the humanoid reptile, unlike the three monsters, at the moment of subduing the giant bat, Yukino fed it its own blood, and the blood pool that resisted so fiercely against Yukino's blood could not wash this charm.

Then face the remaining oncoming cats and octopus tentacles.

Yukino continued to inject his own blood into the pool with one hand.

In the other hand, he pulled out a magic wand with a classical art style!

Fifteen inches, plane wood, phoenix feathers [taken from a SCP containment with phoenix bloodline], soft and flexible, with a huge increase in casting speed, casting effect, and mana increase!

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