“-Catch that guy!”

A hideous roar resounded throughout the street.

The short-haired girl was holding a large bag of snacks, and her bulging mouth was stuffed with bread.

She reluctantly squeezed through the crowd and rushed out embarrassed.

The girl’s short yellow hair was dull and messy, and I don’t know how long it had not been cleaned.

The ill-fitting clothes were worn out and sewn with patches, presumably picked up from the bin.

“Nonono, thief, but immoral~”

A teacher in a suit blocked her way, pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and suddenly stretched out her foot to trip the girl.

The girl fell to the ground in pain, and was just about to exhale in pain, thinking of the food in her mouth, and quickly covered it with her black hand.

The snacks in the bags were scattered all over the place, trampled to pieces by the crowd.

Regardless of the pain on her body, she quickly swept a few pieces of candy beside her into her arms, and then crawled hard to the snacks farther away.

The fat aunt came panting and kicked the girl to the ground.

The girl spat out all the bread in her mouth, letting out a painful wail.

The fat woman shouted sharply.

“You trash from the Tokyo area actually dare to steal on my head?!”

She stomped the girl on the soles of her feet, and the sound of bones rubbing against the asphalt was clearly audible.

The girl’s upright face was twisted and she screamed in pain.

A female office worker couldn’t see it and hesitantly stepped forward to persuade.

“She’s just a child, forget it.”

The girl looked up gratefully, trying to remember the appearance of the well-wisher.

However, when the other party saw the red pupils in the girl’s eyes, the sympathetic look immediately changed to undisguised disgust.

The office worker took a few steps back, frowned, as if he saw some disgusting existence, and slapped the air in front of his mouth with his hand.

“Hey, it’s actually a damn gastric animal, it’s me who looks away! You guys feel free! ”

The office worker spat viciously, turned his head and trotted away, as if to escape this ominous place.

The light in the girl’s 317’s eyes gradually dissipated.

A strong adult man, a white-haired old man on crutches, a high school student riding a bicycle, an elementary school student eating a lollipop…

Everyone couldn’t wait to step forward and step on the girl.

“Don’t call ghosts, this murderer!”

“It’s obviously a gut creature, don’t give me a human face!”

“If you bare-eyed hadn’t killed all my relatives…”

“Red ghosts die, die!!!”

After a long time, the belated police officers slowly pushed away the crowd.

It was a pair of skinny four-eyed field chickens and burly flat-headed men.

The bespectacled police officer glanced at the dying girl on the ground, looked around at the crowd with excited faces after the violence, seemed to quickly understand the whole situation, and indifferently “ah”.

He walked up to the girl and kicked her in the head with his boot.

“Hey, don’t pretend, you guys won’t die so easily!”

The flat-headed man forced the girl to get up and handcuffed her without saying a word.

The crowd shouted.

“Officer, please execute this monster!”

“It’s horrible to let this guy hang around Tokyo!”

“Hi hi hi, rest assured, we are the police, and any evil will be brought to justice!”

The flat-headed man pressed the girl’s head, pushed her into the police car, said goodbye to the crowd who were still cursing loudly, and gradually left.

However, the police car did not drive to the police station, but to the outskirts of the city.

Next to an abandoned building, the glasses man struck the brakes.

“The old place has arrived.”

The flat-headed man in the back seat pushed the girl out of the car.

The girl broke her knees in embarrassment, but quickly gritted her teeth and stood up without saying a word.

The flat-headed man smiled bloodthirsty and said loudly as if he wanted to deliberately intimidate.

“Today’s goods are a little different, not noisy or noisy, not at all like the few little ghosts before.” They cried and knelt down to intercede with us, and even wanted us to help another group of monsters. ”

The glasses man said with a smile.

“Yes, it turned out that we took the base location out of it. I remember that we captured all the monsters in the base and executed them one by one in front of her. ”

“Her desperate and self-reproachful face really makes me remember.” A monster is a monster, not only harming himself, but also his companions, hahahahaha! ”

The girl’s figure trembled slightly when she heard this.

The neighborhood was silent, with no signs of human activity in the field of view.

The voices of the two continued to echo and amplify in the empty field, like the mockery of demons.

The flat-headed man pushed the girl hard in front of the dilapidated railing.

The railings were covered in blood, and the dried blood stains on the ground had long since coagulated, apparently I don’t know how many people had died here.

The spectacled man cocked without saying a word, and raised his pistol playfully at the girl the size of his daughter in front of him.

“Do you monster have any last words?”

The girl was silent for a moment and said with a sneer.

“No matter what I say, there is only the end of death, and now do you want to alleviate your guilt or enjoy the sorrow when I ask for mercy.”

“Don’t dare to pull a gun at a gut animal, only dare to commit violence against a weak girl. Actually, you’re more of a monster than I am.”

The glasses man who was seen through his heart flashed a sharp color.

“Hmph, it seems that my mercy has made you get carried away.”

“You are indeed a little different from those girls, but unfortunately you will die here!”

The glasses man decisively pulled the trigger.

Bang –

Blood erupted from the girl’s head.

The girl knelt on her knees, reached out to touch her mind, looked at the blood plasma stained on her hands, and her vision began to blur.

– Am I going to die?

– Sorry, I still haven’t brought back food for everyone.

The flat-headed man spat.

“Damn, these monsters are really not so good to die!”

He also immediately pulled out his gun.

Then the bullet was like a storm, opening several holes in the girl’s abdomen, heart, and limbs.

As if electrocuted, the girl’s body fell violently backwards against the iron railing behind her. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, the healing ability of the cursed son (bbba) is still working, and the wound is slowly healing.

It’s just that compared to the body struggling to survive, the already desperate heart longs for death.

The blood on the forehead flowed to the eyes, and all that could be seen in the line of sight was a patch of red.

The girl thought to herself.

Hell or heaven, let me leave this desperate world.

Neither human nor gastric.

There will never be a place for us here.

Perhaps, the world after death will be happy.

At this moment, a faint white light fell on the girl’s forehead.

The girl’s consciousness floated into a void.

“Huh? Here it is? ”

She stared around in a daze, and then looked at the great being in front of her and was so shocked that she couldn’t speak.

It was a god who seemed to stand at the end of the universe, but it was still unimaginably large.

Twinkling stars are dotted like fireflies.

He is as small as grains of sand before Him.

With his eyes downcast, his right hand on his cheek, he sat lazily on a blood-red throne.

That face that surpasses all the beauty of the world, as if it loves all existence in the world equally, and seems to be ruthless to all things.

Countless demons in the blood-red throne rejoiced, bowing down in unison to their master.

Even if He just sits quietly, there is a terrifying oppressive force.

It was not a good god, but a terrible demon god.

The girl should have been afraid of this strange existence, but instead she felt a strange feeling of envy.

An idea inexplicably arose in her heart.

Respond to what you need.

The majestic and cold voice echoed in the void.

【What is your wish?】 】

Is it the voice of Lord Kami?

The girl quickly knelt down and clenched her fists nervously.

Food, clothes, shelter, friends, loved ones…

There were many thoughts in her mind for a moment, but what blurted out was a simple sentence.

“I want to……. Be loved. ”

The moment she said it, the girl suddenly regretted it.

I am too selfish and greedy.

When the girl wants not to change her words.

The majestic voice sounded again.

[Your name. 】

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but she felt that this voice was much softer.

Will the gods really grant my wishes?

The girl’s heart was beating wildly and excited, but she was suffering from gain and loss.

The idea arises in my mind, “This should not be all just a delusion before I die?”

But even stupid delusions at least let me be loved in the last moments of my life.

She was worried that the god would not hear, so she summoned up the courage to shout loudly.

“I, my name is Senju Natsuyo.”

Your prayer has been received, and from this day on you will become a believer in God. 】

Senju Natsuyo asked nervously.

“That, what should I call it…”

[The supreme fear of human roots, the supreme lord of endless demons, the supreme dragon of goodness that devours the gods, its name, Rhode. 】

Senju Natsuyo firmly engraved the name in his psyche, clasped his hands in front of him, and muttered in gratitude and reverence.


In the real world.

The man with glasses slowly approached the girl.

The girl unconsciously moved her lips.

“Luo… Duc…”

The glasses man raised his eyebrows and cursed unhappily.

“It’s not dead yet, the beast only has this specialty.”

“Say in your mouth that it should not be your lover, hehe, it’s a pity it’s useless, he will be shot by me when he comes!”

He raised his pistol and aimed it at Senju Natsuyo’s head and pulled the trigger irritably.

Bang –

However, the scene of blood splashing did not appear.

The bullet seemed to hit the iron plate and shifted.

The spectacled man was dumbfounded as he looked at the man and woman who appeared out of thin air in front of him.

“You, who are you?!”

Rhode looked down at the broken clothes on his arm, felt the world that faintly rejected him, and said in surprise.

“You can actually hit me? This is really a feeling that I haven’t felt in a long time. “。

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