[It was detected that the host was not covered and synchronized by the system and smuggled into the other world.] 】

[The host’s abilities that are not part of the current world will be temporarily unavailable.] 】

Rhode frowned, just about to say something.

The voice of the Great Sage seemed to have predicted Rhode’s reaction~ sounded again.

[No supreme existence has been detected in this world.] 】

[Cosmic Majin Cosmo has successfully paralleled the universe, and the Book of Arcasha has begun to synchronize. 】

[The rules of the universe are being assimilated, and the host’s ability is recovering rapidly. 】


It is difficult not to guess that the great sage is intentional.

The voice of the great sage had a faint smell of jealousy, like secretly complaining about the scumbag who abandoned his wife after finding the mistress.

This time, Rhodes came to the current world, not through the channels of the system, but through the perception and locking of the belief system, and directly incarnated the ontology across the multiverse and descended here.

Is this why the blur just did not take effect?

The Great Sage seemed to have guessed Rhode’s thoughts and took the initiative to explain.

[If you cross through the channel of the system, the system will actively arrange the identity of the host and allow the ability to play an equivalent role.] 】

Rhode immediately understood.

Just like the Sharingan in the Hokage world, there is no Chakara in other worlds, and it is impossible to replenish energy, and it may not work at all due to the different rules.

The function of the system is to equivalently evolve all the abilities in Rhode to ensure that no matter what kind of world he is in, Rhode can exert the desired results.

But who let him be a smuggler this time, and now he naturally can’t enjoy the convenience of the system.

[Often, without the help of the system, most of the host’s abilities will be completely ineffective due to the very different rules of the world.] 】

[However, due to the existence of the Cosmic Majin, the host can easily obtain the cosmic knowledge of the current world, thus obtaining the ability to synchronize itself.] 】

The great sage who usually does not speak and pretends to be cold also seems to sigh at Rhode’s good luck at this time.

In the original copy world, I got the help of such a bug, and I could gradually get rid of the shackles of the system.

It can be said that many of the abilities in Rhode’s body will gradually fall behind as the level increases, but the cosmic demon can always accompany him to the highest position.

Rhode was a little self-satisfied in his heart.

He didn’t want to get rid of the system entirely.

His intuition told him that there were no conspiracy theories.

It’s just that although the capabilities of the system are easy to use, there are also some inconveniences.

For example, to and from the quest world, there must be a cooldown period, and it is not possible to come and go at will.

In the world of Chainsaw Man until now, Rhode has not found a way to go back alone.

The world of Kabane is an accident, because of the gift game, he can finally obtain world sovereignty and successfully fix that world.

Otherwise, relying only on the system, I am afraid that it will take a long time to go back.

Although smuggling can lead to some inconvenience, it is more reassuring to have the power to be oneself.

“How, what’s going on? Why do I have a feeling of motion sickness”

Next to Rhode was a dizzy bee-eater.

She hugged Rod’s arm tightly with both hands, so that she barely didn’t fall.

When Rhode felt the prayer and decided to travel through the world, he keenly sensed a strong repulsive force, until he intuitively brought the nearest bee eater beside him, and the feeling disappeared.

[The so-called qualified person is the existence that can withstand part of the host’s personality and cause and effect, and is in harmony with the host’s yin and yang. 】

[They can neutralize the presence of the host, so that the host can squeeze into a complete universe.] Otherwise, the originally conserved universe suddenly adds extra mass, which may lead to the destruction of the universe. 】

The Great Sage’s explanation made Rhode suddenly realize.

No wonder why the gods and Buddhas don’t casually travel through the world to preach in person.

They can’t get down at all.

If you have to force it down, it will only destroy the universe.

Otherwise, only by finding a way to be opportunistic and use a series of means such as rebirth can we successfully come.

However, this method may even cause its own fall, which is also quite dangerous.

[In addition, the system of the qualifier will also be used to circumvent the omnipotent paradox when the host steps into the omnipotent realm in the future.] 】

The Great Sage explained in detail.

Rhodes used the system of qualifiers to forcibly divide an infinite number of persons into finite shares, such as a hundred.

And these selected qualified girls will take on one percent of the unimportant one, thus depriving Rhodes of theoretical omnipotence.

But as the number of denominators gradually increases, the number of characters that Rhodes loses will shrink more and more.

One thousandth, one in ten thousand, one in a million… Eventually infinitely close to zero.

This will also end in the end, both avoiding the theoretical paradox of omnipotence and achieving omnipotence in fact.

Compared to being questioned by the soul every day whether he can mention his own God, Rhode’s future is much easier.

Soon, the voice of the Great Sage sounded again.

[Host capabilities have been synchronized. 】

[The ability to serve the gods has been completed simultaneously. 】

[However, in order to avoid the abnormalities and discomfort that may be caused by the first smuggling, it is best for the host to return within an hour for the sake of safety.] 】

[Wait for Cosmo to synchronize more than twenty percent of the knowledge of the universe, and then enjoy this new world happily.] 】

The Great Sages have always been centered on Rhodes and are absolutely conservative.

She would only be relieved to let Rhode act on her own when it was absolutely safe, otherwise she would be nagging like an old mother.

But if Rhode has a strong willingness to take risks, she will only silently calculate all possible risks for Rhode and live and die with him.

This time Rhode came in a hurry, and he was not ready.

Things over there were also not arranged, so he planned to follow the advice of the Great Sage.

The bee eater shook his head, and suddenly stunned at the strange man who raised a gun at them in front of him.

“What’s going on?”

The air was filled with the smell of mold, and under your feet were slimy moss.

Beeeaters looked at the strange factory in front of them, and finally realized that they were not in the ministry.

Her eyes instantly sharpened, and she immediately pulled Rhode to block him behind her, her fingers pointing at the spectacled man like a pistol.

“Who are you? Why are we here? What about everyone else? ”

The spectacled man recovered from his shock, also pointed his gun at the head of the bee-eater, and asked loudly.

“I really want to ask! Suddenly appeared at our execution scene, are you trying to hinder our law enforcement? ”

The bee eater turned his head slightly, and Yu Guang glanced at the dying young girl on the ground, and his face gradually sank.

“The punishment … Scene…….? ”

The glasses man said awe-inspiringly.

“Ah, that’s right, we’re cops and we’re killing gut monsters. If you leave now, I can still treat it as if nothing happened!” ”

Beeeater took a deep breath and tried to maintain a calm tone.

“You said that girl on the ground is a monster?!”

The glasses man was reluctant to explain.

But thinking of the scene where the bullet hit the man and bounced off earlier, I still had scruples after all.

“Don’t you know? They are cursed sons and sooner or later they will turn into monsters! ”

A bad feeling arose in the bee-eating body.

“Cursed son?”

Ten years ago, almost at the same time that enterozoans first appeared in the world, babies with enterovirus inhibitors were born as if they were fighting it.

At first they were seen as god-given children of antigenic gut animals, but the results were very different.

The only way ordinary humans are infected with enterovirus and alienation is bloodstream infection, and it is not infected through the air.

However, viruses that enter the mouth do not die immediately, and if they happen to enter the mouth of a pregnant woman, the fetus can sometimes accumulate toxicity in the body.

The cursed son has crimson eyes at birth, but he is indeed human.

That is to say, they are born infected with enterovirus, but the rate of alienation is very slow, but one day they will also become enterozoans.

Cursed sons are usually born secretly by rivers and drowned before their eyes can be opened.

In addition, because they have amazing regenerative abilities, they are also vulnerable to abuse by their parents.

Other parents who suffer from the sequelae of war that causes shock at the sight of naked eyes – gastric shock, will not be able to look at their children squarely.

In addition, because genetic genes are contaminated with enteroviruses, even paternity tests cannot prove blood relations, so many people deny that they are legally human.

“……. So, you see, I’m not killing a girl, I’m executing a monster! ”

Rhode narrowed his eyes and lightly added the part that the other party deliberately hidden.

“However, even so, the Cursed Son is monitored and exploited, fighting to the death with gastric animals in order to protect those who want to harm themselves.”

“Cowardly adults enjoy the freedom and safety that young children have worked so hard to buy behind their backs, but they also denigrate them.”

The glasses man’s face turned blue and white for a while, but he couldn’t refute it at all.


The bee eater lowered his head and did not say a word, and his body began to tremble violently.

It wasn’t just anger, there were even goosebumps on his arms.

The first thing that is certain is that she has returned to the new world.

Second, Rhode seems to know the world well.

That being the case, security seems different than worrying.

But this world, what is going on…

Cursed son.

Neither human nor gastric.

Toddlers caught between and not recognized by either party. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Excluded by society, drowned by parents, the value of survival is only used to death.

It is clear that they are also victims, but they are called the ridiculous name of “Cursed Son”, which is full of discrimination.

Beeeater’s mind uncontrollably recalled his former best friend.

In the talent room of Gakuen City, in order to verify the replicant’s technology and the network experiment subject of architecture sharing information, the experimenters used Mikoto Misaka’s cells to clone the first replicant, numbered 0, called Dolly.

She was also unable to find her own value from beginning to end, and was denied by the whole world.

What did the researcher do when he announced Dolly’s death?

Rhode suddenly sighed.

Ask for flowers

“These children can only rely on inhibitors to slow the erosion of enterovirus in their bodies, but as long as they fight, they will irreversibly become enterozoans.”

“Most of them will be strangled at birth, those who survive will be abused to death by their gradually collapsing parents, better will be tortured and killed by angry people after being abandoned, and the luckiest will become partners of the police and die on the battlefield.”

“Even so, they hardly live to be ten years old.”

The bee-eater covered his mouth, his eyes were painful, and his heart was dry.

Good people tend to oscillate between morality and justice.

However, even if he has always demanded high moral standards, the killing intent of bee-eaters is on the verge of breaking out at any time.

Her figure swayed slightly, leaned into Rhode’s arms, and whispered in confusion.

“I… What exactly should I do…”

They are not the natives of this world, and theoretically should not interfere in the right and wrong here.

Although the life of the cursed son is pitiful, it seems that those residents also seem to have reasons for hatred, and they have not yet learned the whole truth, and it is difficult for the bee eater to immediately recognize the position.

And if she lynches to kill, then she puts herself above the law.

Once the psychological bottom line is broken, the ability of psychology to control this extremely dangerous will push her to the extreme.

She will become more and more cold and self-centered.

After all, is she really qualified to judge the so-called wicked in place of the law?

But if she turned a blind eye to what happened to her cursed son, she would probably hate herself for the rest of her life.

Rhode put his arm around the shoulders of the bee eater and said in an inducing tone.

“It is true that you, as a human being, are not qualified to judge good and evil, but I grant you this power in the name of God.”

Bee Eater slowly raised his head and looked at Rhode with wide eyes.

Rhode said in a tone full of majesty.

“All the good you do is a miracle, and all the evil you do is a divine punishment.”

“Grace and karma are all mine, do not have to bear the burden, carry my name and walk the world, I recognize you as justice in the name of Rhodes.”

When human beings give grace to others, they are initially undesired and full of happiness, but often they are eventually kidnapped by morality, forced to become saints, and eventually destroyed by unbearable psychological pressure and self-doubt.

Similarly, when human beings punish others, they will gradually lose their hearts due to their expanding power, and eventually completely become demonic self-destruction.

So some humans have created a rhetoric to circumvent these two outcomes.

I came to help you not because I had a good heart, but because I was guided by God.

I punish you not because I have the highest power, but because you are rejected by the gods.

For better or worse, as long as the gods are used as an excuse, the psychological pressure on human beings will be greatly reduced.

If you want to have many children and be blessed, if you want to rise step by step, if you want to fly to the windfall wealth, you can get psychological comfort by praying to the gods.

Success is due to God’s apparent holiness, and failure is due to one’s own dishonesty.

Escape the objective reality and attribute everything to the gods.

As long as you do this, no matter what you do, you can be invincible at the moral high ground, and you don’t have to feel guilty.

The bee eater was silent for a long time, and suddenly chuckled.

“Also, who made me your god attendant, of course, I can only obey the orders of the god-sama.”

The glasses man was upset and immediately called out to his companion.

“Hey, don’t be stunned, shoot quickly!”

However, the companion did not respond.

He quickly turned his head and saw that his companion had been killed by a headshot at some point.

[The National Contract takes effect, and any damage to the host will be transformed into a random disaster for the Neon Nation.] 】

Because there had been virtual protection before, the National Compact had hardly worked.

This accident took effect, but unexpectedly, it randomly hit the companion of the person in front of him.

It seems a bit too coincidental to look at it.

[It’s just that guy is too unlucky.] 】

Rhode laughed and said nothing.

The Great Sage’s deliberate emphasis seems to have some sense of wanting to cover up.

The spectacled man turned his head for a moment after shock, and met the star-shaped pupils of the bee-eater.

The bee-eater indifferently read all his memories, his expression became even more cold and ugly, and the last trace of hesitation in his heart disappeared.

She took a deep breath and directly brainwashed the other party into her own support.

“You first lurk back to the police station to collect all the lists of dignitaries for me, and today’s incident is said to have encountered a gut biological attack.”

The glasses man nodded, did not look at the former colleague on the ground, and turned his head and left without saying a word.

After doing all this, the beeeater turned around wearily and looked at the girl on the ground with pity.

“She… Is there still salvation? ”

Rhode walked to Qianju Xiashi’s side, ignored the dirt on her body, gently picked her up, and said lightly.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine for a long time. Even if she did stop breathing, Death wouldn’t be able to take her away in my face. ”

Senju Xiashi felt the warmth of his limbs, and his consciousness gradually returned to consciousness.

She let out a “hmm” and opened her eyes slightly, only to see a face exactly like that great being.

She was suddenly a little alarmed.

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