
Chapter 25

"You want to come inside to take a look?" Fendrel asked.

"No need, your majesty, I already know what's inside of a smitty"

"If that's the case, then let's go" Fendrel really wanted to make the most of his day off today.

After all that the two started walking towards his house. But they didn't even get halfway, when suddenly a loud booming warhorn, reverberated all over the village.

'That is a war call, it means that there's a group of armed people, heading in the village' Fendrel immediately analysis the situation.

"Let's go lavender, let's see who interrupt my precious day off" Fendrel said the last sentence in a lowly voice, that lavender didn't heard what fendrel said at the end. So she just nodded to fendrel with a serious expression.


A glaring arrow streaked through the air, with a woshing sound. It landed and stab at the hard land, few inches away from a person's foot. That person flinched, all the people around him also stop, they didn't dare to cross the line were the arrow is. The man on the front open his mouth and tried to say something, but immediately stopped because he heard a loud shout coming out from the watch tower.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!, DON'T EVER CROSSED THAT ARROW!!, OR WE WILL SHOOT YOU ALL!!" The person looked at the watch tower, and was shocked, because he saw an unexpected race. He could not believe in his whole life, that he would see a proud dark elf in this barren land, living as a sentries in some unknown village. If he just heard this from someone, he would smacked that person to death, by giving him a ridiculous news.

"STATE YOUR INTENTION FOR COMING HERE IN OUR VILLAGE!!, IF NOT WE WILL SEE YOU AS AN ENEMY'S!!, AND WILL SHOOT YOU ALL DOWN MERCILESSLY!!..... HUMANS" A glint of killing intent flashed in merry's eyes, her eyes was like that of an eagle, glaring at the humans below with a telescopic vision. If he can find any suspicious movement of the humans below, he will shoot them with a skill, without a second thought.


Fendrel on the other side, he was leisurely walking at first, upon hearing merry's warning. He began sprinting like an arrow towards the watch tower.

"A group of human, I never thought I would see a human this early" Fendrel was having a mixed of emotions, his plan was to become strong enough first, before coming out of the forest, and announced his arrival to this world.

It didn't take long for fendrel and lavender, to arrived at the watch tower. Upon arriving fendrel and lavender, immediately climbed the watch tower, to get a clear look of the humans.

Fendrel saw a group of four people, three male and one female. One was a swordman even though he was wounded, he was still radiating a dangerous aura, while standing there like the wounded on his body was just a bruises to him.

The other was a burly male wearing a full body armor, but his armor was in a sorry state, his gardbrace was broken as if bitten by a vicious beast, you can even see a bite mark on his left shoulder. He was also holding a broken shield and a mace.

The last male was seems to be a thief, he's wearing a light leather armor and having a two dagger as a weapon, just like the other two he was also in a sorry state. The last one, the female was being carried by the swordman, unconscious full of wounds, half of her body was also burnt. They were all wounded, they looked like they just come out from a deadly battle, and somehow some lucky chance came out alive.

"Captain, let's be careful. I heard some rumors that dark elf were the most vicious and unreasonable among the elves." The thief said lowly to the swordman.

"I know, but we don't have a choice. We still ok even if we don't get any treatments. But Sansa will not gonna make it, if he can't get an immediate treatment today." The swordman looked at Sansa with pain visible in his eyes.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!!, STATE YOUR INTENTION IMMEDIATELY" Merry was running out of patience, if not for his majesty's order to not engage humans indiscriminately, if they're not a treat we will welcome them with open arms, that's what his majesty's said to us.

"Wait!, noble dark elf!, we are wounded and not a threat to your noble dark elves settlement!.... We just need some help!, one of my comrade was severely injured!, and need an immediate treatment!... Please help us!... I beg you!!." The swordman then kneeled to show his sincerity, the other two also followed suit.

Upon seeing the three kneeled, merry unload the arrow of his bow, and take his aimed away from the three. She also ordered the other to take their bow down.

"We greeted your majesty!!" All the archers including merry, greeted fendrel when they saw him climbing the watch tower. Merry hurriedly come to fendrel side, to report what had happened.

"Hmm, ok. I can see that they are in a sorry state. And the woman who is being carried by the swordman, is in critical condition" After scanning the four and their degree of wounds, 'I presumed that they encounter a tier2 beast, which is equivalent to a master swordsman, impressive that they come out victorious. They must be strong to kill a tier2 beast' Fendrel speculated that the four of them must be an elite. No, not just an elite, but elite of elites. If this is a game they would be called pro gamer. So he needs to be careful of his choice.

"Your majesty your order" Merry reminded fendrel, when he saw that he was in deep thought. Although it's disrespect to interrupt his majesty, she still remind fendrel because he was touched, when the three kneeled and beg to save their companion.

"Let them in" Fendrel said, having thought about it. Fendrel chose to save and befriend them. 'Well I might be a little paranoid, to think humans are evil in another world. That's just a novel you know, it's not like I can discriminate my ex-race right' Fendrel laugh inside, because of his ridiculousness.

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