
Chapter 26

Carl and his companion were in a kneeling position for some time now, but they didn't feel humiliated or angry.

Carl shifted his gaze at the watch tower, where he saw a new people. The dark elf was talking to a person respectfully, so Carl thought that it should be their chief.

But what puzzled Carl was, that person didn't seem like a dark elf. He doesn't have a clue, of what race that person belong to. He even thought that it was an ogre, but he threw that idea immediately, since ogres were savages and ugly creature. He asked his two companions, but he got the same answer, no, it's also their first time seeing this race.

While racking their brain thinking, what race Fendrel belong to, the gate creak, signifies it being open. All the three faces lit up, Carl sigh in relief. He looked at Sansa, caressed the burnt area on the face of Sansa, before saying.

"Sansa, It's okay now, you are going to be treated shortly. Just hang in there.... I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to protect you" Carl said the last sentence with mixed of guilt in his tone.


The three looked at the wholly open gate, they saw five people coming out of the gate. As they got closer, Carl became clear about the appearance of the five. It's the dark elf he saw at the watch tower. And to his surprise a human, and it's not just an ordinary human. It's a beautiful human that can make any king salivating, and also a powerful one judging from the aura emitting from her. The two in the back was also powerful, they're wearing a full body armor and a sword and shield as weapon. Although Carl saw that their weapon and armor was quite old, he won't dare to look down on them. Because the aura he felt from the two, was not less that of the dark elf, and the human women. Even as a peak elite, he can't say that he can take the two knights on his own.

Carl shifted his gaze at the towering figure infront of him, the aura coming from this person was horrible. He even felt threaten by it, although the other party's appearances was new to him, but he didn't care. It's not like he knows every creature that live on this planet, what he needs to do was to beg to them, to save his comrade.

"Sir, please save my comrade, I Carl and my adventurers team will be forever grateful to sir." Carl begged, he don't want to make a mistake again. He will do anything to save him. Sansa become like this, because of him. She sacrifice herself, she blocked the skill that would have hit him.

They had known each other for a long time, they were childhood friend and born in the same town. When he was still an aspiring adventure, he always train in a remote alleyway of the town. And there Sansa was always by her side, He was only 10 and Sansa was only 9 that time, so he doesn't have any thoughts, aside from being annoyed by her. He asked her, "why do you always follow me?". Her answer make Carl facepalm, "Because... Hmm... I'm bored, hehe".

Since he can't concentrate, when someone was watching him. He offered her to practice with him, Sansa immediately accepted his offer. And since they're poor, and Sansa also doesn't have any talent to become a mage. He give him a bow and arrow, since then the two always practice together. Their friendship also deepened, until they become official adventure and formed an adventurer team.

Carl always thought Sansa as bestfriend, no, that's what he thought so. He always looked for him, and become annoyed when someone flirting with her. He suppressed his feelings to himself, afraid that their almost perfect friendship would crumbled.

But what happened that day, make him realized, how foolish his decision was. When he saw half of Sansa body, being eaten by the fire, writhing in pain. His world crumbled, he felt like his heart was being squeezed, then his sight suddenly blackened. When Carl regain his consciousness, the tier2 beast was already dead. He immediately find his companion, the two was ok, still breathing. He shifted his gaze towards Sansa, Carl never been so happy in his life, when he saw Sansa was still breathing. He picked up Sansa, woke up the two. He immediately ordered the two to get up without explaining. The two also saw Sansa in the Captain's arms, barely breathing.

They had been running, as they are chased by the tier2 beast. So Carl didn't know where they were right now, Carl decided to keep on walking until they found a village. He doesn't have any high hopes, since this a forest where monsters live. He's been racking his brain, what to do. Until he found a village, the village was big and organize.

He almost cried in joy, because he knows living there should be an intelligent species. He knows that it's dangerous, because even it's an intelligent species. Its still a monster that hated humans, but he doesn't have a choice. Even if he die, he will try.

"Bogish, Lask, you two don't need to accompany me. I can't guarantee you two, that they will not shoot us to death, if we disturb their village." Carl drove the two away, these two was like his brother. So he doesn't want them to get harmed, because of him.

"Captain, you're looking down on us, we've been through life and death. We will not leave, you are like my brother to us. If we die, then we can only blame for our bad lack. Don't worry we won't blame you, haha" Bogish reply to him, with a resolute look. Even though his full body armor was broken, and his shield was broken. He was still going to use his body as a shield, to cover his captain, if everything goes to south.

"That's right captain" The thief said, also resolute.

Carl was touched by the twos loyalty. "Well If that's what you want, go ahead.... Thank you" He then began to walk towards the village, with the two followed suit.


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