
Chapter 36


YES (✓) NO(x)]

Fendrel was in a daze for a moment, seeing the notification. Afterwards, he smiled like he won a lottery. Fendrel then press the yes button, with his Shaky hand. What happened next, made him almost puked a mouthful of blood. His smile froze, then looked at the interference with a wry smile.


'System... If you are im my side right now. I already hack you to pieces.' Fendrel thought with annoyance, he just got exited for nothing. 'I thought I can have an easy city.'

Fendrel felt like he got trolled by the system. However, thinking about it carefully. Fendrel's, conjecture was the system take it, as he conquered the City. Because the City was basically empty, after he sat on the throne. The system immediately take it, as though, he conquered the City.

In the game Fendrel need to kill the king/player of that kingdom Furthermore, after killing the king/player. He still needs to make the people submit, he sometimes use a cruel means to make the NPC's submit. Using cruel means was the easiest way to make the NPC's bow their head.

Fendrel open the City's interference, to see the City's current status.





GOLD: 0]

Fendrel then click the repair on the corner, he sucked in a long breath, and bracing himself for the incoming shocked wave.

[REPAIR: 10,000,000,000]

A long line of zeros, almost made Fendrel blind. 'How many zero is that, even my capital in the game, which is a top tier city, only need a one billion gold coins to repair. Furthermore, it got utterly destroyed by the enemy... But this mid tier city need a freaking ten billion.' Fendrel was dumbfounded, even his top tier city. Only need one billion to be fully repaired, however, this mid tier city need a ten billion, that was ten times the price of his top tier city.

Fendrel thought of a reason why the system need such a huge sum. Its either the system just extorting him, or the city have a special building that required a huge amount of gold coins. 'Hmm, the first one was entirely impossible, since the system is not a sentient being. The only possible conclusion was the second one, if it really is. 'Then... I guess I hit a jackpot.' After thinking about it carefully, Fendrel concluded that this city might have a super advanced building. Thinking about it make him feel a little better.

'Well... It's not that bad, atleast I had a mid city now. Although it is damage and useless... One day I will repair this city.' Fendrel thought.

After that, Fendrel opened the whole map of the city. A holographic map of the city, emerged infront of him. Upon seeing the entirety of the city, Fendrel sucked in a cold breath. It's more horrible... horrible than seeing the destruction on land. East side of the city was empty. That right, it's empty, no buildings, plants, etc... As though someone had sucked in the whole place. But what Fendrel didn't know, was even on the outside of it also got emptied, it become desolate, devoid of anylife.

'As far as I remember, only Tier8 being can invoke this kind of destruction.' In the game Fendrel was only a Tier7 Level 763. He was not at the top in the game, and not on the bottom either. At that time, there was only three Tier8 in the game. And they called themselves Emperor. Although it sounded arrogant, nonetheless, they deserve such title.

Fendrel closed the hologram with a long sighed. He was troubled upon knowing, a possible Tier8 existence still roaming in this world.

"I need to get stronger quickly." Fendrel murmured to himself, a glint of burning light flashed in his eyes.


Fendrel decided to rest first, before leaving the city. And continue his mission to find the dwarfs. Fendrel walked through, what he went through before. After an hour of walking, Fendrel saw the dead end just like before. What infront of him was a dense forest.

Although its a dead end, Fendrel knew that it was just an illusion. So he walked through it, in the next moment, Fendrel found himself in a familiar forest. He turned around to see the two gigantic tree, before leaving.



Fendrel was fighting a pack of Horn Rabbits, they were atleast, a ten of them. Moreover, there was a tier1 Horn Rabbit in the group. But Fendrel didn't back down, instead he ordered Lily to isolate the place, so that their noises, won't alert or attract some unwanted beast.

Fendrel jumped backward, to avoid the rabbit's attacked, he then slashed the Horn Rabbit with his sword. The sword cut through the rabbit, leaving it in half. The rest of the Horn Rabbits become fearful, but the Tier1 Horn Rabbit growled at them. After that, the Horn Rabbits continue its attack. Although Fendrel called them rabbits, however, their appearance was that of big rat. They have a very sharp two teeth, a one horn on their head, that can impaled an armor. A strong sharp claw in the front, their only resemblance on that of rabbits, were their ears and the way they moved.

Fendrel coated his sword with a fighting aura, before sprinting towards the Horn Rabbits. In the next moment a massacre began, Fendrel killed all the Horn Rabbits without a problem. The only Horn Rabbit that give him a little fight was the Tier1 Horn Rabbit.

After all that Fendrel continue its journey, walking towards the unknown depths of the forest.

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