
Chapter 37

Two days had passed.

Right now Fendrel was fighting a group of wolves, five normal Wolf and one tier1 wolf. Every time he saw a beast, he thought he can fight. He will hunt them for exp. Furthermore, in this past two days of leveling, he level up four levels.

After killing all the wolves, the system notification rang out. He level up again, He opened his status, to put all the five attribute points to Strength.





STR: 435

AGI: 255

INT: 161








SOLDIER: 405/1000


Fendrel didn't use his skill points, because he wants to saved it, to buy a tier2 skills, after he advanced.

After all that, Fendrel and Lily, continued on walking. After an hour of walking Fendrel stopped. Finally, he saw a village, he hid behind a tree. He peeked at the village, from behind a tree. After that, he saw something unusual. The village was really quite, the wooden fences was full of cracks. As though someone had smashed it.

Fendrel was in dilemma of what to do, he will go and investigate, or not. He was worried that something might have massacre the village, and stayed in there, or the creature living in the village. Either of the two was dangerous.

Furthermore, he didn't dare to storm the village. They were in the middle of the forest, where tier1 beast run rampant. So, even if they were just an orcs or goblins. Fendrel still didn't dare to underestimate the village. Because if they survived this long. Then, they must be strong enough, to fending off the tier1 beast, and possible tier2. He was just a trifling tier1, even if he had a power to fight a tier2 beast. He will still not gonna survived, if he was besiege by a group of tier 1.

The wooden fences was tall enough, so that he can't see what's inside. After some thinking, Fendrel decided to give it a go, and investigate the village. But before that, he asked Lily.

"Lily, do you sense any creature inside the village" Fendrel asked.

"Ahm... Your majesty I'm not sure" Lily said, uncertainty.

"What do you mean, your not sure?" Fendrel's eyebrow arched upwards.

"Your majesty, because I can't feel any creatures. But I do feel a strong presence of mana" Lily said with a confused look.

Upon hearing it, Fendrel become silent. After some time he speak up, with a resolute look.

"Lily, you stay here, ok?. I will go there and investigate the place." Fendrel said.

Seeing the seriousness of Fendrel, Lily didn't say anything. And can only nod, with dejection.

After that, Fendrel then walked sneakily towards the village. When he was close enough to the fences, Fendrel peeked at the hole in the wooden fences, to see if there was someone on the other side. After confirming, no one inside, Fendrel used the 'Leap' Skill to jumped across the fence.

Fendrel landed, looking around. He was surprised to see some houses, not the typical hut, that used by the goblins or orcs. Although the houses where far from the houses he had in his village. It still enough to house a family.

He was near at the entrance of the village, he also saw two watchtower, right beside the entrance. Looking ahead, Fendrel heart skipped a beat, because he saw a building that looked like a smithy. He calmed himself down, before walking towards it with vigilance.

When he arrived infront, he opened the door, then walked in. After that, what Fendrel saw make him exited, it's a smithy. All the things that blacksmith needed was on the left side, anvil furnace, etc...

On the other side, was looked like a bedroom. The place was looked like a house and a workshop combined together. 'The blacksmith, might have loved its works so much, that it didn't want to take its eyes of it.' Fendrel thought.

After looking carefully, Fendrel didn't find anything. Fendrel sighed helplessly inside, 'What a bad luck, when I luckily found a smithy. There was no blacksmith inside.'

Fendrel can only exited the smithy, with a dejected look. However, when he was about to leave. He heard a creaking sound, although it was really faint. He still heard it, because the place was really quiet.

"Hello!!, Is there anyone here!!" Fendrel shouted, but no one responded to him. He didn't stop and shouted again.

"If you're afraid!!, that I will hurt you!!, your wrong!!. I'm here to help you, you should come out!!" Fendrel shouted again, but after some time, no one responded. 'I guess, that was just my imagination' Fendrel thought, and smiled wryly.

But when he was about to, he heard that sound again. This time, he was pissed, Fendrel felt like, as though someone was playing with him. Or did he really become crazy?.

"I will count on three, If you don't come out!!. I will blow this place!!. Don't test me, because I can do that!!." Fendrel tried to scare it, of course, he can't do that.




"Wait, Mister" Suddenly Fendrel heard a voice. The voice was really small, it's like a voice of a child. 'So, I did not go crazy' Fendrel thought, sighing in relief.

"Where are you?!" Fendrel asked

"Ahm... Mister, can you please move aside a little. I think you are on top of us."

Fendrel became embarrass, the moved aside. In the next moment, a trapdoor opened in the place where he stood earlier. After that, two children come out of the trapdoor. One boy and one girl, they were small just like a five year old child. A boy who was a bit taller than the girl suddenly come infront with a sword in its hand.

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