Wang Xuan watched the girl go away. That's why he turned around and looked at the killer who was still loading eggs. When he saw that he was still pretending there, he couldn't help feeling sick, so he said to him, "Hey, brother, can I tell you something?"

"Hum!" The guy sneered, "why, do you want to beg for mercy? Dream about it. I will never let you go, because I am the only one who is unique. A dog like you doesn't deserve to have such..."

"Hey, I said, what's your beep? Who said I'm going to beg for mercy with you? Don't think about beautiful things. I just told you that your knife just now was inserted in the other party's abdomen, so you'd better not lick it. It really can't scare me."

"And if you still have some common sense, you should know that people's abdomen is where their intestines are. What are their intestines for? You know, yes, they are the ones who store excrement. You just stabbed a bucket in the guy's abdomen and almost stabbed it in Ya's excrement bag. Now you are still licking it with your mouth. Brother, let's fight if we want. Don't be so heavy, I can't stand it. "

The killer on the other side is disgusted by Wang Xuan's analysis. He can't help retching. When Wang Xuan was fooling with that guy just now, he had a glance at the surrounding situation and knew that there were no other people in the carriage. They all ran outside and knew that his powers would not be exposed.

In fact, just now, Wang Xuan was shocked when he saw that the guy killed a person without hesitation. When he rescued Bai xun'er that day, he directly pushed out the door of the car for ya. He didn't think how powerful this guy was. But seeing him at this time, he knew that this boy could become a killer. It was not for nothing.

In fact, last time, he should have known something about it. You should know that when he fell from such a fast car, the other side just scratched his skin and didn't have any bullshit. If he still played around with the police, you can see the ability of the other side.

And the most important thing is that the guy still has a knife in his hand. That's why Wang Xuancai explained to ya the structure of the human abdomen, and the things about the other side's knife pricking the bag of excrement and licking the knife. In fact, the main thing is to distract the other side's attention. At this time, the opportunity finally came. Would Wang Xuan give up?

As soon as the thought flashed in his mind, the whole person instantly disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived behind the killer. He kicked him hard and directly on the back of the killer. How powerful was Wang Xuan? He kicked him forward.

While the other side's body flew out, Wang Xuan's body disappeared in the same place again, appeared on the guy's head, and fiercely arched his legs to kick the guy's head again. However, in Wang Xuan's view, it was a sure shot, but it failed directly.

It's not that Wang Xuan's speed is not enough. It's just that he didn't expect that when the guy was kicked out by himself, he slashed on the seat beside him. Then, with this force, his whole body instantly rotated and stabilized his center of gravity with extremely fast speed.

At this time, Wang Xuan's double arched leg kicked him on the head. How could it have hit him? The guy deflected his head and avoided Wang Xuan's foot. At the same time, the whole person suddenly bounced up and kicked out his legs and kicked Wang Xuan on the body.

The speed is even one point faster than Chen long, whom Wang Xuan met before. The most important thing is that he has more strength. When Wang Xuan fell to the ground, he felt that the other side had attacked him. Naturally, he subconsciously raised his arm to stop, because he had confidence in his own body.

After strengthening his powers, his physical quality is not inferior to anyone else's, but Wang Xuan still wants to leave out one point, that is, the other side is also a power, and has been strengthened, even more powerful than his. So when the other side's leg kicks Wang Xuan's arm fiercely, his whole body is kicked from the original place, Flying over the window of the bus.

Wang Xuan subconsciously wants to leave in a flash, but before he can deliver, the damned guy's second foot has already arrived and directly kicks on his head, which makes his brain feel dizzy. The whole person just feels that his body is out of control for a while. The glass window behind him seems to break in an instant, and his whole person flies out of the bus, He fell to the ground.

The huge pain in his head made it difficult for him to gather his spirit, so he couldn't send it away. Moreover, he was already outside the bus at this time. If he sent it away directly, he would leak it. In this country, Wang Xuan didn't dare to say that if he really leaked his ability, he would be dead.

So no matter how, it can't be transmitted away. At this time, the bastard with a knife over there has somersaulted out of the bus and stood in front of him, his eyes full of bloodthirsty intent to kill. "Boy, do you have any last words to say, just say it, otherwise, you won't have a chance?"

Wang Xuangang's heart was still very flustered. At this time, his mind had recovered and his mind was full of twists and turns. When he was thinking about how to escape, he suddenly said such a sentence to the convenience, which immediately made Wang Xuan's eyes shine, and he wanted to make a long speech and delay time.

But before he spoke, he said directly to the convenience, "ten seconds, you only have ten seconds. Seize the last time in your life, hehe hehe." It seems that the other party subconsciously wants to lick the knife, but soon gives up the idea, frowns and looks at Wang Xuan. It's obvious that he thinks of Wang Xuan's saying that he's wearing a bag of excrement. There's more resentment in his eyes. It seems that he's just waiting for Wang Xuan to speak, and he'll kill ya

At this time, Wang Xuan naturally knows what ya's thinking is. At this time, his mind has been able to condense his spirit. In fact, at the most critical time, he can still send away, so he is not so worried. It's just that he doesn't want to. There are dozens of people around him. If he really sends away, he can't go back and hide his identity.

"Oh, it's time. It seems that you have nothing to say. That's good. Goodbye... Oh, no, goodbye to you forever." The guy with a proud smile on his face, the knife in his hand fiercely cleaved toward Wang Xuan, at this moment, Wang Xuan's spirit was tight, and his mind was always thinking, "yes, do I want to send it away, do I want to..."

Just when he felt that the knife was about to cut his head, which made him a little unbearable and decided to blink, he suddenly "touched!" Wang Xuan is familiar with such a sound. It's the sound of a gun. Wang Xuan has heard such a sound more than once. Naturally, he can't hear it wrong.

"There are changes, opportunities!" So he quickly stopped the transmission of ideas, but the whole body suddenly lay on the ground, hands cross, up, in this highly concentrated state, he obviously speed breakthrough, unexpectedly supported each other's knife, let that guy a Leng.

Then a bullet hit him on the wrist and dropped the knife on the ground. The blood splashed Wang Xuan's face. However, Wang xuangen didn't care about it. Instead, he picked up the knife on the ground and poked it at the guy.

Even if he was injured, the guy's speed was not slow at all. His legs bent slightly. Then he bounced up suddenly and retreated towards the back, avoiding Wang Xuan's knife. At the same time, he looked in the direction of the bullet. Wang Xuan saw that the guy was far enough away from him, and then he put down his nervousness and looked at the guy who shot.

But when he saw the shooter, he was stunned.

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