Yes, it's no one else. It's the night red dance who is good at shooting. Last time, the girl in Yujie's house shot Wang Xuan. At that time, she was almost not frightened by Wang Xuan's urine. At that time, the night red dance gave Wang Xuan the impression that a standard pistol can absolutely use six tubes of Gatling's momentum. That kind of person.

So after seeing this chick, Wang Xuan basically took a detour, mainly because he was afraid that she couldn't control her, that pair of hands who were unwilling to be lonely and ready to move. But today, at this moment, Wang Xuan's impression of this chick has changed dramatically. It's really timely to shoot. At the critical moment, it solved Wang Xuan's crisis, If it wasn't for the severe pain, Wang XuanZhen would like to give ya 32 compliments.

To tell you the truth, Wang Xuan has never had a positive impression on the police for so many years. But today, Wang Xuan almost feels that the red dance of that night came from the kingdom of heaven, blooming with countless holy brilliance, just like the messenger sent by the God to save him, which makes his eyes shine.

However, this kind of worshiping mood was directly wiped out when she opened her mouth after the night red dance, because what the girl said was, "Hey, the guy with bloody hands and necks on the other side, you stand up straight for me, don't move, otherwise, Gu Nai's gun won't be quiet. By the way, there's the one pretending to be dead on the ground over there, You stand up for me. Don't pretend to be a dead dog there. You just have the strength to pick up a knife and chop people. You know you can't die. You are still loading wool there. You feel guilty. "

"It's obviously not a good man. I knew I should have shot you just now, but it's the bad luck of that bastard who got shot first, but don't get angry, or you'll die as well. Besides, don't lower your head, lift your head up and let me see what you look like!"

Wang Xuan listened to the girl's words. She was so sad. Originally, she thought she had seen herself here, so she came here to help. Moreover, the shooting method was accurate enough. She hit each other on the wrist with one shot. Just now, she wanted to praise her as a good Chinese shooter, but unexpectedly, she didn't even see what she looked like, let alone help herself.

And listen to what she said, it seems that she didn't aim much when shooting. It belongs to the kind of extensive shooting of who was hit and who was unlucky. At that time, her heart was half cold, and she was upset. She suddenly looked up at the girl and said, "then I'll let you see, I'm such a loser. How do I look good?"

Yehong dance really didn't expect that the person she just scolded would be Wang Xuan. Of course, it doesn't mean that she didn't want to see Wang Xuan. In fact, the reason why she came here is just for Wang Xuan.

Because this morning, she received a trembling report that someone stole his money, which was stolen by aliens. That person's name is Wang Xuan, and it will change into nothing. It's a spy left by aliens among human beings or something. She also said that the other party is going to kill him, which is called a fantasy.

Originally, she wanted to deal with it as a prank, but the other party swore. Even in the end, the guy who clearly reported the case anonymously told his identity. He said that his surname was Huang, and he was Wang Xuan's former boss. He said that Wang Xuan had stolen his money, and then he just quit. I hope she can go to check Wang Xuan. That guy has a nose and an eye.

Night red dance itself is a sense of justice, plus idle people who have nothing to do. Because of the big case in the city before, the Bureau didn't let her participate. She was also idle and was about to take a break. She just thought that she hadn't been to jade sister for a few days, so she planned to come and have a look.

What's more, what she didn't expect was that Wang Xuan was also here. She felt a little guilty because she shot Wang Xuan casually last time. Although she apologized later, she felt a little embarrassed. At this time, she didn't expect to meet someone without any reason. Maybe it was him, There was an embarrassment on his face.

"Wang, Wang Xuan, how could it be you?" Night red dance while holding a gun toward Wang Xuan this way, while son asked.

She didn't feel anything, but the girl's action startled Wang Xuan, because others didn't know the guy's strength. Wang Xuan felt it personally. She moved to attack him in a flash, and was blocked by ya. She gave it back to Wang Xuan like a dog. At this time, the girl even ignored him and made up with him. Isn't she looking for trouble.

So he quickly said, "Hey, you stop, don't come here, that guy, he..."

Wang Xuan's words only said here, even the rest of the warning has not been said, he saw that the guy over there has moved, this time he did not have the slightest fancy action, just slightly bent his legs, and then a sudden shock, the whole person just like a leopard rushed towards the night red dance.

With both hands as fists, she broke the air and rushed towards yehongwu with the wind howling. Yehongwu obviously didn't expect that the guy would attack her suddenly. After all, she had a gun in her hand, but she was also trained. When she saw that the other party was really going to attack her, she immediately fired at him.

"Bang!" Although the bullet came out, it didn't hit the other side, because yehongwu's hand had been punched to the side by the other side, and the other hand hit yehongwu's stomach.

"Touch!" With a dull sound, Yehong dance was directly hit and flew out, then fell to the ground, and the gun in her hand also flew out. The little girl was also fierce. After she fell to the ground, she turned around without any hesitation, but with a dull hum, her abdominal pain was hard to move.

At this time, the guy had already made a wrong step. His legs swung up like a windmill and kicked out at yehongwu's head. Yehongwu, like Wang Xuan, subconsciously stretched out his arm to block it. However, he met the other party's sneer.

The other side's smile is all right, other don't say, Wang Xuan that guy's so strong body, all by Ya's kick five fans three, not to mention she such a chick, so the other side directly showed the scornful smile, mercilessly kicked toward her head.

Looking at his leg, he was about to kick on the body of yehongwu. But at this time, a huge sense of danger suddenly hit him, which made his whole body tremble. He pulled back in a hurry, and swung hard towards his back. With a slap, he directly kicked a hard object and kicked it away.

At this time, I realized that it was a mobile phone. I looked directly at the place where the mobile phone came. I only saw Wang Xuan standing there with an innocent face. When I saw him turn his head to look at it, he spread out his hand. It seemed that he was saying, "I didn't do it, I'm innocent.".

At that time, he was angry to death, "NIMA, do you think I'm a fool? That cell phone is the one you took out on the bus, and you lied to me!"

As soon as Wang Xuan saw that his scheme had been exposed, he immediately gave a embarrassed smile and said, "you can't cheat you. Hey, but don't be angry. I just want to make a friend with you. I don't think you are very rich. I want to give you my mobile phone as a gift. I didn't even give it to that beautiful student sister just now, You can see how sincere I am. "

"Sincerity, your sister, do you think I'm a fool, asshole, I killed you!" Said that guy, then directly toward Wang Xuan rushed over, and Wang Xuan is from the ground to grab a broken glass scum on the bus, hard toward that guy threw in the past, let each other's body a stagnation.

At the same time, he roared loudly, "night red dance, you little girl are still aiming at a fart there. If you don't shoot, or I will die."

The killer just flashed over the broken glass. As soon as he heard Wang Xuan's words, he quickly turned back and looked at the girl behind him. As a result, he found that the girl was trying to reach the gun, but he didn't get it. But why did Wang Xuan say that she aimed and didn't respond? Then he felt that there was a cold wind in the back of his head again, and the dangerous warning came up in an instant, just like before.

He suddenly knew that he had been deceived and thought that Wang Xuan was going to smash something at him again. His eyes suddenly turned red, he suddenly turned back and kicked the object. But it turned out that empiricism killed people. This time, Wang Xuan threw a knife instead of a telephone.

As a result, this guy kicked out hard and collided with Wang Xuan's knife tip. The knife was sharp and powerful. In addition, the killer's back kick was very powerful. As a result, after two collisions, the knife went straight into the opposite foot. Suddenly, the killer snorted, He raised his head and yelled at Wang Xuan angrily, "bastard, mean."

But at this time, Wang Xuan stepped back two steps and laughed, "it's just a defeat for the king. If you want to kill me, are you still polite to me? Look at your stupid × Look like, forget it, it's a waste of saliva to talk to you, that what, goodbye... Oh, no, it's goodbye. "

When Wang Xuan finished talking with him, the whole person ran away and seemed to be avoiding something. At this time, the killer suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and looked behind him. He saw that yehongwu had picked up the gun on the ground. The muzzle of the black hole pointed at him. His eyes were also full of anger and roared, "son of a bitch, die for me!"

Then there was a flash of fire at the muzzle of the gun, and the bullets flew out one by one, and came towards the killer.

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