Chu Yang wanted to follow the Qin Dynasty, but Zhou Shuhan didn't want to. He put his hand around his arm and said, "I don't care about Ma Jian. Anyway, you and you can't go with them."

Zhou Shuhan only cares whether Chu Yang will be taken away, but Fan Jing is thinking about Ma Jian. If Ma Jian is taken away in front of her, Vice Mayor Ma's attitude towards her can be figured out with his feet. So, when Ma Jian called for help, she said, "stop it!"

Mencius once said, "it's a great place to live, to move Qi, to move body."

Status and environment can change a person's temperament.

Fan Jing, as the mayor of a provincial capital city, has been in a high position for a long time and has developed a superior temperament, which is not what ordinary people can pretend to be. Although she is a female, but at this time of a break drink. Even the Qin Dynasty, known as the "princess in the army", was awed by the majestic image and raised its hand to wave.

Mayor fan, please let her take me away. I've been looking for her for seven years! Would you please raise your hand? Aunt fan. Aunt fan, mother fan... Seeing Fan Jing's resolute face, Chu Yang knew that she would try her best to stop the Qin Dynasty. He prayed in his heart that she would never mind her own life.

When Xue Zihao saw the gesture of the Qin Dynasty, he immediately stopped pulling the horse sword. Let him break away and run behind Fanjing.

If they are afraid to take Chu Yang and Ma Jian away, they will not only lose the support of Vice Mayor Ma, but also make their daughter look down upon them. In a very short period of time, Fan Jing weighed the pros and cons, although she also guessed from the fact that the Qin Dynasty did not care about her as the mayor at all. The identities of the Qin Dynasty and others were not just soldiers in the garrison guard regiment. But now, is there room for her to shrink back?

"Comrade mayor, do you have anything else to say?" When the Qin Dynasty asked for this sentence, in the corridor outside the box door, there was a disorderly sound of footsteps, and a faint sound of orders.

When Chu Yang looked at the door, he saw several soldiers, surrounded by two young girls, and a middle-aged man with "big head and thick neck, not the boss but the cook".

Well, it's probably the two girls that Miss Ma molested, not the Qin Dynasty, otherwise he would have been beaten to a pig's head. Chu Yang took a look and began to focus on Fan Jing.

"Now Huaxia is a society ruled by law and the world of the party. Even if someone makes a mistake, he should be handed over to the judicial organs," Fan Jing took a breath, so that he did not look at the people at the door. He said faintly: "the duty of the military is to protect the country and resist foreign regret, not to rely on strong strength to despise the law. If a citizen violates the law, it is natural for the judicial organ to deal with it. Even the party soldiers in the late 1930s knew this, don't you? "

Fanjing saw that the Qin Dynasty had a big future, so he put the solution to the problem on the duty of the soldiers: the duty of the soldiers is to protect the country against foreign remorse, and the soldiers have no right to take away a legitimate citizen who has not tried to split the country and is not a foreign spy. Please bear this in mind!

Alas, every mother's eloquence is hard to get. Chu Yang looked at the Qin Dynasty with the eyes of resentment, and thought: if you talk about the grand truth, ten of you can't compare with a mayor. There is no doubt about this.

Sure enough, after understanding the meaning of Fan Jing's words, the Qin Dynasty was obviously stunned. But then he said domineering: "hum, give that hooligan to the local government? I don't believe the local government will handle this matter impartially. "

"You say Ma Jian is a hooligan," see Qin Dynasty into the set, Fan Jing more at ease, light asked: "that evidence?"

"I am the evidence!" As soon as Fan Jing's voice fell, one of the two girls at the door came into the room.

The girl who came in was no more than 20 years old. She was wearing a school uniform with the badge of "Qilu Normal University" and two pigtails with sheep's horns. From the simple appearance, it doesn't look like a college student at all. Instead, it looks like a quiet little loli.

At this time, with anger on her white face, little Lori pointed to a trembling saber: "just now, my classmates and I went down to the hall to get drinks. When this man stopped us, we talked nonsense and started to move. I just called someone to clean him up. If you don't believe me, you can ask my classmates. "

"Mengmeng, come here." The girl said and waved to another girl in the same school uniform at the door: "tell them, did that guy touch us just now?

The girl named Mengmeng. After hearing that the parents of Jinan City were here, she didn't have such an "imposing manner" as a girl. After hearing the companion's greeting, he hesitated for a moment, then put his hands and fingers in front of his belly, and moved in step by step. I dare not raise my head and stare at the floor. "Yes, it is," he whispered

From her timid eyes, Chu Yang can see that this cute girl is not the same as the Qin Dynasty. Maybe it's just a sheep's horn to identify a girl's classmate.

"Boss Lian, were you there at that time?" Since Fan Jing is going to take out Ma Jian. Naturally, the witness will not be taken away just because Qin Dynasty has come there. So she just took a light look at the girl called Mengmeng, and asked the sad looking boss at the door.

I'm numb next door. If I can't deal with this matter today, my hotel will have to close down. It's all fuckin 'blame on Ma Jian. Why do you mess with these Bulls? Even the boss scolded Ma Jian in his heart. He walked into the room with a smile on his face that was flattering on both sides: "Mayor fan, Ma Jian, he, he..."

When you see the boss's squeaking, you know what other girls say is right. He also scolded Ma Jian in his heart: "it's a straw bag that can't accomplish enough and can't defeat enough. Why did I think Tangtang liked it before? Well But since things have happened, the most important thing is to solve the immediate problems first. Fan Jing said, "well, I know. Even boss, it seems that there is some trouble today. You'd better go out and call the police. Let the police take care of it. "

"OK, OK, I'll call the police!" Even the boss repeatedly promised, turned and ran out. In fact, when I saw Ma Jian being chased around by two soldiers. Even the boss has called the police. However, when the police arrived, the military had already controlled the hotel. Now the police are arguing with the military at the door because they can't come in to "rescue" Mr. Ma.

"Sister. What's the matter with Xue Zihao? " Since the Qin Dynasty was here, she didn't stop even the boss from going to the police. The little girl didn't ask much. She was surprised to see that Xue Zihao had blood stains on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you for your concern. I was beaten. " Xue Zihao was a bachelor. He didn't wait for the Qin Dynasty to say anything, but he admitted that he was beaten.

"Ah?" The girl didn't expect anyone to beat Xue Zihao. Her face was full of surprise: "who else dares to beat you? Oh, by the way, why do people beat you? "

I knew he was a soldier of the Qin Dynasty. I must have beaten him to death just now... In that case, my mother would not be able to protect me, and the Qin Dynasty would have taken me away. Chu Yang looks at Xue Zihao with regret, hoping that he is a villain who will repay him. You can let the Qin Dynasty take you away.

"Because he wanted to insult girls." But without waiting for Xue Zihao to say anything, Fanjing took over the words at the right time: "little girl, when you and your classmates are insulted by horses and villains, you can't resist him. What do you think of first?"

well. The little girl is going to be taken in. After hearing Fan Jing's question, Chu Yang smiles in his heart.

Sure enough, the little girl didn't even think about it, so she replied, "of course, I'm looking for someone to deal with him!"

"Yes, after the girl was insulted by the bad guys, when the police couldn't arrive in time. Of course, it's right to find someone to deal with him! " Fan Jing continued to set a trap for the girl: "then I ask you again, if you find someone to deal with the bad guy, is the behavior of the person who dealt with the bad guy right?"

"Of course." The girl didn't notice Qin Dynasty and Xue Zihao at all. Their brows began to wrinkle. I thought Fan Jing was going to blame Xue Zihao and Qiu Qingxiu. In a positive tone, he said, "it's not only right, but also meritorious."

"Meritorious? Ha ha, this leading comrade, did you hear what your people said? " Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Fanjing no longer paid attention to the girl, but asked the Qin Dynasty: "your soldiers were beaten when they wanted to insult my daughter. According to the little girl's words, the person who beat him was not only right, but also meritorious. Why did you take him away, since you have done so much? Leading comrades, please give me a clear statement. "

"It's that guy who wants to insult us... To take him away? What's the matter? " At this time, the girl also saw that something was wrong, and then she looked at the Qin Dynasty.

"Mengyao, stop talking and stand aside." Qin Dynasty stares at his sister. Then he said to Fan Jing, "Comrade mayor, you may have misunderstood me for saying that I want to..." and pointed to Chu Yang, who is now very honest: "I mean to take him away. I took him away just because I admired his ability to defeat Xue Zihao. I just wanted to compete with him. I didn't mean to embarrass him. "

"Oh. So it is. It seems that I misunderstood you Fan Jing nodded suddenly and said, "however, my son-in-law doesn't want to fight with others for no reason, so I don't have to go with you?"

Your son-in-law? Chu Yang heard Fan Jing say this sentence, some silly: when did I become your son-in-law?

My mother really is, speak a bit not implicit, but it is said to my heart.

After hearing Fan Jing's outspoken address that Chu Yang is her son-in-law, Zhou Shuhan complains about her in his heart. Then he glances at Chu Yang shyly and feels sweet again. However, thinking that Chu has not divorced his wife, it is still a long way to become his mother's son-in-law.

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